Friday, February 7, 2014

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Tuesday, February 4th
Well we didn't get to the gym Monday, so we had to sweat it out this AM. We got a bit of a late start, so we both went the cardio route, I with more purpose due to my first PT session with Leonard tomorrow.

15 minutes orbital occipital
15 minutes running on the treadmill
10 minutes recumbent bike
5 minutes rowing

26 minutes elliptical
8 minutes running on the treadmill
7 minutes rowing (1500m)

Wednesday, February 5th
I got to work with the great trainer, Leonard Jones III, utilizing one of my earned training sessions from Battle of the Bulge. He put me to work to try and analyze where I was and how he could push me even more. We did a full body workout, so it was good! Follow-up workout on Monday at 6am.

Chad worked on upper body - chest and tris I believe - but he can add to this if he wants to elaborate.

Thursday, February 6th
Didn't wake up in time and had every intention to go to Spinning at 6pm, but my tummy was giving me problems so we missed it. Boo. hiss.

Friday, February 7th
We were going to wake up and get going, but I had a horrible night of sleep. We did wake up early enough, but by the time we would have gotten going, it was already after 6. Must. do. something. tonight. (Most likely at home as I'm already exhausted). Will. go. to. the. RAC. tomorrow. AM.

Stay tuned for an update - and I'm really hoping I can hold to that this evening.

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