SAT 1.28
3 rounds of the following (24 min total):
In a 2 min window: 30/20 Cal Bike
In a 2 min window: 30 AKB Swings
In a 2 min window: 60m Forward/Backward Bear Crawl (10m up/back x 3)
2 min Rest
Record slowest Bike time, weight used for KB, >> if Bear Crawl completed within window (e.g. 1:34, 53 >>).
Kate 1:47, 35, >>
Chad 1:50, 44, >>*last round Farmer Carry
MON 1.30
A. Sumo Deadlift (15 min)
Build to a 2RM
B. 9 min AMRAP of:
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”
15 Russian KB Swings
30 sec Rest
Choose a color for KB Swings:
Black: 70/53
Orange: 53/35
Grey: 35/26 or less
Record heaviest weight for Part A, color and rounds plus reps for B (e.g. 275, Black 5 rds 3 reps >>).
Kate 175, Orange, 6 + 3
Chad 355, Orange, 5 + 13
TUES 1.31
Every 6 min for 4 sets (24 min total), complete one round of the following:
400m Run
25 Wall Balls 20/14
5 Bar Muscle-ups (scale was band pull-downs)
Record slowest round (e.g. 4:02 >>).
Kate 3:50
Chad Rest Day
WED 2.1
Kate - Rest Day
Chad - POWER
A. Tempo Strict Press (12 min)
*Build to heaviest weight
*Tempo is 22X3
B. 3 rounds of (13 min total):
1 min max rep Ring Push-ups
1 min max rep MB Sit-ups 20/14
45 second max Calorie Row
Rest 2 min
Record weight for Part A, total reps for Part B (e.g. 135, 110 >>).
Chad 145, 139
I went in the AM and Chad went in the PM as he had his Coach's Assessment with Joe. He got a pretty solid plan to evaluate his progress - a plus/minus system of accountability (working out and eating).
24 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 5 TnG Power Cleans
2nd min: 50 Double-unders
3rd min: :15 on/:15 off x 2 Assault Bike
4th min: Rest
*Weight used for Power Cleans is approximately 75% of 1RM.
Record weight used and total reps for Assault Bike (e.g. 205, 66 >>).
Kate 65, 50 *I'm not allowed to to DUs for a couple of weeks due to my split-kick that I'm trying to correct
Chad 145, 119
FRI 2.3
With it being after work Friday, I almost thought about skipping, but alas, got dressed and we went! No one ever says, "I regret working out," right? So glad we went. Got home, grabbed a quick shower, and played and sang the geeeetar (since I have been wanting to and didn't do so last Friday for a few reasons). Then we had protein and salads for dinner; neither of us was super hungry, to be honest. I think we've really been doing well with improving our eating, even if eating out with salads and grilled chicken, etc.
Partner Workout!
Teams of 3
20 min AMRAP of the following:
Partner 1: 250/200m Row
Partner 2: max reps Wall Ball 20/14
Partner 3: holding Front Plank to allow reps to count
*1 min rest after each full completed round
*Switch stations at the completion of each Row
Record total reps of Wall Ball (e.g. 224 >>).
Kate's Team "Fableticas" 401
Chad's Team "Rise Up" 359ish
SAT 2.4
We went in early and did a body scan on the InBody with Steph. Super interesting to see the results. Now we have a good place to start and a point of reference that we have never had before.
Partner Chipper!
For Time (23 min cap):
150/125 Calorie Row
150 Dumbbell Snatch
150 Burpees
*Must complete all 150 reps before moving forward.
Choose a color for Dumbbell:
Black: 70/55
Orange: 55/35
Grey: 35/25 or less
Record color and time to complete (e.g. Black 19:19 >>).
Team "Trunk" - Got to 148 Burpees!!! Sooo close.
Kate Grey (only did 20# due to high reps - could've done 25, though)
Chad Orange
I'm proud of us and what we have been doing and improving. We aren't perfect, but we are certainly making progress and have most definitely made progress since October when we started. I'm so very thankful for ITF and it's methodology and coaches. It really completes a piece of our life that was missing for awhile, but is so much more positive than any other gym of which I have been a part. Love My Tribe!!! #TribeVibe #ItsTribeTime
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