Thursday, December 5, 2013

Start 'er Off Right.

We got our rumps up and got to the gym on this very foggy morning. Went with the ol' Run 'n Lift circuit again (run a lap after each set). Unfortunately, someone used the restroom adjacent to the weight room area we were using and it was revolting and distracting at the same time. I literally gagged not once, but twice. I was brought to coughing and tears every time I returned from running a lap. Just offensive. So we had that going for us.

Trying to recall what I did - bench, power hang cleans, push press, calf raises, iso pulley row, weighted abs, supermans, 2ct mountain climbers, and ended with a plank. I left my Garmin on the whole time from Warm up to Cool Down to capture HR and calories. These were my results:

Chad did push press, cleans, tricep extensions, calf raises, lat pulldowns, abs and laps, of course.

As always, we both ended our workout with some complementary coffee.

Thanks, RAC!

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