Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cold, Dark, and Rainy...

...but we went anyway again! This time, much to our delight, it was dead; quite the antithesis of last evening. It was great. We started with a warm up of the dynamic stretches, foam rolling, and a brisk walking lap.We also ran into our friends Matthew and Gary and worked in with them for a bit, too. We capped it off with a quick WOD. My caloric burn was not very high, but that's aiiiiight.

So after we lifted - I joined in with the fellas on some triceps and then branched off and did some hanging abs and bench pressing - Chad and I did the WOD. We had already been at the gym for an hour-ish, so we had to get moving:

250m row
25 rope slams
25 wall balls (10#/15#)
K 8:58
C 9:50

I wore my watch the whole time (minus warm up) and this is what registered:

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