Monday, September 16, 2013

Back At It

Have to start the week off right and stick to a more strict schedule of working out. Also trying to clean up the diet even more (especially during the week) since the LuRong Challenge is underway again. Might as well hop to it!! The weekends do kill us, though. So some more discipline during Friday - Sunday would definitely be of benefit as well. Just got to keep it up! Can't say I don't grow frustrated with little or no progress when it seems I have been pretty consistent, but hoping it starts to show soon; staying on a better Paleo track will help as it did in the past.

Warm Up

Foam Roll
Dynamic Stretches


K High Bar Back Squats
Boy, why does this feel so damn heavy?!
Inverted Squat Machine
2 x 10 @ 140# (plus machine weight)
Weighted Calf Raises
2 x 10 @ 60#
1 x 20 @ 60#
Weighted Walking Lunges
2 x 12 @ 35# barbell

DUs - still can't relax?!? So tense.
20 slam balls @ 15#

C Inverted Squat Machine/Calf Raises
Calf Raises
3 x 8 @ 400#
Chest Press
3 x 10 @ 90# each arm
Front Squats
3 x 5 @ 205#

300m Row


"Swing, Slam, Lift"
Russian KB Swings (30/40#)
Rope Slams
Double KB Deadlift (30/40# ea arm)
K 6:56
C 7:02

C 300m Row
K 1 min Russian Twist
Punching Bag/Boxing

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