Sunday, October 20, 2013


So our plans to do the EWOD with our friends at 1:30PM did not exactly happen.

We thought Sinkland Farms opened at 10AM, when in reality it opened at 1PM. Needless to say, we were the first (and only) ones there...other than those preparing for the day.

So we set out into Christiansburg, a town in which we've never spent any time, and got some errands and shopping done. Target, Home Depot, Michael's - a nice little Sunday. Even hit up Wendy's before heading back to Sinkland to only find out that their advertised time of 1PM didn't hold up; people had arrived and entered prior to that! Fail.

At any rate, we went and had a great time (but I was upset we didn't get to EWOD with our bros and hos!) but we enjoyed being outside on a beautiful Fall day and even got to see our friends for a few minutes. We picked pumpkins, petted animals, took photos, enjoyed hot cider, and went on our merry way.

I, however, felt we should do something active once we got back so we did the following very abbreviated "WOD":

5 Hill Sprints (Cedar Point's entry hill is no joke)

Playground "WOD"
25 Air Squats
10 Bench Step Ups per Leg
20 Burpees in the Grass

10 Bench Step Ups per Leg
5 Playground Traverses (run up the wooden wall, crawl through the pipe, slide down)
20 Burpees in the Grass
2 Bear Crawls Across the Playground Grass
5 Horizontal Push Ups (on playground border)

Something was better than nothing, but I won't lie, I much rather would have been EWODing. We did have a nice day and we do have pumpkins, so we will have to do some sort of Pumpkin (or Punkin) WOD before we carve 'em.

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