Sunday 2.19
Consisted of a rest day in every way. I didn't sleep well after our shenanigans the evening before during the onesie bar crawl. 'Twas a good time. Watched some shows, movies, got outside a little on a walk with Piggy to AS, and maxed and relaxed.
Monday 2.20
Oh my goodness - I slept in! I had an alarm set to go to the gym in the AM, and then said nah, when do I really sleep in? So, I went back to bed (a Christmas miracle!) and woke back up around 8:45!!
We had coffee, chilled out, and went to the gym for the 12:15 Power Class.
A. Every 2 min for 7 sets (14 min total):
3 TnG Power Cleans
4 sets @70% of 1RM Power Clean
3 sets @75% of 1RM Power Clean
B. 9 min EMOM
3 rounds of:
1st min: max rep Russian KB Swings
2nd min: max rep Strict Ring Dips (scaled)
3rd min: Rest
Record weight used for last set of Part A, color and total reps for Part B (e.g. 205, Black 111 >>)
Kate 75, Orange, 160
Chad 175, Orange, 107
Tuesday 2.23.17
Rest Day. Oy. We have been falling back into some bad eating and beverage consumption lately - including Girl Scout Cookies!! EEK.
Wednesday 2.24.17
We were going to go in the AM, but I had a weird top-of-foot pain that luckily settled soon after, but we would have been late. So, evening it was.
5 rounds (23 min total):
In a 3 min window:
200m Run
10 Shoulder to Overhead
max rep Burpees with remaining time
Rest 2 min after each round
Choose a color for Shoulder to Overhead:
Black: 185/125
Blue: 155/105
Orange: 135/95
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less
Record color and total reps of Burpees (e.g. Blue 53 >>).
White 61 >>
Blue 57 >>
Phew, that was a doosie. Felt every bit of the badness I've been imbibing. Duh. Better choices always make you feel better! Plus, this stupid congestion doesn't help.
Thursday 2.23.17
A. 10 min AMRAP of:
1 Hang Squat Clean
10 Knees to Elbows
30 Double-unders
2 Hang Squat Cleans
10 Knees to Elbows
30 Double-unders...
*Add 1 rep to Hang Squat Cleans every round.
Rest 3 min
B. For Time (11 min cap):
Start at the highest round completed and work our way back down
Choose a color for Hang Squat Cleans:
Black: 185/125
Blue: 155/105
Orange: 125/95
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less
Record color and rounds plus reps for Part A, time to complete for Part B (e.g. White 6 rounds plus 10 reps, 10:31 >>).
Kate 5 + 3, 8:25 (I think?) *Did DUs first round, but I'm still doing some split-kicking, so I did 15 single leg jumps on each leg
Chad hurt his back :( so he didn't finish, but he was doing 135# and had gotten through several rounds
One more day of ITF - tomorrow AM - before I head to Orlando for a conference. I have to get measured tomorrow AM for the Transformation Challenge that starts next Wednesday. I will also have to make up the Mar 1 baseline workout on Mar 4, which should be interesting as we have two concerts in a row Mar 3 and Mar 4. The challenge goes through April 14. We have several events and visitors that may affect our strict participation, but we want to stay as close to the plan as possible for the majority of the time. Lifestyle change, not a diet, right? Famous last words. But this time, I really want it to stick.
An Update:
Friday 2.24.17
25 min EMOM
5 rounds of:
1st min: 12 Alternating Front Rack Step Lunges
2nd min: 12 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Right Arm
3rd min: 12 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Left Arm
4th min: 40 second max rep Assault Bike Calories
5th min: Rest
Choose a color for Front Rack Lunges:
Black: 155/105
Blue: 135/95
Orange: 115/75
White: 95/65
Grey: 75/55 or less
Record color and total reps for Assault Bike (e.g. Orange 77 >>)
Kate Grey 53 >> *I was really feeling it in the legs and all over really! Yikes.
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