Friday, December 13, 2013

Everybody's Twerking for the Weekend

The shirt I will be wearing to (t)work today courtesy of Brandon Hall.
So we went to the Square Society Christmas Party last eve and had a good time. We also took in a little late night reggae by Lazy Man Dub Band at Cornerstone, but had definite plans to hit the gym in the morn.

I woke Chad's arse up and we hit up the RAC.

We both did a combo of the Lift 'n Run - sometimes running in between other times doing other exercises (Chad push ups, Kate air squats, mountain climbers, and abs) for about a half an hour. I focused on my back and Chad did chest and tris.

Then we hit up the Cardio. I did 11 minutes on the XT20 bike (with arms) and 11 on the Precor EFX and Chad did 13 on the recumbent bike and 10 on the elliptical.

Another solid hour in the books for Battle of the Bulge. Had to work off some of last night's calories, right?

Whistle while you twerk.

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