Thursday, July 11, 2013

Welcome to 711

So we ended up taking yesterday off, so today was a must despite my poor night's sleep, but that poor night's sleep lead me to creating today's WOD. Finally we got back there in the AM. Need to get back in that routine.

Warm Up

K Rope Slams, Tramp Ball Throws, Dips, TRX Abs/Mountain Climbers
C Tramp Ball Throws, Rope Slams


"Slurpee This"
For Time
Thrusters (65/95#)
K 18:09
C 18:11

400m run

I have to say that 65# felt much heavier than 65#. Also, there's only one set of bumper plates and they were taken, so had to rock the metal plates in the 45# bar. We did find a nice corner in one of the weight rooms that worked out quite nicely once we moved some benches. Definitely got our sweat on. Left a sweat angel on the ground - just like old times!

So far this week:
T - Run
W - Rest
Th - RAC

F - RAC/Run?
S - RAC/Run?
Su - Rest/Active Rest?

Gotta keep it up and get rid of this life preserver ring I have acquired around my midsection which means cleaning up our diet. We've been a bit too lax and not as Paleo-minded.

It also helped when we were training for the half marathon, especially when we got into the higher mileage, and once that dropped off due to my stupid foot injury, so did the activity for awhile. Running coupled with XF seems to be a great combo. Attempting to start up a training schedule again to keep us on task and build up mileage again. Not 100% sure on doing another half again (if we did, it'd be flat and in the Fall as opposed to the HILLIEST/MOUTAINIEST Blue Ridge we did in the Spring), but we'll see.

Until next time...

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