Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back to the RAC

FINALLY BACK after quite the hiatus.

Warm Up

Foam Roll
250m row
K slam balls


K Push Press
5 x 5

C Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Incline Press
5 x 10
45/80/90/95/100# (ea arm)

Bench Crunches

Bicep Dumbbell Curls
K 3 x 7
C  8@ 40#, 8@45#
Pulley Bicep Curls 5@50#, 5@50#, 3@60#


TRX Rows
Rope Slams
C Sit-ups *shoulder issue
K 4:54
C 5:20


50 sit-ups
K 1:35

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Run for Fun

Since we didn't wake up this morning, we planned on hitting up the Pub Run in the evening. A little warmer than Monday, but felt good to get out there again, even if it felt a bit more difficult than the evening prior. Hit up the grocery store and we had steak, veggies, and wine. Mmmm.

Here's my run:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tired Monday

After minimal sleep at Floyd Fest, we needed more sleep. No RAC this morning. Chad had a kickball game, so I figured I could run the Greenway on such a beautiful evening before and catch the game after I was done. Hadn't worked out since Saturday, July 20th, and that was minimal. We had worked out a lot that week, though, so hopefully that helped.

I may have done a few push ups on the lawn at Hill Holler (FF) and we did a fair share of walking and dancing, so that could have given us a better edge had we not done so.

This run felt a little more trying as I hadn't done much and was on little sleep and had eaten and drank at Floyd Fest. Still felt good to get back out there!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

That's Life

As we all know, keeping active and eating well is part of a lifestyle, not a temporary plan or diet. With that being said, sometimes life has its ups and downs, as do plans and intentions.

We certainly have made being overall healthier people a priority, but it has taken a little bit of a backseat lately. Saturday was really the last time we were active, but it wasn't the normal level of activity we would have done - i.e. WODs or a long run. Sunday was kind of a planned rest day, but also had the potential to do something, but the darn heat has been brutal, even early. Sleep is also essential and I hadn't been getting enough of it.

Monday came and I was so exhausted from waking up at 1am with a cough and not feeling so hot, so I couldn't force myself out of bed early enough, but unfortunately couldn't fall back asleep. Originally had plans to run that evening or go to the RAC, but I ended up staying in to rest as I had already worked from home after I went to the doctor earlier that day. Sometimes rest does really help.  I loaded up on vitamins and supplements, etc and got a good night's sleep, however, I felt like I could have slept all day.

Today I felt a little worse and thought that maybe a good sweat would help (but I've also read otherwise), but still felt below par when I got home and Chad had gotten home later than usual and we still needed to get things to make dinner and load up on supplies for Floyd Fest. Chad went to Kroger and got stuff for dinner (made this once before and it was AWESOME), brought it back, then left for WalMart to get the majority of the stuff for Floyd Fest while I made dinner.

It's now past 8 and we still haven't eaten dinner, however, we're about to. Can't be too down on ourselves for not being as active as normal due to life circumstances, but know that it cannot become a habit. Being healthy is a habit and it's one we need to make more of a priority. *Hoping* to do some sort of workout tomorrow, but if not...

BollardWODSquad plans on doing some WODs and running while at Floyd Fest as the temperatures are going to be quite wonderful. Looking forward to that and I will try and post if I can. If not, look for some posts upon our return next week!


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pools of Sweat

Temps already were near the 80 degree level relatively early in the AM, so a run was out. We decided on the pool instead; first time to visit our very own complex's pool this season. I actually did a mini workout in the deep end that consisted of treading water using arms and legs, just arms, and just legs; I did notice an increased heart rate, but I really wasn't there for long. Water was a perfect temperature and it was surprisingly uncrowded for a Saturday afternoon in July. 

Ended up setting up time with our realtor to look at houses while we were there, so I planned a quick kitchen sprint WOD for us that we did in our bathing suits before showering and meeting up with him at 1:30pm.

"Mini Kitch Bitch"
4 count mountain climbers
Bent over dumb bell row (20/30#)
Air squats
K 4:45
C 5:16

It was quick, but again, something to raise our heart rate in a short amount of time. I ended up doing some abs and back on the ball, too.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Chris, Chad and I did the 6pm XTreme class tonight. First time for us, but he has been a few times before us and knew what to expect. The instructor was a short dude in spandex shorts and shorter mesh shorts over top - can't say that's what I was expecting at all! He did run quite a class, though. Always kept you moving.

If I could only give one complaint it was when he decided to take us outside for half of the hour long class. We were already sweaty, but add that 90 degree heat and you've surpassed normal sweat levels! I was so very glad I brought my water out because I would have died otherwise.

Seems there are regulars that attend the MWF 6pm Class and just keep coming back for more. It certainly kept you guessing as to what movements would be next and how hard would you push. He was very encouraging and always one to throw out a fist bump.

I'd certainly do it again, but would hope we wouldn't have to subject ourselves to that heat! They also run TuTh classes at 5:45am that we have considered doing; seems each class time has different instructors and they rotate around. Would be good to check out some others including another former RVCFer's class.

The three of us took a few quick walking laps inside to cool down and headed home to shower off that liquid awesome. Fortunately we had plans at Chris and Michelle's so we just grabbed some food and drink, Piggy, and headed over and enjoyed a nice evening.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

WOD'll You Do?

Chad played kickball last night. I did nothing. Stayed up too late and couldn't make ourselves go this AM so we had plans to go this evening. Also wanted to get some running in, so I combined the two.

We did 24 laps which equals roughly 3.2miles and between each round of laps, we could choose one exercise to do 24 reps.

"6 twenty fours = 3+ miles"
**7.5 laps = 1 mile
4 laps
K Bench 24@45#
C Bench 24@135#
4 laps
K DB Snatch 24@25#
C Bicep Curls 24@45#
4 laps
K Hang Power Cleans 24@45#
C Tricep Pulldowns 24@?
4 laps
K 4ct mountain climbers 24
C Push Press 24@45#
K 4 laps
C 2.5 laps, 440m row
K Iso row 24@75#
C Sit ups 24
K 4 laps
C 800m row
K Front squats 24@45#
C Chest Extensions 24@45#/ea arm
K 38:00
C 39:38

After that good work out and a hell of a sweat, we rewarded ourselves with some pool and hot tub time!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Better than Nothing

Chad played kickball last night and I watched (I played the past two years but am sitting this one out), so he at least did something physical yesterday as opposed to me missing a Monday. Not proud, but it is what it is. Woke up right at my 5AM alarm after sleeping through the night, but that probably only equated to about 5-6 hours total. Used the latrine and then felt warm and tired, so I laid back down again and Chad followed suit. I knew we needed to go and planned on it, but was just being dumb.

Finally hopped to around 6 and we were on our merry way, a little less motivated than usual. But hey, better late than never, right?

Did a little warm up in the training room and headed upstairs to lift a little.


Back Squats



Box Jumps
Rope Slams

Chad's knees were bothering him so he did step-ups until he had to literally run to the bathroom to take care of business. I kept going, but have no idea how long it took me because instead of using my trusty WOD phone timer, we attempted to use the clock in the Synergy room, but it stopped after 30 seconds. Chad came back when I was nearly done and called it a day since his knees were still bothering him. My left foot (problem one) and knee are now bothering me as well. At least I got my early morning sweat on.

Certainly not our greatest showing, but it's better than nothing.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday FUnday

We met up with our Mud Freaks friends this morning at 8:15 to get our WOD on. Had a great time as always. There were 9 of us: Matt, Colleen, Vivian, Wensday, Michael, Denise, Shannon, Chad, and me.

Putting the FU in Fun

2 laps
50 Push Presses @ 45#
2 laps
50 DL @ 70#
2 laps
50 Gravitron Assisted Pull Ups (# = assistance)
2 laps
50 Abs
25 roller wheel abs
25 GHD
2 laps
50 DB snatch 
2 laps

2 laps
50 DL @ 135#
2 laps
50 Push Presses @ 85#
2 laps
50 DB snatch 65#
2 laps
50 Gravitron ?#
2 laps
50 Ab Wheel Sit ups
2 laps

2 laps = approx 400m

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Run For It

After an entire morning of doing nothing, Chad and I finally went for a run as we are trying to ramp back up on the running and gain back some of the mileage we had while training and running the half marathon in April.

Chad went by the mile marker posts along the Greenway while I went by my Garmin Forerunner 110, but also had my MapMyFitness running to do a comparison.

Here's the results:

4:00mi • 39:46 • 9:56 min/mi

4.10 mi • 39:50 • 9:43 min/mi
*I did stop the phone app after I stopped my watch

So, tough to say which one is more accurate, although based off of Chad going by the mile markers, it would appear Garmin is, but seems as if there's always a slight variance even between watches (Sarah and I noticed this when she wore her Nike and I wore my Garmin during training).

At any rate, we got out there and rewarded ourselves with a lazy day.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Welcome to 711

So we ended up taking yesterday off, so today was a must despite my poor night's sleep, but that poor night's sleep lead me to creating today's WOD. Finally we got back there in the AM. Need to get back in that routine.

Warm Up

K Rope Slams, Tramp Ball Throws, Dips, TRX Abs/Mountain Climbers
C Tramp Ball Throws, Rope Slams


"Slurpee This"
For Time
Thrusters (65/95#)
K 18:09
C 18:11

400m run

I have to say that 65# felt much heavier than 65#. Also, there's only one set of bumper plates and they were taken, so had to rock the metal plates in the 45# bar. We did find a nice corner in one of the weight rooms that worked out quite nicely once we moved some benches. Definitely got our sweat on. Left a sweat angel on the ground - just like old times!

So far this week:
T - Run
W - Rest
Th - RAC

F - RAC/Run?
S - RAC/Run?
Su - Rest/Active Rest?

Gotta keep it up and get rid of this life preserver ring I have acquired around my midsection which means cleaning up our diet. We've been a bit too lax and not as Paleo-minded.

It also helped when we were training for the half marathon, especially when we got into the higher mileage, and once that dropped off due to my stupid foot injury, so did the activity for awhile. Running coupled with XF seems to be a great combo. Attempting to start up a training schedule again to keep us on task and build up mileage again. Not 100% sure on doing another half again (if we did, it'd be flat and in the Fall as opposed to the HILLIEST/MOUTAINIEST Blue Ridge we did in the Spring), but we'll see.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Run for The Border

So we didn't get to the RAC yesterday morning, but knew we would at least go in the evening if it rained, or run if it didn't.

It was nice so we decided on the Pub Run, however, we would have been late in getting there and were meeting folks at the Village Grill for Taco Tuesday, so we decided to blaze our own trail (or greenway in this case) and make our own Pub Run.

I wore my MMMMM....Beer Microfestivus 15th Anniversary tank top in honor of the occasion.

Aimed for 3mi but ended up with 2.64 in a 94 degree heat index. Fine by me.

Here's my run:

Monday, July 8, 2013

Manic Monday

Trying not to miss a Monday, so after not getting up early enough to make it, we knew we had to pack our gear and head straight to the gym after work.

Warm Up

K 1 Bear complex 45#

This is what happens when you clean with a necklace on!


Hang Power Cleans
(K First two @ 65 squat cleans)
4 x 5
K 65/75/75/80
p/p 1@75#, 1@80#
C 155/145/145/145
p/p 3@145# x 2

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
3 x 8 (# each arm)
K 25/25/25#
C 35/60/80#


10 min AMRAP
5 pull-ups (K purple band /C green band)
10 air squats
15 sit-ups 
K 7+10 sit-ups
C 7+5 pull-ups

Sunday, July 7, 2013



If you can't tell, this WOD is a play on today's date. It's also based off a WOD that CrossFit Big Fish did last Friday. I felt like we needed to do something after sitting in the darn car all we did.

Buy In

700m Run


"From PA to VA"
13 KB Swings (35/55#)
13 KB SDHP (35/55#)
K 9:35 *took lots of rests
C 10:19

Cash Out

27 cal row
C 375m 1:12min
K 469m 2:00min *I suck at rowing, but I certainly wasn't going as hard as I could have either.

Friday, July 5, 2013

We Are Family

Feeling as if I should have worked out again today, but it is nice to relax and I'm still not feeling 100% with this energy thing.

At any rate, this has been a strictly family trip to Erie and it's been nice. Chad's actually in Westford (aka Westford-Upon-Crawford) visiting with his folks today and I have been visiting with mine. Em, Wes, and the  kiddos are coming up for a cook out as well.

Heading to Westford tomorrow after we have breakfast/brunch at the Diner in Edinboro with the 'rents.

Maybe I'll get a run or another WOD in tomorrow AM, but we'll just have to wait and see how I'm feeling.

Adios, amigos.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Big Fish

With Owner/Coach Jim Fischer
So we hadn't worked out since Monday - I've been extremely tired and our busy work schedules and getting ready for Erie cramped our style a little more as well.

But before we came up, we contacted a couple of boxes here in Erie about dropping in. My sister, Em, had gone to 3 Ring/CrossFit814 last week for it's grand opening and had also heard there was a box at Nautilus and found out it was called Big Fish. Then there's the original box, FBO, as well, but we ended up going with Big Fish yesterday since Emmy lives close to Nautilus and she wanted to try out a new one with someone; plus it was a Team WOD day, which is a great thing for a newbie to try out!

Jim Fischer, as pictured here, is a really wonderful guy. He's passionate about CrossFit and the idea of community and fitness. He didn't charge us a drop-in fee and made us feel right at home. He has 6 certifications himself, has 4 coaches, and between all of them they have 23 certifications.

The facility is pretty new and very well done. It's within another gym, something similar to the RAC, but much smaller, and the box area is actually where racquetball courts used to be.

Chad and I were put on a team with Drew and Travis, "two young studs" according to Jim. We had a great time plowing through the WOD together. Emmy was on another team with some other guys and seemed to have fun doing so as well.

Boy did we SWEAT. It was a good one!
Here's what we had to achieve collectively as a team:

Buy In 
200 Du's/ 600 Single's

200 Air Squats
300 Ab Mats
200 HR Push Ups
300 Plate Press "45-25"

Cash Out 
Rude Karen X2 
300 Wall Ball's
Must do at least 25 Un-Broken or all Member's must run 400 M

During the WOD, at least 1 Team Member must be running a 400 M Run & 1 team member running 200m w/ a med Ball
We had an absolute blast and are looking forward to the next time. Many thanks to everyone for a great time at a great place!

The 4th of July Crew

Monday, July 1, 2013

1st of tha Month

Warm Up

K Tramp Ball Throws
K/C Stretch
K TRX abs and rows
K Punching Bag
K/C 250m row


3 x 5 Smith Squats
K 115/115/125#
*shit haven't squatted in awhile!
C 205/255/265#
2 x 210m laps
3 x 10 Leg Press
K 90/140/160#
C 290/340/360#
1 x 20 calves on leg press
2 x 10 calves on leg press
C 340/360#
K 1 x 10 mini pulses
2 x 210m laps


"Good Morning, JuuuuLY"
20 rope slams
20 KB sumo DL high pull
20 air squats
20 lunges
20 push ups
K 19:32
C 20:36