Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Swole Goals

Almost didn't go, but willed myself beyond the tired. Glad I did. But wooosah, it was a doosie.

For Time (25 min cap):
Buy-in: 800m Run
Back Squat OR Overhead Squat
OTB Burpees
Cash-out: 800m Run

Choose a color for Back Squats:
Black: 135/95
Blue: 125/85
Orange: 115/75
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less

Record exercise, color, and time to complete (e.g. Back Squat, Black 23:33 >>).
Back Squat, Orange, 19:57

Then we had a Goals Workshop. Pretty cool. Makes me even more determined to keep on improving.

A. 15 min to perform 5 sets of the following complex:
1 Pos. 1 Cleans
2 Pos. 2 Cleans
*Build to heaviest weight throughout.

B. For Time (8 min cap):
Dumbbell Snatch
Handstand Push-ups (pike push ups)

Choose a color for Dumbbell:
Black: 70/55
Orange: 55/40
Grey: 40/25 or less

Record heaviest weight for part A, color and time to complete for B (e.g. 225, Black 6:02 >>).
Kate 95, Grey 25#, 6:00
Chad 215, Orange, 6:13

Definitely put back on my weekend pants Friday through Sunday. Tried to be mindful at times, but not exactly my finest showing. Then, after Sunday Football, I was a tired, tired girl. I didn't get up to go to the gym. And, I was just too tired after work. I almost went, but almost doesn't count.

Just couldn't get up despite going to bed early. My silly FitBit says I'm very restless and makes me think I get less sleep than I do. Harrumph.

For Time (23 min cap):
2000m Run (400 x 3, 800 x 1)
150 1-Arm Russian KB Swings (26# 30 x 5)
100 Sit-ups (20 x 5)
50 Handstand Push-ups (20# DB presses 10 x 5)
*Partition any way

Choose a color for KB:
Black: 70/53
Orange: 53/35
Grey: 35/26 or less

Record color and time to complete (e.g. Grey 18:18 >>)
Kate Grey #26, 22:20. *Was one of the few to complete, but I definitely scaled as I used 20# DBs for presses instead of HSPU. I also think I may have messed up a little of my KB swings - might have done 20 instead of 30 one of my rounds. I know I would have finished, either way. Time would've been closer to the 23 minute time cap.

My method was 400 m run, 30 SA RKBs, 20 SU, 10 DBP for the first 3 rounds. Then, I did 800 m run so I could focus on the last few rounds of everything else. So I just did 30 SA RKBs, 20 SU, 10 DBP for the last two rounds. Definitely harder than it looks on paper. I was dragging in my run, though. Everyday can't be the best day, but it's all working towards a better me!

I worked on DUs after - trying to get rid of my little split kick. I can do them, but I have to get rid of that darn thing and relax and not be so tensed up when I do them, too. I got to a little better state, but knew I should give it a rest as I had intentionally not done them for awhile due to injuring my calf awhile back.

I think I tweaked my knee somehow today. I felt it during the warm-up and run. Had planned on going on Wednesday, but wanted to give it a day to be sure. I iced it when I got home and tried to stretch and massage it a bit, too.

5 rounds of the following (25 min total):
30 sec of work/30 sec rest/rotate for each station

Station 1: max Calories Assault Bike

Station 2: max rep Supinated Grip Strict Pull-ups (bicep ring rows)

Station 3: max rep Double-Unders (mixed SU and DU)

Station 4: max rep V-ups (bent leg)

Station 5: Rest

Record highest round for Assault Bike, total reps from station 2-4 (e.g. 18, 274 >>).
Chad 25, 207. YEP - he did 25 cals! Insane. His first round was 23, and Steph said to equal or top it by 2 cals in the last round, and he did. He's a big strong boy.

Since I drove to class, Chad walked as we are a 1 car family. However, he was going to ride his bike, until he discovered it was stolen. LOVELY. Someone stole it from our parking garage and it was on the top floor, locked, and amidst several other bikes that still remain. JERKS!

Chad said he felt like he was going to puke after the workout as he didn't finish the last little bit since he went to hard on the bike, and, he had to walk home. I tried to stay during the remainder of the workout to drive us both back, but he said to leave. But, once he got home he said he didn't think he'd make it on Wednesday, either. He had to stay up late to work, so I had a feeling. Alas, we both are taking another rest day.

Feeling so tired and my tummy is bothering me a bit. Blah. But, back to it tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday (is the plan). Oh, I failed to mention we reordered Fresh 'n Fit meals for the week - 3x 3 meals to get another little jolt of good nutrition going. Have some yummy recipes I want to try, too. Got a good bit o' grocery shopping done on Sunday AM, too.

So I have been on the hunt for these shirts/tanks I saw years back with SWOLE MATES on them. I cannot find the exact ones, and I'm getting a little peeved. Maybe I'll make them instead. Gotta live up to the SWOLE GOALS! #swolemates #swolegoals #bollardwodsquad

Woop. Holla Atcha Boy. See yins on the flipside.

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