Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Already?

This'll be short and not as detailed as usual.

On Sunday, 12/1, we helped our friends demo their kitchen for the better part of the day. Chad certainly worked off more than I did, but at any rate, it was something to offset some of what calories went in...

Monday, 12/2
We got our rumps up and headed to the RAC. I focused on legs and abs and ran a few laps. Then i did 25 minutes of various cardio machines. I forgot my Garmin and HRM, but guessed on what I did. Chad's back hurt and his arm was bothering him, too, so he stuck with the recumbent bike and steam room.

Tuesday 12/3
Got up in the AM again and headed back to the RAC. This time I focused on my guns and Chad did more back and chest since his arm is still hurting. Again, did not Garmin/HRM it, but I did run a couple of laps as well. Did some abs and mountain climbers, too.

Haven't done the Pub Run in a little while so we are going to get after it tonight; especially because the temps aren't quite as cold (but really, we did just run in 20 degree temps at the Drumstick Dash). Looking forward to it. I will be equipped with my Garmin and HRM this evening.

Well, I'm finding out that wheat bread may no longer be my friend. Have to sit out this Pub Run (super bummed!) but Chad is getting after it! Go, Chad, Go!! 

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