Monday, September 30, 2013

Where Is My Motivation?

Green Day's "Longview" comes to mind these days. It's been 1 full week since we have done any sort of exercise. Shame. My back is still bothering me and I just feel sore and even my knees are bothering me today.

We were going to do an outside running WOD after work since we didn't wake up to go to the RAC, but it's difficult for me to feel like it when I have this pain in my ass/back. No joke.

I know I need to buck up and just get 'er done, but I don't know if running and lifting will exacerbate my issue even more, or if some movement might do a body good.

At any rate, I need to find my motivation mighty soon because I'm not getting any thinner or stronger by eating like I have coupled with inactivity.

It's an inner battle that I need to figure out and just press on. It's a way of life, it's not temporary; this I know. Hoping Chad and I can just help each other get back to good after breaking bad.

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