Friday, February 28, 2014


The donut run was fun! Here's my results (it's quite obvious on the timing graph where I ate my donut) 

We didn't do a thing. We were super tired and laziness set in as well.

We couldn't wake up in the AM but made plans to go in the PM. I did my lifting program and upped some of my weights and reps (certainly not on all exercises, but some) and it felt good to get lifting again as it had been since (ahem) last Thursday. Chad lifted chest and bis. Oh, we also did some laps in between our sets to kick it up a notch. 

FRIDAY, 28th
We got up *yay!* and we went to Spin. Man, the legs were feeeeeeling it. I lefted bis and tris and sprinkled in some abs and Chad did tris and hit up the steam room. The ladies steam room, unfortunately, was out of order. Bollocks. At least we got our sweat on the last day of the month.

T to the G to the I to the F!!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Saturday, February 22
I went for a run/walk with Piggy and Chad went golfing.

Sunday, February 23
EWOD involving teams dragging a sled with a 25# weight and running a lap around a field for 45 minutes. These are my stats:

Monday, February 24
Nothing, well, actually we both got much-needed new running shoes at Fleet Feet.

TONIGHT, Tuesday, February 25
We are running for...DONUTS! Tonight's Fleet Feet Pub Run features a Dunkin Donut challenge at the 3 mi turnaround (eat one before running back). Challenge Accepted.

I guess America really does Run on Dunkin.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Da Week

Monday 2/17 we went for a Spin.

Went for a run on Tuesday 2/18 with Leigh on the Salem Greenway and it felt great! The first sign of a warm up and some much-needed fresh air.

Chad ran downtown - said about 1.5 miles - with a numb mouth from getting a cavity fixed. I assume he was like Kraemer on the Mel Torme episode as he said he bit my

Took a break on Wednesday. Could have done something but we didn't.

Hit up the RAC and did my lifting program on Thursday 2/20. Upped some of my weights. Chad lifted with Matthew and Michael.

Went for a run with some folks on the Hanging Rock Greenway before enjoying some time at Parkway and then some yummy food at All Sports. Chad did about 1.5 miles again - he was late to arrive due to work.

That about sums up the week.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Spin Me Right Round

Joe, Chad, and I were guests of Alicia's spinning class at Gold's this AM. 'twas a good time with great tunes. Thanks to her for letting us join!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, Yo.

We did not do anything on Saturday, so we figured it was a good idea to get going today. I went through the workout Leonard gave me last week. I will be doing this full body lift program twice a week (I failed to do so last week) and increasing the weights with time.


Warm Up

20 Air Squats
20 Walking Lunges
Run to Weight Room


Some of these were done in super set format.
Dead Lifts
3 x 8 @ 115#
Leg Press
2 x 12 @ 140#
Hack Squat
2 x 8 @ 70#
3 x 12 @ 70#
Weighted Calf Raise
3 x 12 @ 60#
Push Ups
2 x 12
Dumbbell Chest Press
2 x 12 @ 22.5# ea arm
Chest Fly
2 x 12 @ 40#
Seated Cable Row
2 x 20 @ 45#
Lat Pulldown
2 x 12 @ 60#
Lateral Raise
2 x 8 @ 10#
Front Raise
2 x 8 @ 10#
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2 x 10 @ 12.5# ea arm
2 Ct Mountain Climbers
2 x 20
Free Motion Leg Raise (Abs)
2 x 12 @ 25#
1+mi run (8 laps, 7.5 laps = 1)



Bicep curls
3X10 @ 85#, 100#, 115#
Tricep Pull Downs
3X10 @ 80#, 90#, 100#
Hammer Curls
3X10 @ 35#
Bench Press
3X10 @ 135#, 185#, 205#, 225#
1X5 @ 245#
1X1 @ 275#
1X10 @35# each arm
1X10 @70# each arm
1X10 @80# each arm
Treadmill for 15 minutes
Stepper for 10 minutes
Row 1000m and at every minute get off and do 5 burpees.  25 burpees total.

Adios, amigos.

Friday, February 14, 2014

U + Me = Us

Happy Valentine's Day!

After a crazy snowy day and a half and some snow shoveling (Chad did A LOT more than I did), we got out of the house and to the RAC (it was closed yesterday due to the dumping we got).

The WOD I came up with: (1+4 = 5 RFT of 5 exercises on February 14th).

14 Burpees
14 AKBS (30/53#)
14 Genie Situps
14 KBSDHP (30/53#)
14 AS
K 17:34
C DNF - *Knee and Shoulder bothering him.

We both also sat in our respective Steam Rooms for some extra sweat. Very nice.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cold Spin

Went to spinning in the cold before all of the crazy snow started. Definitely got our sweat on! Instructor also brought sweet treats (counterproductive, right?!) but of course we took them.

I finally wore my Garmin and HRM and these were my results (I didn't stop it until I was done with the cool down and stretches):


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We were going to try and make it to Power Yoga this AM, but couldn't get going quickly enough to make it by 5:45. So, we took to the streets of YouTube via the Wii and did our own Yoga. Of course, Piggy tried to join us and laid right in the middle of our space. She's a goofball. Downward Dog!!

 Chad even suggested finding another yoga workout and doing that this evening. Really good for us as we do not stretch enough and it's evident. It's such a crucial thing that we let fall by the wayside, especially with all of the working out and lifting we do. Leonard actually did some partner resistance stretching on me yesterday and it was so apparent how tight I really am. Here's to more yoga, pilates, and stretching in our future!!


Monday Lift

Went through my program with Leonard. Will stick with this full body program twice a week at these particular weights for 2 weeks and then start upping the weights through about 6 weeks of time.

Will be supplementing this program with cardio, running, classes, and WODs.

Chad lifted a lot of chest and maybe some other stuff.

Mkay bye.


Friday, February 7th
So we ended up doing 16oz curls at Parkway on Friday instead of the planned visit to the gym. Good times, good times.

Saturday, February 8th
Spin with Joe. Joe's 1st Spin Class ever, Chad's 2nd Spin Class ever, and my 3rd Spin class this year (used to frequent the Spinning thing back in the early 2000s).

Sunday, February 9th
Park 2 Park
We ran from Rotary to Moyer, stood around and BSd for a bit, then headed back. We were going to do some exercises each mile and/or at the halfway point, but that didn't happen. We did, however, do some lunges or skipped across the bridges we encountered on the way back as well as Indian Runs that started with 7 and ended with 4.

We polished the day off with some El Toreo. BOOM.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Tuesday, February 4th
Well we didn't get to the gym Monday, so we had to sweat it out this AM. We got a bit of a late start, so we both went the cardio route, I with more purpose due to my first PT session with Leonard tomorrow.

15 minutes orbital occipital
15 minutes running on the treadmill
10 minutes recumbent bike
5 minutes rowing

26 minutes elliptical
8 minutes running on the treadmill
7 minutes rowing (1500m)

Wednesday, February 5th
I got to work with the great trainer, Leonard Jones III, utilizing one of my earned training sessions from Battle of the Bulge. He put me to work to try and analyze where I was and how he could push me even more. We did a full body workout, so it was good! Follow-up workout on Monday at 6am.

Chad worked on upper body - chest and tris I believe - but he can add to this if he wants to elaborate.

Thursday, February 6th
Didn't wake up in time and had every intention to go to Spinning at 6pm, but my tummy was giving me problems so we missed it. Boo. hiss.

Friday, February 7th
We were going to wake up and get going, but I had a horrible night of sleep. We did wake up early enough, but by the time we would have gotten going, it was already after 6. Must. do. something. tonight. (Most likely at home as I'm already exhausted). Will. go. to. the. RAC. tomorrow. AM.

Stay tuned for an update - and I'm really hoping I can hold to that this evening.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Chad and I did a WOD in honor of Super Bowl XLVIII at Garst Mill.

"Things That Make You Go 'OMAHA!'"
1st Quarter
Run 1/2 mi
48 Air Squats
2nd Quarter
Run 1/2 mi
48 Push Ups
3rd Quarter
Run 1/2 mi
48 Lunges
4th Quarter
Run 1/2 mi
48 Burpees

Here's what my Garmin read. Now to relax before the parties and the big game...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Dog Walk

Amber, Chad, Kingston, Piggy, and me took a nice walk together on the River Walk in Fort Mill/Rock Hill, SC.

Nothing fancy or fast (minus the quick run down and back up a hill I did at Piggy) but it was good to get out and get some fresh air.