Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Better than Nothing

Chad played kickball last night and I watched (I played the past two years but am sitting this one out), so he at least did something physical yesterday as opposed to me missing a Monday. Not proud, but it is what it is. Woke up right at my 5AM alarm after sleeping through the night, but that probably only equated to about 5-6 hours total. Used the latrine and then felt warm and tired, so I laid back down again and Chad followed suit. I knew we needed to go and planned on it, but was just being dumb.

Finally hopped to around 6 and we were on our merry way, a little less motivated than usual. But hey, better late than never, right?

Did a little warm up in the training room and headed upstairs to lift a little.


Back Squats



Box Jumps
Rope Slams

Chad's knees were bothering him so he did step-ups until he had to literally run to the bathroom to take care of business. I kept going, but have no idea how long it took me because instead of using my trusty WOD phone timer, we attempted to use the clock in the Synergy room, but it stopped after 30 seconds. Chad came back when I was nearly done and called it a day since his knees were still bothering him. My left foot (problem one) and knee are now bothering me as well. At least I got my early morning sweat on.

Certainly not our greatest showing, but it's better than nothing.

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