Saturday, December 28, 2013


Got a much later start than normal, but we finally made it to The RAC.

We both did blended workouts - some cardio, some lifting (lifted back). We both ended with our respective steam rooms. Sweating even more after earned sweat is awesome.

Earned our last hour on the last day of Battle of the Bulge. I ended up with 20 points and Chad with 17. Curious to see what "prize" I receive for having achieved 20 pts or more.

Always feels good to sweat and usually improves a mood (I was in a HORRIBLE mood going in and even during most of my workout).

Adios, amigos.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Back in the Noke, Back to the RAC

Last week of the Battle of the Bulge and I've been determined to earn at least 20 points to earn whatever prize may be in store.

I currently have 17 points and Chad has 12 or 13 as his trip to Cashier's didn't help on the exercise front.

We did 1 hour this morning.

Chad started out downstairs with Cardio - did the elliptical and then bike totaling 1/2 hr.

I headed upstairs and did a rendition of Lift 'n Run sometimes substituting mountain climbers and air squats for the run. Did that for about 45 minutes. Lifted chest and did abs as well.

This is what it looked like when I got up there at first (a few people were in classes and maybe in other areas) but quite different than usual. It filled in with some of the regulars after a bit. Chad came up and did 1 set of chest, bis, and tris each.

Then we did a WOD I found on The WOD Shop.

***Substituted Rope Slams for Slam Balls since those weights aren't available and made it 15MIN AMRAP.
KATE: 6 + 140m row
CHAD: 6 + 90m row

One more hour down. Just have to hit up tomorrow on the final day of BotB!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Crunch

Since we didn't do anything on Christmas Eve, we ended up resorting to a basement workout at my parents'.
They have free weights, a Bowflex, ab roller, trampoline, among a couple of other random things.

So, what better way to try and burn off some calories while the cookies are backing than a random basement workout?!

Just tried to keep the heart rate up by throwing in body weight exercises in between lifting, ran up and down the stairs a couple of times, even used the old school exercise tramp while boxing with weights. Whatever it takes, right?

At least we got some sweat on - certainly not even close enough to counteract the calories in - but it's better than nothing at all!

So, we did at least an hour of exercise while in Erie to add to our last week for Battle of the Bulge.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Running Around

Chad and I went for a run seemingly right when it started to sleet. A little chilly to start, but glad we went before we ran around town some more.

Chad ran a 5k and I did what my Garmin said to be 3.71 miles.

First workout since Thursday, December 19th.

We've got to keep it up for the rest of the week to make sure we hit our 3 hour goal for the last week of the Battle of the Bulge.

Definitely want to keep it up as we go forward. It's a good amount of time, and of course, anything beyond it is even better.

2 sleeps until Christmas!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Last One For The Week

We had to get 1:15:00 in before leaving for PA for the Battle of the Bulge. So we did it.

Back Squat


Calf Raises
3x10 @ 120#

Alternating Lunges
3x10 @ 40# barbell

Sumo Goblet Jump Squats 3x10 @ 40# ea hand
Sit Ups 3x20

 Mixed Bag

  • Step Ups (some weighted)
  • 10 box jumps
  • Boxing
  • 250m row 
  • 10min treadmill

Doesn't remember what he did.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cardio & Steam Tuesday

Got a little bit of a late start, but I still wanted to log some sweat, so I made Chad get out of bed and go with me!!

We both just did Cardio and capped it off with another sit in the steam room.

15 min on Precor EFX Elliptical
15 min running on the treadmill

30 minutes on the bike

Chad's experience in the steam room is quite different than what I experience. Luckily there's never another soul in there with me, but he had 7 other dudes in there with him, many of whom were in just their birthday suits. Some even shave their faces whilst in there.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Case of the Mondays

Back to the grind. We got our workout on. Clocked another hour for the Beat the Bulge.

Back Squat

Calf Raises
3x10 @ 120#

Alternating Lunges
3x10 @ 40# barbell

Sumo Goblet Jump Squats 3x10 @ 40# ea hand
20 sit-ups

Step Ups (some weighted)
10 20" box jumps
250m row

Extra Cardio
10min treadmill

Steam Room.

Arms and Chest on machines.

15 minutes on bike
10 on elliptical

Steam Room.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Solo Saturday

Chad's out of tow definitely wanted to earn my 3 hours at the gym, especially because I was meeting my buddy Sarah for breakfast at Froth after.

Naturally, I awakened at 5am (boo) and chilled out until about 7:15 or so and got my rear in gear.

I did the Lift n' Run as I know it provides me with a high caloric burn. I have been feeling a bit under the weather and felt really tired and funky when I got there, but as time went on, I felt better.

I did, if I so accurately recall:

With 1 lap (7.5 laps = mile) after each set, doing sets of 3x10 of each:

  • Bench 45/65/65# w/ super set bench abs
  • Hang Power Cleans 65#
  • Thrusters 3x10 #55
  • KB Swings 35#
  • KB Sumo DLHP 35#
  • KB Lunges 35#
  • Shadow Boxing (hook, uppercut, jab) 10# ea hand
Super Sets Without Laps:
  • Loop Pulldown Abs
  • Mountain Climbers
So lap wise, that's 21 laps - roughly 2.8 miles. I don't think I did any extra laps.

Definitely got a sweat and a burn. Time includes warm up and brief cool down.

Breakfast was fun and delicious at Froth - how have I never gone there prior to today? Their lunch menu also looks awesome.

Started feeling cruddy again, so it's been a cozy day in with Miss Piggy. No Christmas Parties for me tonight.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Everybody's Twerking for the Weekend

The shirt I will be wearing to (t)work today courtesy of Brandon Hall.
So we went to the Square Society Christmas Party last eve and had a good time. We also took in a little late night reggae by Lazy Man Dub Band at Cornerstone, but had definite plans to hit the gym in the morn.

I woke Chad's arse up and we hit up the RAC.

We both did a combo of the Lift 'n Run - sometimes running in between other times doing other exercises (Chad push ups, Kate air squats, mountain climbers, and abs) for about a half an hour. I focused on my back and Chad did chest and tris.

Then we hit up the Cardio. I did 11 minutes on the XT20 bike (with arms) and 11 on the Precor EFX and Chad did 13 on the recumbent bike and 10 on the elliptical.

Another solid hour in the books for Battle of the Bulge. Had to work off some of last night's calories, right?

Whistle while you twerk.

Quick Thursday Cardio Sesh

Got up early and ended up tidying some things up around the house and it was already 6, but definitely had to get to the gym, so we ended up getting there a little later than normal but did 30 minutes of cardio.

I did 10 on the Octane Lateral X, 10 on the treadmill, and 10 on the ArcTrainer.

Chad 13 minutes on the bike and 17 minutes on the stair climber.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Whew, It's Wednesday!

So we sat out a few days - 3 to be exact - and really needed to get back to it today.

Was feeling tired and congested, but once we got started, the sweat helped a bit. Still felt a bit beat up, but we went nonetheless.


Some laps
Bear Complex 45/65#
Bicep Curls
3 x 10 ea arm @ 15#
Ab Loop Leg Lifts
Tricep Kickbacks

Different Lifts


60sec TABATA
Rope Slams
Step Ups
Jump Rope
Wall Balls
KB Swings
TRX Ring Rows


500m Row

Chalk it up to 1 more hour in the battle of the bulge!!

Saturday Sweat Off

Well I had written something up but my computer restarted.

So here's what the Garmin said I burned doing Run 'n Lift, etc. Chad also did the same, but I'm sure his burn was higher.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Start 'er Off Right.

We got our rumps up and got to the gym on this very foggy morning. Went with the ol' Run 'n Lift circuit again (run a lap after each set). Unfortunately, someone used the restroom adjacent to the weight room area we were using and it was revolting and distracting at the same time. I literally gagged not once, but twice. I was brought to coughing and tears every time I returned from running a lap. Just offensive. So we had that going for us.

Trying to recall what I did - bench, power hang cleans, push press, calf raises, iso pulley row, weighted abs, supermans, 2ct mountain climbers, and ended with a plank. I left my Garmin on the whole time from Warm up to Cool Down to capture HR and calories. These were my results:

Chad did push press, cleans, tricep extensions, calf raises, lat pulldowns, abs and laps, of course.

As always, we both ended our workout with some complementary coffee.

Thanks, RAC!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Already?

This'll be short and not as detailed as usual.

On Sunday, 12/1, we helped our friends demo their kitchen for the better part of the day. Chad certainly worked off more than I did, but at any rate, it was something to offset some of what calories went in...

Monday, 12/2
We got our rumps up and headed to the RAC. I focused on legs and abs and ran a few laps. Then i did 25 minutes of various cardio machines. I forgot my Garmin and HRM, but guessed on what I did. Chad's back hurt and his arm was bothering him, too, so he stuck with the recumbent bike and steam room.

Tuesday 12/3
Got up in the AM again and headed back to the RAC. This time I focused on my guns and Chad did more back and chest since his arm is still hurting. Again, did not Garmin/HRM it, but I did run a couple of laps as well. Did some abs and mountain climbers, too.

Haven't done the Pub Run in a little while so we are going to get after it tonight; especially because the temps aren't quite as cold (but really, we did just run in 20 degree temps at the Drumstick Dash). Looking forward to it. I will be equipped with my Garmin and HRM this evening.

Well, I'm finding out that wheat bread may no longer be my friend. Have to sit out this Pub Run (super bummed!) but Chad is getting after it! Go, Chad, Go!!