Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Run Social Urban Tree/Iron Tribe 5k

May 29, 2017 - Memorial Day

This was the inaugural event for Urban Tree, Run Social, and Iron Tribe! I did the preview run (run only) last Wednesday on the hills, and phew, I guess I don't remember it being quite as hilly. But, it is Atlanta - home of the heat, hills, and humidity. And boy, did we have all three and then some...

You could either do the Urban Tree 5k or do the Iron Tribe 5k. Here is the route - it was an out and back, but whatever you had downhill on the way out was an uphill on the way back in, and vice versa. We did the Iron Tribe version, which added 3 stations of workouts amidst the running. There were two divisions - Iron (the heavier) and Tribe (the lighter). Some people mixed, but I made sure to do Iron the entire time to really challenge myself. I believe Chad did as well. I also remained running the whole time, no walking for this lady even if it was a slower hill-climbing pace.

The following weights only reflect the Iron Division (M/F):

Station 1: 2 rounds of the following:
- 15 DB Thrusters 35/25#
- 10 Renegade Row 35/25#

Station 2: 2 rounds of the following:
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 15 KB Swings 55/35# *AKB to count for Iron
- 10 Reverse Lunges

Station 3: Before 3rd Loop - 2 rounds of the following:
- 30m Overhead Plate Walk 45/25#
- 20 Plate Step Lunges 45/25#
- 10 Plate Russian Twist 45/25#

There were a few times where we paused thinking we had to go to a station too soon, or getting to the proper equipment was a bit delayed, but I still managed to finish in a decent time despite HATING running in the heat and humidity.

At first, they couldn't find my results, but that was due to a snafu of mixing up my bib with a woman, named Sue who didn't show. They had to run the video and finally figured it out! Phew.

Kate 36:37.9
Chad 46:33.9

Iron Tribe (both Iron and Tribe) Results!!
Urban Tree 5k Results!!

Had a nice time hanging out with fellow Tribers and runners over some yummy cider. Unfortunately, I got a little too much sun, not thinking I was in the sun long enough, but alas, I was. Then a couple of followed up with some Mexican before retreating to our lives to get meal prep and ready for a short 4-day work week! Cheers!

My homemade tank for the occasion. I also wore blue and white tights, flag sunglasses, and a flag bandana. Duh. #America

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Friday night and all of Saturday were pretty low pro days. Also got in some yummies - a decent bit, really.

Sunday 2.26.17

Travel to Orlando. I went for a run around the boardwalk and realized how long it's been since I've really gone for a run. Granted it was a little warmer and later in the day after traveling and I was trying to navigate via the hand-held map from the resort, but dang. That 10 miler in October is looooong gone. Yes, we run at ITF, but I need to pick it back up again. I did join Run Social to coax myself to get back into it. It's so strange to have lost the running bug, so here's to getting it back after that 2.54 mile run wasn't my greatest showing. But, at least I did it! Was pretty healthy with food until after dinner when I had red wine and chocolate during the Oscars.

Monday 2.27.17

I got up and went to the gym in the AM and did some variations of the day's ITF workouts.

While the gym has a decent amount of equipment, it's lacking some particular equipment - barbells, ropes, etc. So I adapted.

I tried to make my own ropes with these random rope things and I put two dumbbells in each loop. Didn't work too well as the weight of the med ball rack it was wrapped around was pretty light. Hollow body hold can be done anywhere, did a figure 8 shuffle at an unidentified distance, and attempted some dive bomber push-ups. However, my timer wasn't working so well, so I really only did one round of that until I switched gears from PUSH to POWER. Instead of ring dips, I did the scale similar to what I did at the gym - with two benches, in this case steppers, alternating dumbbell reverse lunges were a little tricky as my knee was bothering me, but I did them, didn't have a jump rope so I jumped and twirled my wrists. I did 3 rounds of that. Then I did some additional lifting and called it a day. Ate relatively well with what I could - eggs and bacon a la cart, grilled chicken, salad, veggies, and honestly I can't remember what else. But then I thoroughly enjoyed the Wine and Food Mixer and some food and drink delights on the boardwalk and thereafter. Definitely getting it in while I can - oops!

FAT Tuesday 2.28.17

Ate part of an egg, bacon, cheddar omelet - I know, not the healthiest, but not a lot of choices, here. I definitely had some candy (they have bowls out at this conference), tried to have a decent lunch with what was left - no bun on a sandwich and put the meat and cheese on the salad, one tiny spoon of mac n cheese; but then I had cookies, soda, candy, ice cream, soft pretzel and then went to a Happy Hour and had snacks, beer, then had some wine and beer and sushi, and then some random snack late night with all of that. Had a fun crew and I went out with a bang before knowing I will be eating much cleaner than I have as of late. While I've made some good changes, I kind of went against them just to do it - and honestly, it wasn't all worth it, really. Some of it doesn't all taste as good as you h oped it would. I did work out after my early session before another session - did the POWER workout - I didn't run outside - I ran on a treadmill, I didn't have a KB or barbell, but I used a dumbbell for the KB swings and dumbbells for power cleans. "FIT Tuesday" 800m run, 40 kb swings 35#, 600m run, 30 box jumps (stepper - probably about 20", 400m run, 20 power cleans (various weights of dumbbells), 200m run. I didn't time it, but I think I finished within the time. I did grab water between stations here and there. Got a good sweat on and had to rush back, shower, and got to my 11:30a session just in the nick of time. 

Wednesday 3.1.17 Day 1 of the Transformation Challenge

It's the first of the moooooooooooooonth. I woke up feeling every bit of last night. I had 2 hard fried eggs for protein - probably not enough, a "that's it" bar for carbs, and some almonds for fat; slim pickens. Catered lunch was Mexican style - so I had one soft corn tortilla, lots of grilled chicken, some salad and avocado dressing, and some guac. I had scallops, ginger green beans, and a smidge of cauliflower puree for dinner. That, my friends, was not enough. So I got some baked chicken and had some onions and balsamic with it followed by an apple. Not ideal or all the right things, but I am a bit limited in my choices here at the Dolphin.

I'm going to challenge myself to be better over the next 6 weeks. I can't say I won't have some adult beverages, but will keep it to more of a minimum. The food part will be huge and challenging once I get back; we have to meal prep our booties off. Once we get the hang of it; I just hope we can get in the groove sooner than later - and stick with it for the majority of the time. Lifestyle Lifestyle Lifestyle.

I'm hoping the results speak for themselves. The timing is great as it's leading up to our 35th birthdays! What was encouraging was the fact that I gained muscle and lost fat, but that was as of last Friday the 24th from my first InBody reading on Feb 4. I have been working out a lot and had improved on some eating and lifestyle, but I'm hoping I can keep making muscle gains and fat loss if I do this RP diet correctly. I feel like a big chunkerpants flub-a-dub right now since I have been giving into many indiscretions as of late and they are catching up. Today is a rest day but I plan on going to the gym tomorrow night, Friday, and I will be making up the Mar 1 Transformation Workout this Saturday. I miss my gym!!

I'll leave you with this hysterical image below. MOTIVATION. #TeamTrunk #WhyITribe

Last Full Week Before the Challenge

Sunday 2.19

Consisted of a rest day in every way. I didn't sleep well after our shenanigans the evening before during the onesie bar crawl. 'Twas a good time. Watched some shows, movies, got outside a little on a walk with Piggy to AS, and maxed and relaxed.

Monday 2.20

Oh my goodness - I slept in! I had an alarm set to go to the gym in the AM, and then said nah, when do I really sleep in? So, I went back to bed (a Christmas miracle!) and woke back up around 8:45!!
We had coffee, chilled out, and went to the gym for the 12:15 Power Class.

A. Every 2 min for 7 sets (14 min total):
3 TnG Power Cleans
4 sets @70% of 1RM Power Clean
3 sets @75% of 1RM Power Clean

B. 9 min EMOM
3 rounds of:
1st min: max rep Russian KB Swings
2nd min: max rep Strict Ring Dips (scaled)
3rd min: Rest

Record weight used for last set of Part A, color and total reps for Part B (e.g. 205, Black 111 >>)
Kate 75, Orange, 160 
Chad 175, Orange, 107

Tuesday 2.23.17

Rest Day. Oy. We have been falling back into some bad eating and beverage consumption lately - including Girl Scout Cookies!! EEK.

Wednesday 2.24.17

We were going to go in the AM, but I had a weird top-of-foot pain that luckily settled soon after, but we would have been late. So, evening it was.

5 rounds (23 min total):
In a 3 min window:
200m Run
10 Shoulder to Overhead
max rep Burpees with remaining time

Rest 2 min after each round

Choose a color for Shoulder to Overhead:
Black: 185/125
Blue: 155/105
Orange: 135/95
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record color and total reps of Burpees (e.g. Blue 53 >>).
White 61 >>
Blue 57 >>

Phew, that was a doosie. Felt every bit of the badness I've been imbibing. Duh. Better choices always make you feel better! Plus, this stupid congestion doesn't help.

Thursday 2.23.17

A. 10 min AMRAP of:
1 Hang Squat Clean
10 Knees to Elbows
30 Double-unders
2 Hang Squat Cleans
10 Knees to Elbows
30 Double-unders...
*Add 1 rep to Hang Squat Cleans every round.

Rest 3 min

B. For Time (11 min cap):
Start at the highest round completed and work our way back down

Choose a color for Hang Squat Cleans:
Black: 185/125
Blue: 155/105
Orange: 125/95
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record color and rounds plus reps for Part A, time to complete for Part B (e.g. White 6 rounds plus 10 reps, 10:31 >>).
Kate 5 + 3, 8:25 (I think?) *Did DUs first round, but I'm still doing some split-kicking, so I did 15 single leg jumps on each leg
Chad hurt his back :( so he didn't finish, but he was doing 135# and had gotten through several rounds

One more day of ITF - tomorrow AM - before I head to Orlando for a conference. I have to get measured tomorrow AM for the Transformation Challenge that starts next Wednesday. I will also have to make up the Mar 1 baseline workout on Mar 4, which should be interesting as we have two concerts in a row Mar 3 and Mar 4. The challenge goes through April 14. We have several events and visitors that may affect our strict participation, but we want to stay as close to the plan as possible for the majority of the time. Lifestyle change, not a diet, right? Famous last words. But this time, I really want it to stick.

An Update:

Friday 2.24.17

25 min EMOM
5 rounds of:
1st min: 12 Alternating Front Rack Step Lunges
2nd min: 12 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Right Arm
3rd min: 12 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Left Arm
4th min: 40 second max rep Assault Bike Calories
5th min: Rest

Choose a color for Front Rack Lunges:
Black: 155/105
Blue: 135/95
Orange: 115/75
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record color and total reps for Assault Bike (e.g. Orange 77 >>)
Kate Grey 53 >> *I was really feeling it in the legs and all over really! Yikes.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Chip Away, You Say...

Thursday 2.16
We went at 6PM that night. Waking up in the AM has been trying this week!!


Partner Chipper!
For Time (25 min cap):
2000m Row (switch every 250 m)
150 V-ups (switch every 15)
100 Hang Power Snatches (switch every 5) or 150 DB Hang Snatches (Switch every 10)

Choose a color for Snatch Choice:
Black: 115/75 or 55/35
Orange 95/65 or 45/25
Grey 75/55 or 35/20 or less

Record exercise, color, and time to complete (e.g. DB Snatch, Orange, 21:54 >>).
Hang Power Snatch, Grey (75/45), 20:40

Chad and I were partners. #TeamTrunk4Eva. We used the same rower to switch on and off for rowing, mixed V-ups with knee to elbow crunches, and I only did 45# as I have always steered away from snatches, and when I did do them it was very seldom and with low weight. I probably could've done 55, so now I know for next time.

Friday 2.17
We went at 5:15pm on a beautiful evening. Then we showered there and headed up to Brookhaven for Piggy food and then dinner and drinks with my cousin Heather and her hubby, Matt. 

25 min to complete the following:
Pause Front Squat
*Build to heaviest weight throughout

After the first 4 sets, perform the following as fast as possible:
15 pull-ups (scale)
X Run

Choose a color for Run Distance:
Black: 400m
Orange: 300m
Grey: 200m or less

Record heaviest weight for Front Squat, color, and slowest round completed (e.g. 225, Orange 1:45 >>)

Kate 95, Black did not record - never looked at time!
Chad 185, Orange, 3:48

Saturday 2.18.17
9am workouts! Woot! Way to start the day! Especially when we have a onesie bar crawl this evening! Gotta get it in.

5 rounds of the following (23 min total):

3 min AMRAP:
3 Deadlifts
6 Box Jumps 24/20"
9 Hand Release Push-ups
*Rest 2 min after each AMRAP

Choose a color for Deadlifts:
Black 275/185
Blue: 225/155
Orange: 185/125
White: 155/105
Grey: 135/95 or less

Record color and total rounds plus reps (e.g. Black, 10 rds 22 reps >>).
Kate Orange, 203 (10 rds 23 reps) >>
Chad Orange, 194 (10 rds 14 reps) >>

BYE bye Bye

Thursday, February 16, 2017

That's SICK, Brah

Monday 2.6
I almost didn't go after Super Bowl shenanigans and not the greatest night of sleep + working all day. But, alas, I text a couple of my coaches and got the answer I knew all along - that yes, I should go. So, I did. Glad I did, even though it was a doosey! I felt better and more awake after I got home from work, to be honest, and whenever I step foot in that gym, I usually do, too.


A. Every 2 min for 6 sets (12 min total):
3 Tempo Deadlifts + 5 Barbell Rollouts
*Tempo is 31x1
*Weight used is approximately 70% of 1RM

B. For Time (10 min cap)
OTB Burpees

Choose a color for Deadlifts:
Black 225/155
Blue 185/125
Orange 155/105
White 135/95
Gray 95/65 or less

Record weight used for Part A, color and time complete Part B (305, Black 7:17, >>)
Kate 125, Orange 7:34

Tuesday 2.7

So the other part of what had been my question yesterday was the whole idea of back-to-back, since I would be doing the latest class at night and the earliest class the following morning (I had done it awhile back). Welp, I did it, but it wasn't easy. I could've slept more, for sure. Boy, was I dragging. But, I had a massage scheduled that evening, and that was part of my motivation and reasoning to get it done in the AM. Good thing I did. Stay tuned...

For Time (25 min cap)
3 rounds of the following: 800m Run
15 Russian KB Swings
8 Right Arm KB Front Squats
8 Right Arm KB Push Presses
15 Russian Swings
8 Left Arm KB Front Squats
8 Left Arm KB Push Presses

Choose a color for KB:
Black: 53/35
Orange: 44/26
Grey: 35/18 or less

Record time to complete (e.g. 22:54 >>).
Orange, 21:47

I had a bomb-ass massage, as usual, per Maryam. She even did a more adventurous move on the recommendation of my chiropractor (she even has it done on occasion). It took going through the abdomen to get to the back - Psoas. Was a little uncomfortable, but apparently good to have done. She also told me I have a high threshold for pain as she was really putting it to my muscles. Hurt so good.

Wednesday 2.8
Kate Rest Day - and starting to come down with something - GRRR. Muscles were sore from working out, the massage, and most likely the yuckity yuck.

Chad went in the evening before he met our friend Kenny, who was in town for a few days, at one of our favorite restaurants, Superica. I was jelly as I had to stay back since I wasn't feeling so hot. Boo hiss.

4 rounds of the following (20 min total):
1 min max rep Unbroken Push Press
30 sec Rest
1 min max rep Double-unders
30 sec Rest
1 min max Calorie Row
1 min Rest
*Once the barbell needs to be dropped, set is over for Push Press

Choose a color for Push Press:
Black: 155/105
Blue: 135/95
Orange: 115/75
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record color and total reps (e.g. Orange 220 >>).
Orange, 175

Thursday 2.9
Kate feeling more sick, worked from home. I did get to make some pulled chicken with green Superica salsa. Knock 'em out the box, L! So good. I even did a little walking to see if that would help as opposed to working out. Steph sent me this super neato thing. Smart. I almost went Wednesday, but decided against it after feeling a tightness in my chest. Glad I didn't, especially after reading the above and lots of other articles.

Friday 2.10
Kate super sick - took a sick day instead of taking a half day off to head to North Georgia for a friends weekend in the mountains that has been planned for forever. [Insert every possible emotion of anger and sadness] However, our friend and neighbor, Tess, who was also planning us for this very speakend, was sweet enough to suggest we go to VidaFlow for some new fashioned vitiamin IV action and Arden's Garden for a "Grand Slam" of some good old fashioned juices. I went from a 101.7 temp that morning to a 96.7 that evening. From death to much better. Hallelerrrr. Chad went up and enjoyed the pretties of sun and sunsets and friends (#fomo much?) but came back for us on Saturday so we could at least have a day of fun.

Saturday 2.11
We made our way up to NOGA with Tess and we ended up hiking Amicalola Falls followed by visiting the Fainting Goat Winery. Then, we retired back to the house for the rest of the day where Chad and I made a taco bar for everyone, played Cards Against Humanity, hung by the fire, etc. It was a fun day. So glad I at least go to go for part of the weekend.

Sunday 2.12
Chad and I were up early and cleaned, hung out on the porch overlooking a wall of fog, having lots of coffee. Everyone woke up eventually, we hung around, and many folks said their goodbyes. We headed into Dawsonville and had some burgers before heading back to ATL.

Monday 2.13
Kate - went in AM
Chad - went in PM

A. 15 min to complete 5 sets of the following complex:
2 Clean Pulls + 2 Hang Cleans
*Build to heaviest weight throughout.
B. 10 min AMRAP of:
2 Power Cleans
2 OTB Burpees
4 Power Cleans
4 OTB Burpees…
*Add 2 reps to each movement each round.

Choose a color for Power Cleans:
Black: 155/105
Blue: 135/95
Orange: 115/75
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record heaviest weight for Part A, color and rounds plus reps
completed for B (e.g. 185, Black 4 rds 15 reps >>).
Kate 95#, White, 10s + 19 reps of 12s
Chad 205, Black, 12s +5 in 14s

Tuesday 2.14

I felt a strange twinge in my knee going down the stairs, and, then whilst wearing my TOMS wedges outside, I took a bad step and twisted my ankle. GRR. So, alas, we did not make the partner workout on Valentine's Day morning or night.

Wednesday 2.16
3 rounds of the following (24 min):
20 sec work/10 sec rest x 3 eat each station, 30 sec additional time to rotate

Station 1: Strict Hanging Straight Leg Raise (scale was on floor)

Station 2: Rope 2-Arm Big Wave, 2-Arm Inward Circle, 2-Arm Outward Circle

Station 3: DB Renegade Row

Station 4: Plate 4:/2" Straddle Jump, Lateral Switch, Forward Switch

Record weight used for DB Renegade Row, total number of reps for Station 4( e.g. 25, 257  >>)

Kate 20#, Didn't keep track, >>
Chad 45# for 1, 35# for 2, Didn't keep track

Good stuff. We'll be going to Thursday's Power class in the evening for the Partner Chipper workout, mobility, and the Nutrition Workshop. The Transformation Challenge begins March 1st, so we are trying to figure out which rendition of the challenge we shall do. Unfortunately, I will be out of town at a work conference for Fat Tuesday and the first couple of days of the challenge, but I'll make it work. I'm still congested, but trying to combat this thing at all costs.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Lately in Late Jan/Early Feb

Here's a week's worth of work. Not a whole lot of commentary due to waiting too long to post, but we each went 6 times in the past week - BOOM.

SAT 1.28
3 rounds of the following (24 min total):

In a 2 min window: 30/20 Cal Bike
In a 2 min window: 30 AKB Swings
In a 2 min window: 60m Forward/Backward Bear Crawl (10m up/back x 3)
2 min Rest

Record slowest Bike time, weight used for KB, >> if Bear Crawl completed within window (e.g. 1:34, 53 >>).
Kate 1:47, 35, >>
Chad 1:50, 44, >>*last round Farmer Carry

MON 1.30
A. Sumo Deadlift (15 min)
Build to a 2RM

B. 9 min AMRAP of:
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”
15 Russian KB Swings
30 sec Rest

Choose a color for KB Swings:
Black: 70/53
Orange: 53/35
Grey: 35/26 or less

Record heaviest weight for Part A, color and rounds plus reps for B (e.g. 275, Black 5 rds 3 reps >>).
Kate 175, Orange, 6 + 3
Chad 355, Orange, 5 + 13

TUES 1.31
Every 6 min for 4 sets (24 min total), complete one round of the following:
400m Run
25 Wall Balls 20/14
5 Bar Muscle-ups (scale was band pull-downs)

Record slowest round (e.g. 4:02 >>).
Kate 3:50
Chad Rest Day

WED 2.1 
Kate - Rest Day
Chad - POWER
A. Tempo Strict Press (12 min)
*Build to heaviest weight
*Tempo is 22X3

B. 3 rounds of (13 min total):
1 min max rep Ring Push-ups
1 min max rep MB Sit-ups 20/14
45 second max Calorie Row
Rest 2 min

Record weight for Part A, total reps for Part B (e.g. 135, 110 >>).
Chad 145, 139


I went in the AM and Chad went in the PM as he had his Coach's Assessment with Joe. He got a pretty solid plan to evaluate his progress - a plus/minus system of accountability (working out and eating).

24 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 5 TnG Power Cleans
2nd min: 50 Double-unders
3rd min: :15 on/:15 off x 2 Assault Bike
4th min: Rest
*Weight used for Power Cleans is approximately 75% of 1RM.

Record weight used and total reps for Assault Bike (e.g. 205, 66 >>).
Kate 65, 50 *I'm not allowed to to DUs for a couple of weeks due to my split-kick that I'm trying to correct
Chad 145, 119

FRI 2.3

With it being after work Friday, I almost thought about skipping, but alas, got dressed and we went! No one ever says, "I regret working out," right? So glad we went. Got home, grabbed a quick shower, and played and sang the geeeetar (since I have been wanting to and didn't do so last Friday for a few reasons). Then we had protein and salads for dinner; neither of us was super hungry, to be honest. I think we've really been doing well with improving our eating, even if eating out with salads and grilled chicken, etc.

Partner Workout!

Teams of 3
20 min AMRAP of the following:

Partner 1: 250/200m Row
Partner 2: max reps Wall Ball 20/14
Partner 3: holding Front Plank to allow reps to count

*1 min rest after each full completed round

*Switch stations at the completion of each Row

Record total reps of Wall Ball (e.g. 224 >>).
Kate's Team "Fableticas" 401 
Chad's Team "Rise Up" 359ish

SAT 2.4

We went in early and did a body scan on the InBody with Steph. Super interesting to see the results. Now we have a good place to start and a point of reference that we have never had before.

Partner Chipper!
For Time (23 min cap):
150/125 Calorie Row
150 Dumbbell Snatch
150 Burpees
*Must complete all 150 reps before moving forward.

Choose a color for Dumbbell:
Black: 70/55
Orange: 55/35
Grey: 35/25 or less

Record color and time to complete (e.g. Black 19:19 >>).
Team "Trunk" - Got to 148 Burpees!!! Sooo close.
Kate Grey (only d
id 20# due to high reps - could've done 25, though)
Chad Orange

I'm proud of us and what we have been doing and improving. We aren't perfect, but we are certainly making progress and have most definitely made progress since October when we started. I'm so very thankful for ITF and it's methodology and coaches. It really completes a piece of our life that was missing for awhile, but is so much more positive than any other gym of which I have been a part. Love My Tribe!!! #TribeVibe #ItsTribeTime



Image result for falcons logo

Thursday, January 26, 2017

"Act the Way You want to Think"

THURS 1.26.17
I wasn't feeling so hot last night, thought I slept pretty well, but knew I had to get up for this one!

I got to work out with Ashley today and I think we did a great job! 

Partner Workout!

23 min AMRAP of the following:
15 Back Squats
15 V-ups
15/12 Calorie Row
*One partner completes a full round before switching

Choose a color for Back Squats:
Black: 115/75
Orange: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record color and rounds plus reps (e.g. Black, 6 rds 12 reps >>).
Kate/Ashley Orange, 10 rds
Chad B/Chad T Orange, 10 rds

I followed up with mobility and Chad walked home since I had the car and had a Coach's Assessment scheduled.

I got to speak with Joe (and Katie for some of it) and it was great to discuss life and the goals that I've got in mind for this year; the last half of 34 and the first half of 35.
  • strict pull up
  • strict push up
  • no more split kicking during DUs
  • get comfortable upside down for HSPUs/scales
  • weigh and stay under 160# (it's been too long) by 35
  • play my guitar and sing more (deep focus)
  • play my violin more (deep focus)
  • go on more hikes and outdoor adventures since we haven't very much since we've been here
  • and of course, eat better, drink less alcohol, plan better to do so
  • less negative self-talk - combat it, which I have started

"Act the way you want to think." - a smart mantra Joe offered after hearing I know what I want to do, and probably how to do it, but if I just do it, the all else will follow. It kind of goes along with everything above and my S.M.A.R.T. goal action plan for the next month: to play music for 20 - 30 minutes when I get home on Friday to decompress and to hike at least once a month on the weekends. BOOM. Doable? Absolutely.

See ya on the flipside, holmes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Swole Goals

Almost didn't go, but willed myself beyond the tired. Glad I did. But wooosah, it was a doosie.

For Time (25 min cap):
Buy-in: 800m Run
Back Squat OR Overhead Squat
OTB Burpees
Cash-out: 800m Run

Choose a color for Back Squats:
Black: 135/95
Blue: 125/85
Orange: 115/75
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record exercise, color, and time to complete (e.g. Back Squat, Black 23:33 >>).
Back Squat, Orange, 19:57

Then we had a Goals Workshop. Pretty cool. Makes me even more determined to keep on improving.

A. 15 min to perform 5 sets of the following complex:
1 Pos. 1 Cleans
2 Pos. 2 Cleans
*Build to heaviest weight throughout.

B. For Time (8 min cap):
Dumbbell Snatch
Handstand Push-ups (pike push ups)

Choose a color for Dumbbell:
Black: 70/55
Orange: 55/40
Grey: 40/25 or less

Record heaviest weight for part A, color and time to complete for B (e.g. 225, Black 6:02 >>).
Kate 95, Grey 25#, 6:00
Chad 215, Orange, 6:13

Definitely put back on my weekend pants Friday through Sunday. Tried to be mindful at times, but not exactly my finest showing. Then, after Sunday Football, I was a tired, tired girl. I didn't get up to go to the gym. And, I was just too tired after work. I almost went, but almost doesn't count.

Just couldn't get up despite going to bed early. My silly FitBit says I'm very restless and makes me think I get less sleep than I do. Harrumph.

For Time (23 min cap):
2000m Run (400 x 3, 800 x 1)
150 1-Arm Russian KB Swings (26# 30 x 5)
100 Sit-ups (20 x 5)
50 Handstand Push-ups (20# DB presses 10 x 5)
*Partition any way

Choose a color for KB:
Black: 70/53
Orange: 53/35
Grey: 35/26 or less

Record color and time to complete (e.g. Grey 18:18 >>)
Kate Grey #26, 22:20. *Was one of the few to complete, but I definitely scaled as I used 20# DBs for presses instead of HSPU. I also think I may have messed up a little of my KB swings - might have done 20 instead of 30 one of my rounds. I know I would have finished, either way. Time would've been closer to the 23 minute time cap.

My method was 400 m run, 30 SA RKBs, 20 SU, 10 DBP for the first 3 rounds. Then, I did 800 m run so I could focus on the last few rounds of everything else. So I just did 30 SA RKBs, 20 SU, 10 DBP for the last two rounds. Definitely harder than it looks on paper. I was dragging in my run, though. Everyday can't be the best day, but it's all working towards a better me!

I worked on DUs after - trying to get rid of my little split kick. I can do them, but I have to get rid of that darn thing and relax and not be so tensed up when I do them, too. I got to a little better state, but knew I should give it a rest as I had intentionally not done them for awhile due to injuring my calf awhile back.

I think I tweaked my knee somehow today. I felt it during the warm-up and run. Had planned on going on Wednesday, but wanted to give it a day to be sure. I iced it when I got home and tried to stretch and massage it a bit, too.

5 rounds of the following (25 min total):
30 sec of work/30 sec rest/rotate for each station

Station 1: max Calories Assault Bike

Station 2: max rep Supinated Grip Strict Pull-ups (bicep ring rows)

Station 3: max rep Double-Unders (mixed SU and DU)

Station 4: max rep V-ups (bent leg)

Station 5: Rest

Record highest round for Assault Bike, total reps from station 2-4 (e.g. 18, 274 >>).
Chad 25, 207. YEP - he did 25 cals! Insane. His first round was 23, and Steph said to equal or top it by 2 cals in the last round, and he did. He's a big strong boy.

Since I drove to class, Chad walked as we are a 1 car family. However, he was going to ride his bike, until he discovered it was stolen. LOVELY. Someone stole it from our parking garage and it was on the top floor, locked, and amidst several other bikes that still remain. JERKS!

Chad said he felt like he was going to puke after the workout as he didn't finish the last little bit since he went to hard on the bike, and, he had to walk home. I tried to stay during the remainder of the workout to drive us both back, but he said to leave. But, once he got home he said he didn't think he'd make it on Wednesday, either. He had to stay up late to work, so I had a feeling. Alas, we both are taking another rest day.

Feeling so tired and my tummy is bothering me a bit. Blah. But, back to it tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday (is the plan). Oh, I failed to mention we reordered Fresh 'n Fit meals for the week - 3x 3 meals to get another little jolt of good nutrition going. Have some yummy recipes I want to try, too. Got a good bit o' grocery shopping done on Sunday AM, too.

So I have been on the hunt for these shirts/tanks I saw years back with SWOLE MATES on them. I cannot find the exact ones, and I'm getting a little peeved. Maybe I'll make them instead. Gotta live up to the SWOLE GOALS! #swolemates #swolegoals #bollardwodsquad

Woop. Holla Atcha Boy. See yins on the flipside.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Friday the 13th and then some...

We fully intended to double down today, but after power, Chad's back was tightening up, so we went home. I know we could have done both, for sure. But alas, it's OK.

Fri1/13 Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah
A. Clean and Jerk (12 min)
*Build to heaviest weight
B. 10 min AMRAP of:
1 Power Clean
100m Run
2 Power Cleans
100m Run
3 Power Cleans
100m Run...
*Add 1 Power Clean each round
*Weight used for Power Cleans is 80% of Part A.

Record heaviest weight for Part A, weight used and rounds plus reps for Part B (e.g. 275, 220, 7 rds 8 reps >>).
Kate 85, 65, 7 + 4
Chad 205, 155, 7 + 2

While workouts were planned, they did not happen. Boo. Hiss. Bad adults.

I came out the gates...hard...with a double.
Chad chose to do a single and go get us some groceries while I finished up...

A. 15 min to complete 4 sets of the following:
4 Front Squats + 4 Back Squats
*Weight used is 75-80% of 1RM Front Squat

B. 8 min AMRAP of:
12 Front Rack 20” Box Step-ups 95/65 (we both scaled down to 20/12")
4 Bar Muscle-ups (scaled with 8 ring rows)

Record heaviest weight for A, rounds plus reps for B (e.g. 275, 4 rds 10 reps >>).
Kate 95, 6 + 2

3 rounds of the following (24 min total)::
2 min at each station

Station 1: 90 sec max calories Assault Bike 
Station 2: 20 Alternating DB Strict Press
Station 3: 90 sec max reps Burpees 20-18-20
Station 4: 20 Alternating Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges 35/26
Record total reps for calories on Bike, weight used for DB, total reps for Burpees (e.g. 67, 35, 59 >>).
Kate 52, 15, 58

Followed that up with some mobility.

I sat today out, but Chad went to an evening class. I took Piggy for a nice walk around Atlantic Station.

Every 6 min for 4 rounds (24 min total):
Shoulder to Overhead
Box Jumps 30/24” ( 20")
*Must step down after every rep for Box Jumps.

Choose a color for Barbell:
Blue: 155/105
Orange: 135/95
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record color and slowest round completed (e.g. Black, 5:22 >>).
Chad Orange, 2:04

2 rounds of the following (24 min total):

In a 3 min window: 500/400m Row

In a 3 min window: 30 Wall Ball 20/14 + 15 Front Plank Up/Downs (both used 14#)

In a 3 min window: 6 sets of :15 on/:15 off Rope Choice

In a 3 min window: Rest

*Choose between Forward Circle, Alternate Arm Wave, Side to Side Wave, Mini Wave

Record fastest Row time, >> if Wall Ball station is completed within the window (e.g. 1:56 >>).
Kate 1:41, 2:45
Chad 1:38, 2:54

Followed by mobility.

While we ate well during the day, we ended up going to Sweetwater for the 420 Fest Announcements and some fun with our friend, Angela, who was in town for work. Then we hit up Ponce for some Hops Chicken (first time - and wowsa) and a little red vino. We dropped her off and headed home and enjoyed some time with some neighbors and some pups for a little bit before retiring.

Until next time, yo...

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sleep, or Lack Thereof

Bad news bears tired. Didn't have the strength or gumption to go work out after a VERY eventful weekend (to say the least). Ate garbage for dinner, too. Shameful.

20 min AMRAP:
Buy-in: 1 mile Run
1 Deadlift
2 Deadlifts
2 HSPU...
*Add 1 rep to Deadlifts and HSPU each round

Choose a color for Deadlifts:
Black: 255/185
Blue: 225/155
Orange: 185/125
White: 155/105
Grey: 135/95 or less

Record color, time to complete for the 1 mile Run, and total reps (e.g. Black, 7:31, 67 >>).
Kate White, 7:54, 110 reps *probably could've done Orange, but didn't want to kill myself 
Chad Orange, 7:22 (3 mi on Airdyne instead of run), 113

Followed by Mobility.

A. 12 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 10 Ring Rows
2nd min: 20 sec 2-Arm Rope Slam + 20 sec Alternate Arm Rope Slam

Rest 1 min

B. 12 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 10 20” Box Step-ups with 2 DBs 35/25 (5 each leg)
2nd min: 40 sec max rep Sit-ups

Record total reps of 2-Arm Rope Slams in Part A, total reps of Sit-ups in Part B (e.g. 72, 175 >>).
We did B then A
Kate B 150 A 86

Followed by Mobility.

In other news, we've had craptastico sleep for the past 4 nights, which doesn't bode well for attending AM classes. Or doubles, for that matter. Yoinks, Scooby. I had big plans, but I'm still attending. Chad woke up with some major elbow pain this AM, but luckily he is going to see our amazing, incomparable PT, Dr. Alexis, at ITF over lunch. I'm also proud that we went to the gym and then to Wally World for groceries instead of going to our building's HH right at the beginning. We made an appearance, had a beverage or two - instead of many, and had a few small bites and convo before heading back up for dinner (Pacific Carrot Ginger Soup with shredded rotisserie chicken). #patontheback As Coach Steph would say, "Progress, not Perfection."

Tonight, we are finally going to tend to our other girl, Silvia "Sil," and get her all decked out with a wash, vacuum, floor mats, the dog cargo area, Piggy sticker, and ITF magnet so she's one step closer to being ready for her GA plate crowning.

Check ya later...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Accountability and Willpower

Accountability and Willpower. Two things I have been good at in the past with which I'm currently struggling to be consistent.

Saturday our gym was closed due to weather, but I did do the tiny at-home workout to at least do something. I had also worked really hard during the week, but seemingly squandered all of that work away over the weekend - Friday included.

Now, I find myself having not gone to the gym since Thursday (Friday was a much-deserved rest day) and here it's already Tuesday. I feel like I'm getting sick again after not really having been 100%, but probably somewhere in the 90th % from my marathon sickness since early November. This can't be real. I am never sick this often or this long.

Plan is to go every day this week and Saturday - with a double on Wednesday - to partially make up for my major indescretions and multiple rest days.

I know what I need to do and could do it, but for some reason, even as I am acting in a way I shouldn't and feel a pang of remorse before doing so, I continue to do so. This must stop.

One major goal: to get under and STAY under 160#; this is something I've been struggling with for a few years. I need to be in the 150s - with an ideal weight of 145# - if I can ever achieve it. But first step is to get under 160 by May (and potentially by March as my fortune cookie revealed I would reach my goal in 2 months as of 1/8/17). I only ate half along with some sushi and miso soup. As for the beverages and other food intake over the past 4 days, I will not reveal all of it. Some was good, much of it was very, very bad. #getittogethergirl

So, here's to pressing the RESET button yet again, and hopefully sticking to a better plan going forward. I need to remember the days when we did Paleo most of the time and were at our thinnest in years. Facebook's "On this Day" certainly helps with that. I also hope that I can lean on my partner in crime, too. It always helps to have each other to hold one another accountable, to encourage, to thrive. #2017goals #35istheyear

Until next time...

Image result for reset button

Friday, January 6, 2017

Hello 2017

Welp, time got a little bit away from me since my last post, as did my health. I was sick November through December and it's slightly lingering here in January of the New Year. I went through rounds of antibiotics, a round of steroids, and a lot of homeopathic and OTC methods without victory. Just one of those narrrsty things that stuck around for awhile.

Despite that, I still made myself stay active and keep going with the ITF and a wee bit of running.

November pretty much escapes me at this point, however, we did go for a walk (and I a run) or Thanksgiving Day while up in Charlotte. I'd honestly have to look back at my planner to see how we fared that month. Definitely did ITF when in town, too.

December was a busy month, and one where we spent a lot of time back in PA with the fam for Christmas. We also had to buy a new car - much needed. We joined my sister's gym for the time we were there and I was pretty proud of myself for working out the majority of the days we were out of town - even on Christmas Day. Chad worked out most of the time, too, but his back was bothering him, so he wasn't quite as committed. We finished the year out pretty well with workouts with a whole new focus going into 2017.

So, since Jan 1 - we actually took off the 1st -  still worked out on the 2nd, but refocused on the 3rd on food and fitness. ITF also updated their programming to include PUSH, POWER, and MOBILITY classes. So far, they have been great. And, I really do love ITF. I think Chad does, too.

Here's a look at our first week of 2017...

Kate & Chad
2 rounds of the following (24 min total):
3 min at each station
Station 1: :15 max/:30 very light x 4 on Assault Bike (DNR
Station 2: 3 min AMRAP of 7 Box Jumps + 7 Burpees (5 rds + 9 reps |
Station 3: 200m MB Run 20/14 then max rep Sit-ups (69
Station 4: Rest/60 sec Couch Stretch ea leg
Record calories from bike, total reps for station 2, total
sit-ups (e.g. 56, 77, 54 >>).
DNR, 79, 69 | 84, 61, 46

Kate & Chad
For Time (25 min cap):
5 rounds of:
400m Run
20 KB Swings 26#/53#
10 Handstand Push-ups (scaled pike push ups)
Record color and time to complete (e.g. Black 22:33 >>).
Grey 19:21, Orange 21:14

Chad - POWER
24 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 5 Tempo Barbell Bent Over Row 65# 95#
2nd min: max rep Burpees
3rd min: 40 sec max rep Assault Bike Calories
4th min: Rest
*Tempo is 31X1
White, 113 *I suck at Assault Bike | Blue, 180

3 rounds of the following (24 min total):
:20 work/:20 rest x 3 at each station (2 min)
Station 1: Rope 2-Arm Big Wave, Side to Side Wave, Alternate
Arm Wave
Station 2: Ring Row, Top of Ring Dip Hold, Ring Row
Station 3: 3m Lateral Shuffle x 3
Station 4: Hollow Body Rock x 3
Record total number of Ring Rows, total reps of Shuffle (e.g.
54, 49, >>).
78,78 (kept track, but may have messed up score a little)

Kate - PUSH
For Time (25 min cap):
800m Run
2 rounds of:
15 Alternating DB Snatch 25#
15 MB Chest Pass 14/10
Rest 1 min
800m Run
2 rounds of:
15 Alternating DB Snatch 25#
15 MB Chest Pass 14/10
Rest 1 min
800m Run
Record color and time to complete (e.g. Blue, 17:54 >>).
White, 19:56

Kate - Rest day
Chad - POWER
A. Every 2 min on the min for 6 sets (12 min total), perform one round of the following complex:
2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
*Build to heaviest weight throughout

B. For Time (10 min cap):
20 Power Cleans 135#
100 Push-ups
*May partition any way.
Record heaviest weight for A, time to complete for B (e.g. 225, Black 7:07 >>).
Blue+ 8:04


Here's to making 2017 (and the last half of 34 and first half of 35) the year of being:
Image result for harder better faster stronger