Bad news bears tired. Didn't have the strength or gumption to go work out after a VERY eventful weekend (to say the least). Ate garbage for dinner, too. Shameful.
20 min AMRAP:
Buy-in: 1 mile Run
1 Deadlift
2 Deadlifts
2 HSPU...
*Add 1 rep to Deadlifts and HSPU each round
Choose a color for Deadlifts:
Black: 255/185
Blue: 225/155
Orange: 185/125
White: 155/105
Grey: 135/95 or less
Record color, time to complete for the 1 mile Run, and total reps (e.g. Black, 7:31, 67 >>).
Kate White, 7:54, 110 reps *probably could've done Orange, but didn't want to kill myself
Chad Orange, 7:22 (3 mi on Airdyne instead of run), 113
Followed by Mobility.
A. 12 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 10 Ring Rows
2nd min: 20 sec 2-Arm Rope Slam + 20 sec Alternate Arm Rope Slam
Rest 1 min
B. 12 min EMOM
6 rounds of:
1st min: 10 20” Box Step-ups with 2 DBs 35/25 (5 each leg)
2nd min: 40 sec max rep Sit-ups
Record total reps of 2-Arm Rope Slams in Part A, total reps of Sit-ups in Part B (e.g. 72, 175 >>).
We did B then A
Kate B 150 A 86
Followed by Mobility.
In other news, we've had craptastico sleep for the past 4 nights, which doesn't bode well for attending AM classes. Or doubles, for that matter. Yoinks, Scooby. I had big plans, but I'm still attending. Chad woke up with some major elbow pain this AM, but luckily he is going to see our amazing, incomparable PT, Dr. Alexis, at ITF over lunch. I'm also proud that we went to the gym and then to Wally World for groceries instead of going to our building's HH right at the beginning. We made an appearance, had a beverage or two - instead of many, and had a few small bites and convo before heading back up for dinner (Pacific Carrot Ginger Soup with shredded rotisserie chicken). #patontheback As Coach Steph would say, "Progress, not Perfection."
Tonight, we are finally going to tend to our other girl, Silvia "Sil," and get her all decked out with a wash, vacuum, floor mats, the dog cargo area, Piggy sticker, and ITF magnet so she's one step closer to being ready for her GA plate crowning.
Check ya later...
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