Saturday, December 28, 2013


Got a much later start than normal, but we finally made it to The RAC.

We both did blended workouts - some cardio, some lifting (lifted back). We both ended with our respective steam rooms. Sweating even more after earned sweat is awesome.

Earned our last hour on the last day of Battle of the Bulge. I ended up with 20 points and Chad with 17. Curious to see what "prize" I receive for having achieved 20 pts or more.

Always feels good to sweat and usually improves a mood (I was in a HORRIBLE mood going in and even during most of my workout).

Adios, amigos.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Back in the Noke, Back to the RAC

Last week of the Battle of the Bulge and I've been determined to earn at least 20 points to earn whatever prize may be in store.

I currently have 17 points and Chad has 12 or 13 as his trip to Cashier's didn't help on the exercise front.

We did 1 hour this morning.

Chad started out downstairs with Cardio - did the elliptical and then bike totaling 1/2 hr.

I headed upstairs and did a rendition of Lift 'n Run sometimes substituting mountain climbers and air squats for the run. Did that for about 45 minutes. Lifted chest and did abs as well.

This is what it looked like when I got up there at first (a few people were in classes and maybe in other areas) but quite different than usual. It filled in with some of the regulars after a bit. Chad came up and did 1 set of chest, bis, and tris each.

Then we did a WOD I found on The WOD Shop.

***Substituted Rope Slams for Slam Balls since those weights aren't available and made it 15MIN AMRAP.
KATE: 6 + 140m row
CHAD: 6 + 90m row

One more hour down. Just have to hit up tomorrow on the final day of BotB!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Crunch

Since we didn't do anything on Christmas Eve, we ended up resorting to a basement workout at my parents'.
They have free weights, a Bowflex, ab roller, trampoline, among a couple of other random things.

So, what better way to try and burn off some calories while the cookies are backing than a random basement workout?!

Just tried to keep the heart rate up by throwing in body weight exercises in between lifting, ran up and down the stairs a couple of times, even used the old school exercise tramp while boxing with weights. Whatever it takes, right?

At least we got some sweat on - certainly not even close enough to counteract the calories in - but it's better than nothing at all!

So, we did at least an hour of exercise while in Erie to add to our last week for Battle of the Bulge.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Running Around

Chad and I went for a run seemingly right when it started to sleet. A little chilly to start, but glad we went before we ran around town some more.

Chad ran a 5k and I did what my Garmin said to be 3.71 miles.

First workout since Thursday, December 19th.

We've got to keep it up for the rest of the week to make sure we hit our 3 hour goal for the last week of the Battle of the Bulge.

Definitely want to keep it up as we go forward. It's a good amount of time, and of course, anything beyond it is even better.

2 sleeps until Christmas!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Last One For The Week

We had to get 1:15:00 in before leaving for PA for the Battle of the Bulge. So we did it.

Back Squat


Calf Raises
3x10 @ 120#

Alternating Lunges
3x10 @ 40# barbell

Sumo Goblet Jump Squats 3x10 @ 40# ea hand
Sit Ups 3x20

 Mixed Bag

  • Step Ups (some weighted)
  • 10 box jumps
  • Boxing
  • 250m row 
  • 10min treadmill

Doesn't remember what he did.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cardio & Steam Tuesday

Got a little bit of a late start, but I still wanted to log some sweat, so I made Chad get out of bed and go with me!!

We both just did Cardio and capped it off with another sit in the steam room.

15 min on Precor EFX Elliptical
15 min running on the treadmill

30 minutes on the bike

Chad's experience in the steam room is quite different than what I experience. Luckily there's never another soul in there with me, but he had 7 other dudes in there with him, many of whom were in just their birthday suits. Some even shave their faces whilst in there.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Case of the Mondays

Back to the grind. We got our workout on. Clocked another hour for the Beat the Bulge.

Back Squat

Calf Raises
3x10 @ 120#

Alternating Lunges
3x10 @ 40# barbell

Sumo Goblet Jump Squats 3x10 @ 40# ea hand
20 sit-ups

Step Ups (some weighted)
10 20" box jumps
250m row

Extra Cardio
10min treadmill

Steam Room.

Arms and Chest on machines.

15 minutes on bike
10 on elliptical

Steam Room.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Solo Saturday

Chad's out of tow definitely wanted to earn my 3 hours at the gym, especially because I was meeting my buddy Sarah for breakfast at Froth after.

Naturally, I awakened at 5am (boo) and chilled out until about 7:15 or so and got my rear in gear.

I did the Lift n' Run as I know it provides me with a high caloric burn. I have been feeling a bit under the weather and felt really tired and funky when I got there, but as time went on, I felt better.

I did, if I so accurately recall:

With 1 lap (7.5 laps = mile) after each set, doing sets of 3x10 of each:

  • Bench 45/65/65# w/ super set bench abs
  • Hang Power Cleans 65#
  • Thrusters 3x10 #55
  • KB Swings 35#
  • KB Sumo DLHP 35#
  • KB Lunges 35#
  • Shadow Boxing (hook, uppercut, jab) 10# ea hand
Super Sets Without Laps:
  • Loop Pulldown Abs
  • Mountain Climbers
So lap wise, that's 21 laps - roughly 2.8 miles. I don't think I did any extra laps.

Definitely got a sweat and a burn. Time includes warm up and brief cool down.

Breakfast was fun and delicious at Froth - how have I never gone there prior to today? Their lunch menu also looks awesome.

Started feeling cruddy again, so it's been a cozy day in with Miss Piggy. No Christmas Parties for me tonight.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Everybody's Twerking for the Weekend

The shirt I will be wearing to (t)work today courtesy of Brandon Hall.
So we went to the Square Society Christmas Party last eve and had a good time. We also took in a little late night reggae by Lazy Man Dub Band at Cornerstone, but had definite plans to hit the gym in the morn.

I woke Chad's arse up and we hit up the RAC.

We both did a combo of the Lift 'n Run - sometimes running in between other times doing other exercises (Chad push ups, Kate air squats, mountain climbers, and abs) for about a half an hour. I focused on my back and Chad did chest and tris.

Then we hit up the Cardio. I did 11 minutes on the XT20 bike (with arms) and 11 on the Precor EFX and Chad did 13 on the recumbent bike and 10 on the elliptical.

Another solid hour in the books for Battle of the Bulge. Had to work off some of last night's calories, right?

Whistle while you twerk.

Quick Thursday Cardio Sesh

Got up early and ended up tidying some things up around the house and it was already 6, but definitely had to get to the gym, so we ended up getting there a little later than normal but did 30 minutes of cardio.

I did 10 on the Octane Lateral X, 10 on the treadmill, and 10 on the ArcTrainer.

Chad 13 minutes on the bike and 17 minutes on the stair climber.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Whew, It's Wednesday!

So we sat out a few days - 3 to be exact - and really needed to get back to it today.

Was feeling tired and congested, but once we got started, the sweat helped a bit. Still felt a bit beat up, but we went nonetheless.


Some laps
Bear Complex 45/65#
Bicep Curls
3 x 10 ea arm @ 15#
Ab Loop Leg Lifts
Tricep Kickbacks

Different Lifts


60sec TABATA
Rope Slams
Step Ups
Jump Rope
Wall Balls
KB Swings
TRX Ring Rows


500m Row

Chalk it up to 1 more hour in the battle of the bulge!!

Saturday Sweat Off

Well I had written something up but my computer restarted.

So here's what the Garmin said I burned doing Run 'n Lift, etc. Chad also did the same, but I'm sure his burn was higher.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Start 'er Off Right.

We got our rumps up and got to the gym on this very foggy morning. Went with the ol' Run 'n Lift circuit again (run a lap after each set). Unfortunately, someone used the restroom adjacent to the weight room area we were using and it was revolting and distracting at the same time. I literally gagged not once, but twice. I was brought to coughing and tears every time I returned from running a lap. Just offensive. So we had that going for us.

Trying to recall what I did - bench, power hang cleans, push press, calf raises, iso pulley row, weighted abs, supermans, 2ct mountain climbers, and ended with a plank. I left my Garmin on the whole time from Warm up to Cool Down to capture HR and calories. These were my results:

Chad did push press, cleans, tricep extensions, calf raises, lat pulldowns, abs and laps, of course.

As always, we both ended our workout with some complementary coffee.

Thanks, RAC!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Already?

This'll be short and not as detailed as usual.

On Sunday, 12/1, we helped our friends demo their kitchen for the better part of the day. Chad certainly worked off more than I did, but at any rate, it was something to offset some of what calories went in...

Monday, 12/2
We got our rumps up and headed to the RAC. I focused on legs and abs and ran a few laps. Then i did 25 minutes of various cardio machines. I forgot my Garmin and HRM, but guessed on what I did. Chad's back hurt and his arm was bothering him, too, so he stuck with the recumbent bike and steam room.

Tuesday 12/3
Got up in the AM again and headed back to the RAC. This time I focused on my guns and Chad did more back and chest since his arm is still hurting. Again, did not Garmin/HRM it, but I did run a couple of laps as well. Did some abs and mountain climbers, too.

Haven't done the Pub Run in a little while so we are going to get after it tonight; especially because the temps aren't quite as cold (but really, we did just run in 20 degree temps at the Drumstick Dash). Looking forward to it. I will be equipped with my Garmin and HRM this evening.

Well, I'm finding out that wheat bread may no longer be my friend. Have to sit out this Pub Run (super bummed!) but Chad is getting after it! Go, Chad, Go!! 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

First Post Turkey Workout

Gotta get our burn on after what we've eaten and drank over the past few days!! Up and at 'em! We met up with our MF friends and I started out with them but just wasn't feeling the workout so I did what I set out to do before we got there.

2 laps

10 toes to bar-ish
40 hanging loop abs
1 lap

3 sets of 10 with a lap after each set
*i may have forgotten an exercise or two!

  • Weighted Calf Raises
  • Dumbbell Snatches 
  • Row
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Front Squats
  • Bench
  • Push Press
24 laps = 3.2 miles

Finished with 30 Burpees on the 30th

Burned a lot of calories according to my Garmin and HRM (rough estimate, of course), certainly not more than I have taken in, but it's a start.

Chad worked out with our Mud Freaks friends. They did 3 min max reps of the following:

2 laps

Clean and Press
Front Squat
Dumbbell Snatches
Back Extensions

2 laps

Here's to burning more off and beating the bulge!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Drumstick Dash

We decided to take Piggy with us for the Drumstick Dash!! We also had our friend Amanda G with us and our goal was to try and stay together for as long as we could. A "family" run, if you will.

The temperature was QUITE COLD - a whopping 26 degrees - then factor in the wind chill. BRRR. We layered up accordingly.

The crowd was immense, bigger than when it ran it in 2011. Plus, I had to run with Piggy the whole time but she did great! We took it slow and I honestly felt great the entire time, could have run for much longer or run it faster. We lost Chad on a bridge. We finished shortly thereafter. All in all a good way to burn off a little before we ate and drank in thanks. Definitely not breaking any records during such a huge race.

Here's what my GARMIN said (I forgot to turn it off for a little after), and here are the 2013 Drumstick Dash Race Results.

Thanksgiving Photos


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cold, Dark, and Rainy...

...but we went anyway again! This time, much to our delight, it was dead; quite the antithesis of last evening. It was great. We started with a warm up of the dynamic stretches, foam rolling, and a brisk walking lap.We also ran into our friends Matthew and Gary and worked in with them for a bit, too. We capped it off with a quick WOD. My caloric burn was not very high, but that's aiiiiight.

So after we lifted - I joined in with the fellas on some triceps and then branched off and did some hanging abs and bench pressing - Chad and I did the WOD. We had already been at the gym for an hour-ish, so we had to get moving:

250m row
25 rope slams
25 wall balls (10#/15#)
K 8:58
C 9:50

I wore my watch the whole time (minus warm up) and this is what registered:

Monday, November 25, 2013

It Was a Chilly, Dark Night...

...but we went anyway. We joined a Beat the Bulge Challenge Nov 24 - Dec 28 to exercise at least 3 hours a week at the RAC, so that will keep us motivated, too; especially with the much cooler temps and darkness when we could otherwise be running outside!

I will also say that after seeing that zoo tonight, we'll be more motivated to get our tails out of bed in the AM to avoid it! All of the meat head college kids are back and it was busy as can be in every direction. We didn't even get there 'til 6!

Bicep Curls 
3x10 @ 15# ea arm
1 lap after each set

Tricep Kickbacks
3x10 @ 12.5# ea arm
1 lap after each

Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch
3 x 10 @ 25# ea arm
1 lap after each set

Tricep Dips
1 lap after each set

3 laps until 30:00min
15 laps = 2mi
HRM Results

Bicep Curls
3X10 @45
1 lap after each set

Bench Press
1X10 @135
1X10 @205
1X8 @225
1 lap after each set

Push Press
1X10 @135
1X10 @155
1X10 @165
1 lap after each set

Bench Curls
3X10 @95
1 lap after each set

3 laps until 30:00min

:30 sec ea
Weighted sit-ups (10#/12#)
Russian twists (10#/12#)
Leg raises

Sunday, November 24, 2013

What's the Happs?

Since Tuesday, we have taken lazy/rest days on Wednesday and Thursday and got back to it on Friday.

Friday, November 22nd
We each took Runch.
I ran 4 and Chad ran 2 while using my MapMyFitness on his phone instead of his therefore he did not save it. 

Saturday, November 23rd
We took it back to the RAC and did a lift 'n run circuit.

I used my Garmin to detect caloric burn. Inaccurate mileage and HR during part due to loss of satellite and sensors sliding down respectively.
Isometric Row 
1x10 @ 25# ea arm
2x10 @ 35# ea arm
1 lap after each set

Reverse Fly
1x10 @ 55#
2x10 @ 40#
1 lap after each set

Bent Over Barbell Row
1x10 @ 45#
2x10 @ 65#
1 lap after each set

Hang Power Cleans
3x10 @ 66#
1 lap after each set

Weighted Jumping Sumo Squats
3x10 @ 25# (2 12.5#dumbbells held together in front of me)
1 lap after each set

3x10 @ 15# ea arm
1 lap after each set

18 laps = 2.4mi
7.5 laps = 1mi

Isometric Row 
3X10 @135
1 lap after each set

Preacher Curls
3X10 @110
1 lap after each set

Power Cleans
3X5 @115
1 lap after each set

Power Cleans
3X5 @165
1 lap after each set

500m Row
1 lap 

Shoulder Press
3x5 @165
1 lap after each set

Front Squat
2X5 @135
1 lap after each set

18 laps = 2.4mi
7.5 laps = 1mi

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Got a late start and just walked around the track to warm up. Really struggling with motivation. Wondering if it's due to lack of a plan or routine. Feel like a whale lost at sea. At least we went, but the waiting around for the Synergy Room and lack of direction kind of made me feel a little lackluster during the WOD. I went after it, but I didn't have the tenacity I should've, however, I felt like I could have done more and wasn't just wasted after it. Just have to keep pluggin along...


K 10/10/5/5/3

C 10/8/8/8


"Burp Up UR Row!"
500m row
5 burpees
5 sit-ups
400m row
10 burpees
10 sit-ups
300m row
15 burpees
15 sit-ups
200m row
20 burpees
20 sit-ups
100m row
25 burpees
25 sit-ups
K 18:46 *wore my HRM and watch to capture data
C 19:55

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catch Up

Figured I'd catch you up with our recent activity since the 12th. We've also back to using MyFitnessPal to track our food intake and activity after not having used it for awhile, although, we have not used it for Friday evening through Sunday. We will resume in the AM.

Wednesday, November 13th

I was battling with a bad bout of PMS and lack of motivation. We ended up doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred Level 3 instead of nothing. Definitely didn't feel as difficult as it used to in our pre-crossfit days, but still a challenge and a quick way to work up a sweat.

Friday, November 15th

Kate Only
AM 21-15-9 Burpees & Situps in the Kitchen
PM 4mi Runch

Sunday, November 17th

Cedar Point WOD
50 Air Squats
50 Lunges
50 Single Count Mountain Climbers K did a mix of 1 and 2 ct
50 Jumping Jacks
25 Push Ups K did on knees - I've lost a lot
50 Situps
28:18  *left it running the entire time - even arm movement added "mileage" on situps

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gonna Be Some Changes Made

My cousin Aaron visted this past weekend and we did two hikes - McAfee's Knob on Saturday and Mill Mountain on Sunday. Definitely got our workouts in! He's a very fit guy and a PT to boot, and he gave us some advice since we have been plateauing and feeling like a we need a change. He reminded us that no matter how you eat (Paleo or not) it's Calories In and Calories Out. So, we're changing things up a bit in that we're going back to using MyFitnessPal, but this time we'll still try and incorporate more Paleo meals, but not shy away from things such as whole grains and see how we do with that. We've tried a lot of different angles and methods over the years, but seems this may be more suitable than tracking Paleo % and what I've eaten without the nutritional value in front of my face. No stranger to diets and exercise, but we are in search of a lifestyle change that can be maintained. It's a way to incorporate old and new and what we've learned. Here's hoping this is the way.

Also, being no strangers to CrossFit, Circuit, and HIIT, we are always after ways to confuse our muscles and bodies and not being stagnant. Aaron is a fan of a few days a week where you run a lap after each set, not after each exercise group. This way you aren't resting. That's what we did today. After each set of lifts, we ran a 200m lap totaling 10laps/2000m/1.25mi.

Warm Up

Foam Roll
Dynamic Stretches


Smith Squats 
*haven't done weighted squats in a LONG time and regular squat areas were taken.K
3 laps

3 laps

Weighted Calf Raises
3 laps

3 laps

Single Leg Bench Lunge 
2, 20# dumbells = 40#
3x10 ea leg
3 laps

Air Squats
4 laps

Hanging Ab Crunches
1 lap

We have plans to do the Pub Run this evening if it's not too cold or windy. We shall see...

I'll leave you with a great song by a musician we were lucky to see at Floyd Fest last year (but bummed he didn't play this!!)

Friday, November 8, 2013



Foam Rolling
Dynamic Stretches



2x10 @ 15# Bicep Curls
1x10 @ 15# Hammer Curls
3x10 @ 10# Tricep Kickbacks
3x10 Dips
1x10 @ ?# Preacher Curls
1x10 ea arm Resistance Tube Curls
1x10 @ 15# Concentration Curls
3x10 Ab Strap Leg Lift Crunches
3x10 @ 20# Tricep Bar Extensions


3X10 @ #35 Hammer Curls
3X10 @ #85 Preacher Curls
3X10 @ #80 Tricep Pullsdowns
3X10 @ #40 1 Arm Curls


2 laps = 1/4mi

2 laps
30 4ct Mountain Climbers
2 laps
30 Lunges
2 laps
30 Air Squats
2 laps
30 Sit-Ups
2 laps
K 16:05
C 17:16


500m row

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back to It

After being completely exhausted from a bad sleep on Sunday night and needing yet another morning on Tuesday and forgoing the Pub Run since I hit my head pretty hard on a door frame yesterday, we got back to it today.

Warm Up

Dyanmic Stretches
Foam Rolling


Had to listen to middle-aged blowhards talk about how in shape they are. Nauseating. Juxtaposed by an older age gent talk singing during his step class, which is so humorous and entertaining.

Hang Power Cleans
*Felt Heavy Today - Collarbone RED! 


250m row


10 wall balls (10#/15#) *not the best wall ball selection
10 burpees
10 American KB swings (30#/40#)
K 5 + 7
C 4 + 13

Monday, November 4, 2013

Cool November Runnings

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st - Chad and I decided to run the trail by Parkway after work. It's a pretty path and one I know pretty well from running it over lunch a few times. We took a shorter route as we started from Parkway instead of Robertson. Here's my RUN. Felt sluggish.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd - We went over to our friends' house to watch the PSU game outside on their sweet deck, but I had a hair appointment scheduled for 2:45pm, so I decided to run there and back. Definitely felt a bit sluggish after having some food and 2 beers prior to my run out. I bought a water at the mart near the salon and drank that whole bad boy down. The run back was a little less strenuous, but the wind made it a bit tough. Here's my RUN(s). Again, felt a bit heavy, but that's probably because I am up on the LBs.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd - We met up with some folks for the EWOD which consisted of weighted runs down, up, down, and back up the huge hills on Red Lane behind the Hope Tree Facilities followed by 5 burpees while your partner rests. Repeat. This was a 35 minute AMRAP. I carried a 25# plate and Chad carried a 45# plate. We completed 5 rounds.  Then, the entire group took one last hill sprint - unweighted - to cap it all off. It was a good one!! It was nice to get it done early as we had our Blue Ridge Browns Backers Tailgate that afternoon/evening.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Warm Up

Foam Roll
Dynamic Stretches


Push Press
K 5/5/5/3/1
PR is 90#, yet this felt extremely heavy. Time off killed my strength. Pissed off and not mentally in it today. 
C 10/10/10/8/5

Dual Pulley Row
Dual Pulley Pulldown
K 3 x 10 @ 75#
C 3 x10 @ 105#

2 laps



Row 500
15 dumbbell dead lifts
K 15 4ct mountain climbers
C 15 sit-ups, 15 air squats
K 15:01
C 19:08 *including poop break

K 2 laps

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Back at the RAC

HELLO Is it the RAC you're looking for? | Lionel Richie 

K Sprint from car in the rain

Warm Up

Foam Roll
Dynamic Stretches




Weak sauce today
Front Double Leg Lift

2 laps

Bicep Curls
3 x 10 ea arm

Hammer Bicep Curls
1 x 10 @ 15#

Concentration Bicep Curls
3 x 10 @ 15#

Tricep Kick Backs
2 x 10 @ 12.5#
Bench Dips

Dumbbell Tricep Extension
2 x 10 @ 20#

2 laps

250m row


20" Box Jumps
American KB Swings (30#)




2 laps

Crossover Cables
10 X 3 @ 60

Dumbbell Curls
10 X 3 @ 35

Dumbbell Tricep Ext
10 X 3 @ 60

Row 500m

Run 2 Laps

5 Cleans @135#
5 STO @ 135#



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Got the Runs

I was running...
Run, Bollards, Run!

We did not go to the gym this week, but we did RUN.

Tuesday 22nd we did the Fleet Feet Pub Run at Fork in the City on a beautiful Fall evening.

Thursday 24th I ran 4 miles during a late lunch but did not have my Garmin and my MapMyFitness stopped after 1.33 miles. I did it in under 40 minutes, though.

Saturday 26th I ran 4.5 miles from Black Dog Salvage to the Roanoke Downtown City Market. I could have gone longer, but was meeting back up with Chad and the fam and the second I stepped into the City Market my watch hit 4.5 exactly.

Sunday 27th we ran with our friend Matt for a couple of hours during his 13 hour training run (complete with obstacles and dips in the river) for the World's Toughest Mudder. He is inspiring as all get out. I'd wager to say we ran in the ballpark of 5.5ish miles. Sure, there were times we walked or paused, but we were active from the time we got there 'til when we left.

Feels good to get out there and amp up on the running again. Just have to accompany it with our RAC WODs, too. Craving the run. Love the run.

Gotta run.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


So our plans to do the EWOD with our friends at 1:30PM did not exactly happen.

We thought Sinkland Farms opened at 10AM, when in reality it opened at 1PM. Needless to say, we were the first (and only) ones there...other than those preparing for the day.

So we set out into Christiansburg, a town in which we've never spent any time, and got some errands and shopping done. Target, Home Depot, Michael's - a nice little Sunday. Even hit up Wendy's before heading back to Sinkland to only find out that their advertised time of 1PM didn't hold up; people had arrived and entered prior to that! Fail.

At any rate, we went and had a great time (but I was upset we didn't get to EWOD with our bros and hos!) but we enjoyed being outside on a beautiful Fall day and even got to see our friends for a few minutes. We picked pumpkins, petted animals, took photos, enjoyed hot cider, and went on our merry way.

I, however, felt we should do something active once we got back so we did the following very abbreviated "WOD":

5 Hill Sprints (Cedar Point's entry hill is no joke)

Playground "WOD"
25 Air Squats
10 Bench Step Ups per Leg
20 Burpees in the Grass

10 Bench Step Ups per Leg
5 Playground Traverses (run up the wooden wall, crawl through the pipe, slide down)
20 Burpees in the Grass
2 Bear Crawls Across the Playground Grass
5 Horizontal Push Ups (on playground border)

Something was better than nothing, but I won't lie, I much rather would have been EWODing. We did have a nice day and we do have pumpkins, so we will have to do some sort of Pumpkin (or Punkin) WOD before we carve 'em.

Get Your Booty Outside, ROVA

It's been a beautiful Fall weekend and what better way to enjoy it than get outside?!

We headed to the GO OUTSIDE FEST in the AM, but we did, we actually ran on the Greenway for about 20 minutes with Piggy before entering the festival grounds. We have been to this festival the past couple of years and we both agreed this year's setup was the best so far. It was well organized and thought-out and had a good flow. There were also more activities and vendors - all in all a job well done. Unfortunately we didn't get to enjoy any of the music the night before or that evening due to previous commitments, but they did book some good acts for patrons to enjoy for FREE, just like the festival.

Our favorite event is the Dog Jump and I found my future car (or so I hope!). It won't be purchased anytime soon, but man is she a beaut. I currently drive a bright yellow car and have vowed I will always have to buy a bright color from here on out. With my favorite colors being green and orange, I'd drive either. This happens to be an ORANGE SUBARU!! Eeek. Maybe someday.

Then we went downtown to the Elmwood Park ReOpening featuring the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra and Roanoke Ballet performing "Peter and the Wolf." It was great to run into some friends and take Piggy to such a neat event.

Then we were off to our friends' Chili Cook Off (our 3rd year attending) and visiting some more friends after that.

All in all, a great day.

Barbells for Boobs

Chad and I got the opportunity to participate in Barbells for Boobs on Friday, October 18th at Brickhouse Crossfit.

What a cool and meaningful event!! Collectively Chad and I raised $380 and the entire Brickhouse team raised nearly $18,000. With $80 paying for 1 mammogram, that's a lot of mammograms! The founder told a great story about how her friend was denied a mammogram due to being a youthful 26, so she and her friends did Grace to raise funds for her to pay for her treatment. There were also survivors present, which was quite powerful as they gift them with a pink bra necklace symbolizing them getting their bras back. Chad's (and now my) Aunt Karen is a Breast Cancer Survivor, so we did this for her and every other person who has been and will be affected by this horrible disease. The hope is to help those with early screenings to SAVE LIVES.

There were two competitive heats for those contending for the medal stand followed by 5 heats of those to give it a try "for fun." Both Chad and I beat our first and only attempt we had performed at the RAC a week before - Chad RX'd at 135# at 3:11 and I lifted 65# for #3:23 (or was it 3:21). I'd love to try it at a heavier weight - I know I could do it - but I was erring on the side of caution as I have had my share of shoulder issues in the past. I was also going for speed! We do plan on doing GRACE periodically to measure how we are progressing, however, nothing improves your time more than adrenaline and the support from others cheering you on!! It was a great atmosphere!

We were very glad to have been part of this event and hope to participate in many years to come!!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Definitely needed rest and sleep yesterday, got up early, but didn't end up going to the gym, so I took matters into my own hands and came up with a put the "FU" in Fun Run to do after work in this lovely weather. Chad thought it'd be a good idea to go to Cave Spring Middle School Track. It was indeed.

Here's what we did this evening:

1/4 mi Run
25 Air Squats
1/4 mi Run
25 Push Ups
1/4 mi Run
25 Lunges
1/4 mi Run
25 Burpees
x 2.

Follow the "View Details" link to see the lowdown.

Also, don't forget we are doing BARBELLS FOR BOOBS on FRIDAY!! Please DONATE!!

Monday, October 14, 2013


So we haven't been to the RAC nor done any substantial physical activity worth noting since Wednesday. Lack of sleep and Breaking Bad served as part of the excuse, the other - laziness. There were even times that I felt like doing something but just didn't. It's the struggle, the daily struggle, that sometimes gets the better of me. Still working on it but never, ever giving up.

I could have slept for days this morning and I really needed the sleep, plus it was raining, so needless to say we did not go to the gym this morning. We did, however, make plans to meet after work so we took our workout duds with us!

Here's what we did:

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches


Bench Press

Dumbbell Flys
Dumbbell overhead Flys
Front Straight Double Leg Lifts
Outward Reach Crunch (feet on bench)
Upward Reach Crunch (feet on bench)
3 x 10 @ 10# on everything (no lbs on sit-ups)

Dumbbell Flys
Dumbbell Press
Front Straight Double Leg Lifts
3 X 10 @ 25# on everything (no lbs on sit-ups)

Run 2 laps = 1/4 mi


7 burpees
7 American KB Swings
7 Sit-ups
K 5 2/3
C 5


Pulls ups with band (my it's been awhile)
20 rope slams
20 tramp ball throws (15#)
Jump rope with bad ones!
Row 500 2:05.2
Sprint 2 laps

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Barbells for Boobs!!!

Chad and I are doing Barbells for Boobs next Friday, October 18th to raise money for Breast Cancer Prevention through Screening.

Please Donate If You Can!

Kate's Page
Chad's Page

Party in the USA

Monday was mighty rainy and I wasn't feeling so hot, Tuesday we had a difficult time waking up and ended up missing our post-work chance to run since we were both stuck at work late and had a commitment at 6pm. Alas, Wednesday AM was the answer - and hoping to pop out for a run this evening in this lovely Fall weather!

Warm Up

Foam Rolling
Dynamic Stretches


Iso Seated Row
K 3 x 10 @ 75#
C 3 x 10 @ 125#

Lat Pulldown
K 3 x 10 @ 75
C 3 x 10 @ 105

Bent over row
K 3 x 10 @ 45#


30 Clean & Jerk (or Press) For Time (65/135#)
C 3:51
K 4:21 *Need to rest less. Good practice for Barbells for Boobs!

500m row


Tramp Ball Throws
Opposite Leg/arm extensions
Floor Leg Extension Crunch

CSome sort of situps?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

EWOD Sunday

Got a nice group together at Green Hill Park in Salem for a lovely EWOD in this lovely weather. Thanks to Andy, Angel, Alicia, Bob, Chad, Jesse, and Joe for a fun time! Oh, and Piggy even joined us for the running portion, too!

What we did:

10 Rounds E(5/4)MOM 
(First 5 were Every 5 Minutes, Final 5 were Every 4 Minutes)
Run with Weight (about 90 yds each way) out and back

I started out with a 25# plate for the first several rounds - can't remember if it was for 4 or 5 rounds - and then switched to two 10# plates and what a difference it made! I certainly gained more speed with two instead of one awkward weight only 5# heavier!

Goal was to pace yourself and decide how much recovery time you wanted.

Angel rocked some tunes for us out of her car, but unfortunately didn't realize her battery died. So, we jumped her. What a perfectly suitable ending to a great time.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Just for Fun

Chad, Piggy, and I decided to go to Garst Mill for a quick fun run before watching the PSU game. We just did a light jog with her - maybe a 1/2 mile total - and collected some kindling wood and got on our merry way.

Sure, it wasn't a WOD or extreme in any way, but we got outside and enjoyed some weather with our sweet fur kid.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oh No, I Got to Keep on Moving

Got back to ye ole gym again this morning. Felt (and looked) like a blimp, but at least we got it done. Today I'm looking forward to trying out a new chiropractor near work, Old Navy Stuff 'n Save, and then taking in the BROWNS vs. Bills game in the comfort of our own home. Here's hoping they can pull off a third win in a row!!

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches
Foam Roll


Hammer Curls
1 x 10 @ 15#

Bicep Curls
1 x 7 @ 20#

Isolation Curls
1 x 10 @ 15#

Tricep Kickbacks
1 x 10 @ 10#
10 dips
1 x 10 @ 10#
10 dips

Skull Crushers
1 x 10 @ 10#
10 dips
1 x 10 @ 10#
10 dips

3 x 7 (steps) @ 12.5#

Bicep Curls
3 X 10 40#

Bar Curls
1X10 65#
1X10 75#
1X10 85#

Tricep Pulldown
3X10 90#


10 Power Cleans (65/135#)
Run 200m 
10 Plate OHS (25/45#)
K 13:15
C 13:54

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We're Baaaaaaaack

...After the back fiasco. After 7 full days of stretching, heating, cracking, and now using a TENS (first time last night and it's awesome), we are back. Still going to get a massage and most likely set something up with a chiropractor and perhaps a doctor to address it.

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches


K 5/5/5/5/3/2
10/8/8/8/'til failure

2 laps = 1/4mi

Dumbbell Chest Flys
K 2 @ 15#, 2 x 5 @ 12.5#
C 3 x 10 @ 25#

Dumbbell Pullovers
K 2 x 5 @ 12.5#
C 2 x 10 @ 25#

2 laps = 1/4mi


"The Neil"
37 Burpees
37 Situps
370m Row
K 7:33*
C 7:47*
*I forgot my time and Chad didn't see his, so these are estimates.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Where Is My Motivation?

Green Day's "Longview" comes to mind these days. It's been 1 full week since we have done any sort of exercise. Shame. My back is still bothering me and I just feel sore and even my knees are bothering me today.

We were going to do an outside running WOD after work since we didn't wake up to go to the RAC, but it's difficult for me to feel like it when I have this pain in my ass/back. No joke.

I know I need to buck up and just get 'er done, but I don't know if running and lifting will exacerbate my issue even more, or if some movement might do a body good.

At any rate, I need to find my motivation mighty soon because I'm not getting any thinner or stronger by eating like I have coupled with inactivity.

It's an inner battle that I need to figure out and just press on. It's a way of life, it's not temporary; this I know. Hoping Chad and I can just help each other get back to good after breaking bad.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Temporarily Benched

So I did nothing yesterday, and I don't plan on doing anything again today. But, we'll see.

I woke up at 3:30AM and could not go back to sleep - somewhat due to the pain I'm experiencing in my lower right back and glute area. It's not fun.

I just wish my body would follow the determination in my mind to do another Half, but in light of recent events, I'm not certain this will be possible...this year.

I'd like to get to the root of the issue and really hope it's not due to a surgery in vain.

Such is life, and there's always room for improvement.

If not today, there's always tomorrow. Yes, it goes against the whole Carpe Diem attitude, but I'm trying to handle this in the balance of wisely, but not too conservatively.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No Running!

Blah, my plan to XF and Run was foiled today. My excuses? I didn't sleep well enough to wake up and go to the gym this morning and my lower back, where I had a deep-set lipoma removed 2 years ago (which did help for awhile but what is most likely the scar tissue from the removal of it), is really bothering me and causing pain. Running probably isn't the best idea tonight. Plus my legs are a bit sore, so with everything said, I don't want to compromise anything else. Plus, I really do need new shoes. However, MUST hop back on the train tomorrow. Try and XF and a Run. For now, I'll be treating this blasted back of mine and stretching.

Sorry to disappoint. I'm a bit miffed myself.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mighty Monday Part 2

So we went to the RAC. It was packed, so we just dove right into the WOD after warming up...

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches



15 Thrusters (65/95#)
20 Russian KB Swings (35/45#)
250m Row
K 13:41
C 13:48


KB Side Bends 20 each side


K ball crunches and back

Mighty Monday Pt 1

Soooooo we didn't get up to go to the RAC this AM, so I insisted we pack our gym bags and meet there after work.

I'm thinking some Bodybuilders and Thrusters - maybe KB swings - are in order.

Also, I think, let me emphasize THINK, I am going to try and run the Star City Half Marathon on November 23rd!! With my recent emphasis on increasing my weekly mileage anyway, what better way to hold my feet to the fire than to sign up for another Half?!

Here's my proposed training schedule. The signing up must occur to make it REAL.

I do need some new shoes and inserts, so I guess that's a bit of incentive, too! Plus running in the Fall is ideal!! I also noticed I was in the best shape when I was running more and CrossFitting. Hoping I can make it happen as I am in desperate need to drop some lbs.

Stay tuned for our update after BollardWODSquad hits the RAC this evening...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cool(ish) Runnings

Since we took Friday off, we decided to take advantage of the cooler morning temperatures and run on Saturday AM.

Although it wasn't quite as cool as I had hoped, it was still pretty nice - just a bit humid. I had also enjoyed a couple of adult beverages and not the healthiest of food the evening prior, so I wasn't in top running shape. It felt a little bit difficult, no lie. I need to up my game with the running. I really want to build back up, so here's part of my buildup.

Do you remember the 21st night of September?

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches


K 5/5/5/5/3/2/0*fail

Cable Crossovers
3 x 10 @ 20#ea arm
Roman Chair Abs
3 x10

Bicep Dumbbell Curls
2 x 7 @ 17.5
Hammer Curls
1 x 7. @ 17.5

Tricep Kickbacks
2 x 10 @ 12
2 x 10

S Bar Curl @ ?
1 x 20

Tricep Rope Pulldown
3 x 10
1 @ 25
2 @ 27.5

Bench Press 4X10

Cable Crossovers
3X10 @ 

Arm Curls
3X10 @ 

Preacher Curls 

3x10 @ 65 lbs

Reverse Curls
3x10 @ 


"Getting Leggy With It"
10 DL (135/235#)
Run 100m
10 AS
Run 100m
C 12:09
K 12:20

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Run for Fun

Since we didn't make it to the gym, we decided to hit up the Pub Run. Can't believe it's been as long as it has considering it used be nearly a weekly thing for us! The Fall weather was a welcome change. I tried some super light Adidas as it was sponsored by them this week. Really need to get back into running more frequently again as I can certainly tell I haven't been, despite my metcon work at the RAC.

Would love to do another (much flatter) half, but really need to build back up to a 10k again before entertaining that idea gain.

At any rate, we came, we ran, then we ate some tacos at Village Grill's Taco Tuesday.

Looks like a rest day tomorrow and back to the RAC on Thu, Fri, and most likely Saturday...unless I decide to go for a 4 mile run. Maybe both?!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Back At It

Have to start the week off right and stick to a more strict schedule of working out. Also trying to clean up the diet even more (especially during the week) since the LuRong Challenge is underway again. Might as well hop to it!! The weekends do kill us, though. So some more discipline during Friday - Sunday would definitely be of benefit as well. Just got to keep it up! Can't say I don't grow frustrated with little or no progress when it seems I have been pretty consistent, but hoping it starts to show soon; staying on a better Paleo track will help as it did in the past.

Warm Up

Foam Roll
Dynamic Stretches


K High Bar Back Squats
Boy, why does this feel so damn heavy?!
Inverted Squat Machine
2 x 10 @ 140# (plus machine weight)
Weighted Calf Raises
2 x 10 @ 60#
1 x 20 @ 60#
Weighted Walking Lunges
2 x 12 @ 35# barbell

DUs - still can't relax?!? So tense.
20 slam balls @ 15#

C Inverted Squat Machine/Calf Raises
Calf Raises
3 x 8 @ 400#
Chest Press
3 x 10 @ 90# each arm
Front Squats
3 x 5 @ 205#

300m Row


"Swing, Slam, Lift"
Russian KB Swings (30/40#)
Rope Slams
Double KB Deadlift (30/40# ea arm)
K 6:56
C 7:02

C 300m Row
K 1 min Russian Twist
Punching Bag/Boxing

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Run in the Sun

It was such a beautiful day, we decided to take Piggy on a quick run and toss the Chuck-It a few times before the Browns started. So glad we did. She was tuckered out!! I didn't wear any equipment or track how long or far or fast, just enjoyed our time out in nature with our Pup at Garst Mill.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

On the Edge of Glory

Good FALL Mornin' to ya!!

Since we failed to WOD on both September 11th and Friday the 13th, we decided to combine them into one Saturday WOD. I also got to try out my Lulu Journey Crops. They were a little shifty (in a bad way) during the MCs, but other than that, they felt great!

Here's what we did:

Tribute in LightSeptember 11th
46 x 4 [ for the 184 victims Pentagon & Flight 77 victims]
46 4ct Mountain Climbers
46 Dumbbell Snatches (25/60#)
46 Air Squats
46 Push Press (50/95#)
1 mile run [distance around the Pentagon]
K 20:20
C 23:02

Friday the 13th
13 min AMRAP
13 sit-ups
13 hand release push ups
K 7rds + 13 sit-ups + 3 push-ups
C 6rds + 13 sit-ups

500m row
C 1:45 ish
K 2:06.5

Now we can enjoy our weekend with a little less guilt. Happy Saturday, everyone!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

C'mon Ride the Train

Nothing takes ya back like hearing a song. While we were warming up the 2006 hit "Hips Don't Lie" came on first followed by the 1996 dance tune "C'mon 'N Ride It"; I couldn't help but do a few of the choo-choo movements.

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches


Power Cleans
1/1/1/1/2 failed attempts
45/65/75/85/95* failed
PR = 100# and was hang power cleaning 85# yesterday WTF?!
Dumbbell Bicep Curls 1 x 10 @ 15#
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 1 x 10 @ 15
Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks 1 x 10 @ 10#
Bicep Bar Curl 1 x 10 @ ?
Bench Dips 1 x 10

2 laps run = 1/4 mi


Rope Slams
8:52 *a dude came in and cramped my style, had to move some things around and adjust, thus slowing me down a tad

10 15# tramp ball throws
1 min American KB Swings = 21
30 sec weighted jump rope

Chad's Workout

Due to Chad's Gout Toe rearing its ugly head, he did his own thing...
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 3 x 8 @ 40#
Bicep Cable Curls  3 x 10 @ 50#
Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 10 @ 135#
Bicep Bar Curls 3 x 8 @ 95#
Ab Crunch Machine 30 reps
500m row
5 min on recumbent bike
250 m row

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Got to keep the momentum to keep the streak alive, so we hit the RAC up this evening. It may not have been pretty or overly intense (especially after not the greatest night's sleep and after a day of work) but by golly, we went. I also tried out my Lulu Groovy Run Shorts. I found I need to drop a few LBs and they will fit a little better.

Warm Up

Foam Roll


Push Press (hang power clean from bench)
K 5/5/5/5/5/3
C 5 x 5

Ran 2 laps to loosen up


"Lazy Man's WOD"
Pull Ups (K Purple band C Green band)
K 7:44
C 8:09

K 1 min sit-ups 32
K 32 sec plank hold
C 250m row

After a day and a half of recommitting ourselves to a majority Paleo diet aka better and healthier lifestyle, we ended up going to Bellacino's for dinner tonight. Sure, could have gotten salad, but we ended up going with a side salad and the PIZZA special. So we caved for a good cause - to support Chuck Storm! We each purchased a t-shirt and 10% of all food sales from today are also of benefit. We can't forget about an additional side perk - the joy of seeing our friends of The Mud Freaks waiting on us :)

It's been a rough couple of days, so comfort food always helps soothe someone to a degree, but the discomfort of seeing flub in places it shouldn't be and clothes not fitting the same can certainly keep someone on track. I wore my new Lululemon Groovy Run Shorts, but was a bit miffed at how much more snug they were even since I tried them on and purchased them in Charlotte the day before Key West. I've got A LOT of WORK to do to get back to the shape I was in during LuRong last Fall and Half Marathon training this past Spring. As does Chad. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.