Despite that, I still made myself stay active and keep going with the ITF and a wee bit of running.
November pretty much escapes me at this point, however, we did go for a walk (and I a run) or Thanksgiving Day while up in Charlotte. I'd honestly have to look back at my planner to see how we fared that month. Definitely did ITF when in town, too.
December was a busy month, and one where we spent a lot of time back in PA with the fam for Christmas. We also had to buy a new car - much needed. We joined my sister's gym for the time we were there and I was pretty proud of myself for working out the majority of the days we were out of town - even on Christmas Day. Chad worked out most of the time, too, but his back was bothering him, so he wasn't quite as committed. We finished the year out pretty well with workouts with a whole new focus going into 2017.
So, since Jan 1 - we actually took off the 1st - still worked out on the 2nd, but refocused on the 3rd on food and fitness. ITF also updated their programming to include PUSH, POWER, and MOBILITY classes. So far, they have been great. And, I really do love ITF. I think Chad does, too.
Here's a look at our first week of 2017...
Kate & Chad
2 rounds of the following (24 min total):
3 min at each station
Station 1: :15 max/:30 very light x 4 on Assault Bike (DNR
Station 2: 3 min AMRAP of 7 Box Jumps + 7 Burpees (5 rds + 9 reps |
Station 3: 200m MB Run 20/14 then max rep Sit-ups (69
Station 4: Rest/60 sec Couch Stretch ea leg
Record calories from bike, total reps for station 2, total
sit-ups (e.g. 56, 77, 54 >>).
DNR, 79, 69 | 84, 61, 46
Kate & Chad
For Time (25 min cap):
5 rounds of:
400m Run
20 KB Swings 26#/53#
10 Handstand Push-ups (scaled pike push ups)
Record color and time to complete (e.g. Black 22:33 >>).
Grey 19:21, Orange 21:14
Chad - POWER
24 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 5 Tempo Barbell Bent Over Row 65# 95#
2nd min: max rep Burpees
3rd min: 40 sec max rep Assault Bike Calories
4th min: Rest
*Tempo is 31X1
White, 113 *I suck at Assault Bike | Blue, 180
3 rounds of the following (24 min total):
:20 work/:20 rest x 3 at each station (2 min)
Station 1: Rope 2-Arm Big Wave, Side to Side Wave, Alternate
Arm Wave
Station 2: Ring Row, Top of Ring Dip Hold, Ring Row
Station 3: 3m Lateral Shuffle x 3
Station 4: Hollow Body Rock x 3
Record total number of Ring Rows, total reps of Shuffle (e.g.
54, 49, >>).
78,78 (kept track, but may have messed up score a little)
Kate - PUSH
For Time (25 min cap):
800m Run
2 rounds of:
15 Alternating DB Snatch 25#
15 MB Chest Pass 14/10
Rest 1 min
800m Run
2 rounds of:
15 Alternating DB Snatch 25#
15 MB Chest Pass 14/10
Rest 1 min
800m Run
Record color and time to complete (e.g. Blue, 17:54 >>).
White, 19:56
Kate - Rest day
Chad - POWER
A. Every 2 min on the min for 6 sets (12 min total), perform one round of the following complex:
2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
*Build to heaviest weight throughout
B. For Time (10 min cap):
20 Power Cleans 135#
100 Push-ups
*May partition any way.
Record heaviest weight for A, time to complete for B (e.g. 225, Black 7:07 >>).
Blue+ 8:04
Here's to making 2017 (and the last half of 34 and first half of 35) the year of being:
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