Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Run Social Urban Tree/Iron Tribe 5k

May 29, 2017 - Memorial Day

This was the inaugural event for Urban Tree, Run Social, and Iron Tribe! I did the preview run (run only) last Wednesday on the hills, and phew, I guess I don't remember it being quite as hilly. But, it is Atlanta - home of the heat, hills, and humidity. And boy, did we have all three and then some...

You could either do the Urban Tree 5k or do the Iron Tribe 5k. Here is the route - it was an out and back, but whatever you had downhill on the way out was an uphill on the way back in, and vice versa. We did the Iron Tribe version, which added 3 stations of workouts amidst the running. There were two divisions - Iron (the heavier) and Tribe (the lighter). Some people mixed, but I made sure to do Iron the entire time to really challenge myself. I believe Chad did as well. I also remained running the whole time, no walking for this lady even if it was a slower hill-climbing pace.

The following weights only reflect the Iron Division (M/F):

Station 1: 2 rounds of the following:
- 15 DB Thrusters 35/25#
- 10 Renegade Row 35/25#

Station 2: 2 rounds of the following:
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 15 KB Swings 55/35# *AKB to count for Iron
- 10 Reverse Lunges

Station 3: Before 3rd Loop - 2 rounds of the following:
- 30m Overhead Plate Walk 45/25#
- 20 Plate Step Lunges 45/25#
- 10 Plate Russian Twist 45/25#

There were a few times where we paused thinking we had to go to a station too soon, or getting to the proper equipment was a bit delayed, but I still managed to finish in a decent time despite HATING running in the heat and humidity.

At first, they couldn't find my results, but that was due to a snafu of mixing up my bib with a woman, named Sue who didn't show. They had to run the video and finally figured it out! Phew.

Kate 36:37.9
Chad 46:33.9

Iron Tribe (both Iron and Tribe) Results!!
Urban Tree 5k Results!!

Had a nice time hanging out with fellow Tribers and runners over some yummy cider. Unfortunately, I got a little too much sun, not thinking I was in the sun long enough, but alas, I was. Then a couple of followed up with some Mexican before retreating to our lives to get meal prep and ready for a short 4-day work week! Cheers!

My homemade tank for the occasion. I also wore blue and white tights, flag sunglasses, and a flag bandana. Duh. #America

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