Friday, May 31, 2013

Kitchen WOD

Chad had a 2nd sleep study done last night and I had pretty decent night sleep with Piggy. I just couldn't get going quickly enough to merit a trip to the I did my WOD in the kitchen on a yoga mat while I listened to a Pandora station on my phone with the iWOD Fitness timer going strong. While we do have weights in the house, I went with a traditional body weight WOD for the sake of simplicity. Just proves you can really do CrossFit anywhere, anytime.


"Kitch Bitch"
25 Push Ups
25 Situps
25 2ct Mountain Climbers
25 Air Squats
11:43 *i was dragging


10 burpees

Hey, at least I did something!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday Warriors

Chad and I didn't go to the gym this AM, so we vowed to ourselves we would tonight, plus getting in the pool and hot tub in this heat gave us even more incentive.


Foam Roll
Dynamic Stretches


Incline Bench Press
K 45/55/65/65/70
C 115/125/135/135/190


5x Push-press (95#/65#) 
10x American KB swings (55#/35#) 
15x Squats
K & C 6 + 5 p/p


Foam Roll AbsK - 10 ball back extensions


Pool and Hot Tub!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

I wanted to do Murph outside somewhere, but the last few days of festivities have worn me out, so I was a bit late in getting a move on today. I finally headed to Garst Mill Park with Piggy while Chad stayed back to get some stuff done.

One + Twenty7

1 mile run
27 park bench jumps
27 elevated park bench push ups
27 air squats
27 dips
27 lunges
17 kipping monkey bar pull ups/metal bar rows *It was made clear by the children that I was not welcome there and Piggy started to bark so I DNF the pull up portion!

Happy Memorial Day in this great land of the free because of the brave!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

No Sit Saturday

Met up with the Mud Freaks and some others and did this awesome WOD I found on Steele Creek's CrossFit page. We had to make a few modifications and some folks started at different points because we had more bodies than usual. We got to use the gym, though, so we had a lot of room.


Run 200m *we ran 3 laps around the gym
Unders (double) if you couldn't do you were supposed to do 2x the amount in singles
Medball Cleans *we did Wall Balls
Push Ups
K 27:03 C 27:44

Then we put everything back and went to the Synergy room and did:


5-10-15 for 10 minutes
Pull ups *i used the green band
Air squats

*Chad modified this a bit by doing 3 rounds of 15-10-5
15 situps
10 push ups
500 m row

After which, we hit up the hot tub outside. What a wonderful way to polish off a tough, sweaty workout on a Saturday morning.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Great Way to Start the Day!

First Official P2P (Gary missing from photo)
So the first official Park To Park (P2P) was this morning at 5:30AM. It was great time! There were 15 of us - comprised of folks from RVCF (current and former) and the RAC (current and former) - and we couldn't have asked for a better morning for a little run by the river! The temperature was perfect.

We started at Rotary Park in Salem, ran to Moyer Park, did 30 air squats, 30 push ups, and 30 burpees, and then ran back to Rotary. It's just shy of a 4 mile round trip.

We will be doing this again. Thanks to Mark Harrell for organizing this! You can find us on Facebook if you're interested in joining up with us.

Here's a link to my run (I did not stop my watch while I did the 30/30/30 just to keep time).

Happy Friday and Long Holiday Weekend!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today's workout wasn't prime, it was more chuck.

Warmed up briefly and then did a few hang squat cleans (warmed up with 45, then did 3 x 3 @ 65/75/75 I think), a few dips, ran 2 laps with Gary, chatted with he and Matt, and then proceeded to do a few unofficial rounds of the DUs, the punching bag, slam balls (15# is the heaviest they have), and tramp balls followed by 5 minutes on the Oribtal (or whatever the F it's called) machine.

I think Chad did the bike. It was a free-for-all.

Excited for tomorrow's "Park2Park" at 5:30AM with the ol' Red Dawn gang!

More on that later.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Got a late start today - too many hits to the snooze button. Also met up with Matt and Gary for the WOD.


Dynamic Stretches
Tramp Ball Throws


Back Squats 4 x 3
K 45/75/95/115/125
C 165/185/195/205
Run 460m
K Leg Squat Machine
C Calf Raises
Run 460m
Hamstring Curls
K Calf Raises


Bells are Boxing
KB swings
Box jumps
5:11, 5:25


Row 500m

Now for WHINESDAY: I knew I felt/looked chunkier than I have in months, but today was the icing on the cake. The moment you see rolls on your stomach and hips while lifting and when your stomach jiggles while jumping and running really proves to be an effective motivator. It has also left me very upset with what I have done after I have worked so hard for all of this time. The absence of running since the half due to a hurt foot has also hurt me dearly. I am in a bad place today. I even had Chad take my measurements again (we did the LuRong Challenge last Fall) and I am even bigger than when I started. Something's got to give. Even though I keep track of my diet in a spreadsheet denoting Cheat and No Cheat similar to LuRong, it doesn't stop me from having more cheats than I should. My weight is also VERY high, and yes, while some of it might be muscle, I know a lot of it isn't. Once I get out of this crappy mood I hope I see the light. I've got to get back down to where I was - I want to feel good in a bikini this year. So here's to the continuation of improving our fitness, sticking to more Paleo, hopefully resulting in overall happiness. I should have used that punching bag at the gym today. If you want to look a certain way, you've got to behave and eat a certain way.
Song of the Day: "Man in the Mirror"

Monday, May 20, 2013

ARManic Monday

Sore from this weekend's WODs with the Mud Freaks (mostly mid and lower back) and just plain tired. We went to a grad party last night and ate and drank things that are not necessarily conducive to weight loss. Didn't sleep well and while we were cozying with Piggy, Chad said "Let's just go to the gym tonight, if that's okay" to which I replied, "No, we're going this morning." So we did.

Warm Up

Foam Rolling
Dynamic Stretches


5 x 5
45/55/65/70/75, assisted 1 @ 80#

Push Press
5 x 5

460m run


"3 Hundred" 3RFT
25 DUs
25 push ups
25 pull ups
25 rope slams
K 16:13
C 17:28 *DNF pull-ups

Man, is it hot in there. Every time we leave we're dripping sweat. Guess that's a good thing, eh? Also used the speaker on the ol' iPhone and listened to Pandora while working out this time. Proved to be pretty effective, but I'd prefer an iTunes mix. Will have to work on that for next time.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Funday

Got after it with the MudFreaks and our RVCF buddy, Tamalyn! She's actually a MudFreak, so it's cool we all have that commonality. So fortunate to have found these guys.

HELL-no There

30 Push ups (handstand or elevated)
40 Pull ups (banded)
50 American kb swings (30#/45#)
60 Sit ups
70 Burpees
19:14, C 19:32

5 Stations

Choose any 5 activities. 1 minute per station, 1 minute rest after 5 x 3
Punching bag
Slam ball 15
Rope slams
Air squats
TRX mountain climbers
Punching Bag
Rope slams
Air Squats 
KB sumo lift
Box jumps


1 min Russian twists
1 minV-Ups
1 min max push ups
1 mile run

Then we sat around and BSed for awhile - sooooo sweaty - and then, since the pool was closed due to some pump malfunction, we had to use the indoor "therapy pool." Felt good even if it was just for a few minutes. Another solid day of work with some fabulous folks.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I've Got FIVE On It

The BollardWODSquad/MudFreaks (BWSMF) joined forces again today - Matt, Colleen, Vivian, Denise, Gary, Chad, and Kate rocked it out RAC style. Also met a guy named Steve(or was it Scott?) that would be interested in joining us along with his wife.

460m run weighted run (35#/70#)
50 power cleans (45#/135#)
460m run weighted run (35#/70#)
50 GHD sit-ups/Ab Roll Outs
460m run weighted run (35#/70#)
50 DL (65#/165#)
460m run weighted run (35#/70#)
50 single arm dumbbell snatches (25#/75#)
460m run weighted run (35#/70#)
K 37:57, C 41:00

1 minute of 5 stations of your choice, 1 minute rest x3
American KB swings
Rope slams
Mountain Climbers
Ball slams
Wall balls
Punching Bag
Jump Rope
V Ups
Goblet Squats

1 min flutter kicks
1 min plank

We totally got our sweat on - great times with great folks.

Until next time...

Colleen, Matt, Denise, Gary, Chad, and I went to Outback for dinner, where Gary ordered a "Big Bloke,' followed by Lee High lanes where we rolled, but don't worry, it wasn't on Shabbos, Walter. There we witnessed the Proctor knee move, lots of high fives, and some dance moves, especially once they dimmed the lights.

We had a great time - a night full of new friends, fun, and laughter. Also, Denise, Matt, and I dominated Gary, Colleen, and Chad on the pins. DKM - "How We DO!"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sweat to Swim


Foam Rolling
Dynamic Movements


Badger Complex
Push Presses
Bench (wide and narrow grip)


H-o-t-t Hott!
Man makers (minus thruster) 20/40#
K 9:00, C 9:50


500m row
K 2:01, C 1:43


And what a sweet reward it was. We got to swim in an 83 degree pool and rehab in a 104 degree hot tub after a tough and sweaty workout (and rinse off shower, of course). Heavenly.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

RAC 'n Roll

Dynamic Stretches
K OHS and Snatches with "PVC"
push ups
K ball sit-ups/extensions
250 m row

Dead lift
K 115-135-165#
(1RM is 200# attempted 185 today just wasn't feeling it)
C 145-235-325-415-485# PR!
Lat Pull-downs
K 75-90-90#
C 90-120-135#
Dual Pulley Row
K 75-90-90
C 120-135-150
420 m run
K 30# kb swings American
K 20 Russian Twists

On our way down to the Synergy Room, Chad literally had an emergency evacuation he had to tend to in the men's locker room, during which, he witnessed an old man dancing naked to Frank Sinatra.

We caught up with Matt and did the WOD together. Good stuff.

"Chief" 15 min AMRAP
Push ups
Air squats
Based off of Matt doing 13 rounds, I lost count (of course) but knew I was a round or two behind him, so I'm going to give our best estimate:
K 11.5 (did pull ups and push ups)
C 10.5 (did pull ups and push ups)

Also, Matt and Co. are HUGE mud run/obstacle run participants, hence their team being called, "Mud Freaks," but they have an even bigger reason to run now. Mike, one of the Mud Freaks, has a brother Chuck "Storm" Tumulak, who would do the races with them and during the last O-Race in Florence, SC, was paralyzed from the neck down during the race. You can read more about his story, purchase t-shirts, and donate to his cause here: Chuck Storm and Like the Facebook Page.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chad's BDay

31 on the 13th

Warm Up
Dynamic Stretches
(During which Chad let out a toot while squatting and I couldn't help but giggle!)
K push ups
K ball sit-ups/extensions

Front Squat 3 x 3
K 115
C 205
Back Squat (Smith) 3 x 3
Kate needs to build up on her squats again. Haven't gone heavy in awhile and it shows.
Hamstring pull downs
K Abducut/Adduct

3.1 RFT
31 air squats
31 sec plank
31 rope slams
(0.1 was 31 bonus squats)
K: 7:52
C: 8:00

31 Burpees

Wasn't feeling it today, but at least we went!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mud Freaks!

Met up with the Mud Freaks this morning: Matt, his wife, Colleen, Michael, and Wednesday. Boy, did they kick our ass! It was great! Best workout we have had in quite sometime.

10 push press @ 65
210m run
20 push press @ 55
420m run
30 push press @ 50
630m run
40 push press @ 45
840m run

When he said okay we are going to head downstairs for the next one and we said, "What?!"

30 push-ups (hspu or elevated)
40 pull-ups *banded
50 kb swings (American) 25#/55#
60 sit-ups
70 burpees
22:34 *only did 20 pull-ups

I was a sweaty mess!!

More later!!!

AFTER THOUGHT: After a kick ass workout with some cool people, and a great day of celebrating with friends (both inside and outside of the box), we realized our decision to leave our box wasn't a bad one.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Two Rest Days in a row makes for well-rested legs and feet (hopefully) - at least that's what I'm telling myself right now. Should have gone the past two mornings but alas, we chose adult beverages and bad food the night before resulting in lazy syndrome.

We must get back on the horse tomorrow.

Stay tuned for the return of BollardWODSquad.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

31 Flavors and Then Some

Sweat Out Another Year (and Raise Your Glass of Beer in Cheer!)

Dynamic stretches
Push ups
Banded Pull ups

Bench 7-5-5-3-1+
K 50-55-60-65-75-80-85-90
C 215-220-225-225-230
Power Cleans
K 65#
C 135#

WOD: thirtyone.oh
3.1 Rounds RFT
7 supermans
8 4ct flutter kicks
16 kb swings (American) 30/40#
310 m row
(.1 was superman again)
K 8:56, C 9:11

31 burpees
K 2:30, C 3:30

Then we each went to our respective steam rooms to sweat even more. I felt like it was an opportune time to sweat out my last year and start anew. A rebirth, if you will.


Even Google knows...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tired Tuesday

Warm Up
Dynamic stretching
K Ball back extensions/sit-ups
K 5 min on Octane Lateral X *this thing was kind of neat!
C 6 min on Elliptical

Squat 5-5-3-2-1+
K 115-125-130-135-140
attempted 155 before the 140 and nearly broke my balk while only halfway down. foot also bothering me.
C 205-215-225-245-
didn't do last set as someone was loitering and Chad's knee was bothering him
Dumbbell Snatches 3x7 each arm
K 25/22.5, 22.5/25, 25 
oops, I grabbed two different ones and realized after my first set that one side felt easier than the other!
C 70, 75, 75

Chad wore his Mercer County/Lawrence County Basketball All-Stars (PA) and an older gentleman approached him and told him he was from Greenville, PA! Name is Kevin Foust. I asked out loud why that sounded familiar and another guy working out near us said he is ex-FBI and currently the Chief of Police for Blacksburg. Pretty neat.

Metcon - nope, not an official WOD today
K Banded pull-ups
K TRX abs
Rope Slams
K 12# Tramp ball throw
This foot really needs to chill the F out so I can get back to the DUs, jumps, and high-impact workouts and finally try Xtreme!!

We also did 40 Birthday Burpees for one Mark Harrell when we got home!! Happy Birthday, DUDE!!

This is my last day as a 30 year old - more Birthday Burpees tomorrow!

Monday, May 6, 2013


So we ate and drank what we wanted this weekend both here in Roanoke and in the greater Charlotte area. Would have loved to have gone for a run there, but that's right, I can't. Stupid Foot. Can't believe it's been 2 weeks since the HALF!

Papa John's

Olde Mecklenburg
The Burger Company
Red Fez for my Cousin's Wedding

Flying Biscuit
El Rodeo

Yup. Gotta get back to it today and well, tonight - didn't make it to the RAC this AM.

With my foot still bothering me, I just keep growing increasingly frustrated because I can't do what I want to be doing in the workout realm. Soon, I hope.

Hope to come up with a good plan for tonight's WOD Squad. Will post later.


UPDATE: We did not go. Exhausted. Rainy days and Mondays...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Row

Day 3

Warm Up
Dynamic stretches

As Chad and I were walking towards the bench area I said, "I just caught a hint of shit."  followed by, "Just like CrossFit." After our time at RVCF, we are right at home lifting near bathrooms.

Bench 5 x 5 w/ crunches in between sets
K Warmed up with 10 of 45#, then 50-55-60-65-70#
C 185-195-205-215-220#
K 20 TRX abs
Gravitron Pull Ups and Dips *MUST GET A PULL UP!!!
K GHD Situps and Extensions
Tricep pulldowns

Not So Gently Down The Stream 3RFT
500m row
50 air squats
20 TRX ring rows
K 16:55, C 17:45

The Synergy Room started getting busy and we were sweating and feeling it when Chad said, "Do you just want to do 2 rounds?" and I quickly responded with, "No, we're doing 3."

Heard from the guy who was busting out DUs and looking fit as a fox as I was walking by after finishing the WOD:

"You guys sure get after it ."

His name is Matt, a Navy guy from Norfolk, head of his unit's training programming, who lifts there every morning M - Th and heads up a group on weekends that does CrossFit WODs together at the RAC and at parks. We chatted and exchanged numbers. Super nice dude.

Chad said, "Looking forward to throwing some weight around in the morning with Matt next week. The WOD Squad is expanding already."

Grabbed our daily 'cup o' joe and headed home and enjoyed this.

. Turkey sausage, onion, and egg scramble.
Photo by Chad


Thursday, May 2, 2013


Day 2

Since we have done CrossFit Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we went for a water day.

The lanes were full when we first got there, so we did some movements in the therapy/aerobic pool, then did some laps once they opened up, and capped it off in the warmer therapy pool with some more movements to try and loosen our sore muscles and my ailing foot/ankle.

We also each enjoyed our respective steam rooms (Chad's experience was a little less desirable than mine - I'll let him post about that if he so chooses) and called it a day after we picked up a cup of complimentary coffee. Nice perk, by the way.

My foot/ankle are killing me, so I'm really hoping my massage tonight really helps. Cheryl Penn of Kneading Relaxation is great. I've also been told to head to Balance Chiropractic. I know I need to, just a matter of setting up an appointment!!

That's about all she wrote for today, folks. Make it a good Thursday!

And as Mary J. wisely sings...No More Drama.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1 at the RAC

4/30/13 after our last WOD
Our CrossFit journey began on Saturday, February 10th 2012 and it has played a huge part in our life since then. We have not only made progress mentally and physically, but we have made lifelong memories and most importantly, friends. We are certainly going to miss sweating, swearing, and bleeding at 5:30AM with our Red Dawn buddies, but we are glad to know we will still have their support and friendship no matter where life takes us, and that truly is priceless.

Tuesday, April 30th 2013 brought our last day at Roanoke Valley CrossFit due to price increases and our ongoing search to find a house, so we said "see ya later," not "goodbye" to our dear friends at RVCF.

Today was our first official "Outside of the Box" day. We are now working out at Roanoke Athletic Club (RAC) on our own. We are The Bollard WOD Squad.


Warm Up
Dynamic Stretches
10 push ups
TRX ring rows and TRX abs

Push Press 5 x 5
K: 45, 50, 10 dips, 55, 60, 10 dips, 65#
C: 115, bench crunches, 135, 145, 150, 155# 
210m lap 
Bicep dumbbell curls (15#/35#/45) 
210m lap

MayDay 3RFT
15 ball slams (bouncy 12#/15#)
20 rope slams
25 kb swings (30#/40#)
30 sit-ups
K 8:33, C 9:18

Here's to many more exciting days of staying on the healthy path and keeping each other motivated.

+Chad Bollard