We fully intended to double down today, but after power, Chad's back was tightening up, so we went home. I know we could have done both, for sure. But alas, it's OK.
Fri1/13 Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah
A. Clean and Jerk (12 min)
*Build to heaviest weight
*Build to heaviest weight
B. 10 min AMRAP of:
1 Power Clean
100m Run
2 Power Cleans
100m Run
3 Power Cleans
100m Run...
1 Power Clean
100m Run
2 Power Cleans
100m Run
3 Power Cleans
100m Run...
*Add 1 Power Clean each round
*Weight used for Power Cleans is 80% of Part A.
Record heaviest weight for Part A, weight used and rounds plus reps for Part B (e.g. 275, 220, 7 rds 8 reps >>).
Kate 85, 65, 7 + 4
Chad 205, 155, 7 + 2
Kate 85, 65, 7 + 4
Chad 205, 155, 7 + 2
While workouts were planned, they did not happen. Boo. Hiss. Bad adults.
I came out the gates...hard...with a double.
Chad chose to do a single and go get us some groceries while I finished up...
While workouts were planned, they did not happen. Boo. Hiss. Bad adults.
I came out the gates...hard...with a double.
Chad chose to do a single and go get us some groceries while I finished up...
A. 15 min to complete 4 sets of the following:
4 Front Squats + 4 Back Squats
*Weight used is 75-80% of 1RM Front Squat
B. 8 min AMRAP of:
12 Front Rack 20” Box Step-ups 95/65 (we both scaled down to 20/12")
4 Bar Muscle-ups (scaled with 8 ring rows)
Record heaviest weight for A, rounds plus reps for B (e.g. 275, 4 rds 10 reps >>).
Kate 95, 6 + 2
3 rounds of the following (24 min total)::
2 min at each station
Station 1: 90 sec max calories Assault Bike
Station 2: 20 Alternating DB Strict Press
Station 3: 90 sec max reps Burpees 20-18-20
Station 4: 20 Alternating Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges 35/26
Record total reps for calories on Bike, weight used for DB, total reps for Burpees (e.g. 67, 35, 59 >>).
Kate 52, 15, 58
Followed that up with some mobility.
I sat today out, but Chad went to an evening class. I took Piggy for a nice walk around Atlantic Station.
Every 6 min for 4 rounds (24 min total):
Shoulder to Overhead
Box Jumps 30/24” ( 20")
*Must step down after every rep for Box Jumps.
Choose a color for Barbell:
Blue: 155/105
Orange: 135/95
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less
Record color and slowest round completed (e.g. Black, 5:22 >>).
Chad Orange, 2:04
2 rounds of the following (24 min total):
In a 3 min window: 500/400m Row
In a 3 min window: 30 Wall Ball 20/14 + 15 Front Plank Up/Downs (both used 14#)
In a 3 min window: 6 sets of :15 on/:15 off Rope Choice
In a 3 min window: Rest
*Choose between Forward Circle, Alternate Arm Wave, Side to Side Wave, Mini Wave
Record fastest Row time, >> if Wall Ball station is completed within the window (e.g. 1:56 >>).
Kate 1:41, 2:45
Chad 1:38, 2:54
Followed by mobility.
While we ate well during the day, we ended up going to Sweetwater for the 420 Fest Announcements and some fun with our friend, Angela, who was in town for work. Then we hit up Ponce for some Hops Chicken (first time - and wowsa) and a little red vino. We dropped her off and headed home and enjoyed some time with some neighbors and some pups for a little bit before retiring.
Until next time, yo...
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