Thursday, June 27, 2013


We were a little slow going this AM, but knew we had to get up and go! Rocked out to TP&THB on the way there and were amped up by "Refugee" upon heading in. 

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches


K 7 x 5
C 7/7/5/5/5/7
Crossover Cables
K 20# each side
C 50/50/60
K Roman Chair Abs Super set
C Tricep Pulldowns Super set


American KB swings (30/44#)
C 18:01 *singles on most rounds
K 18:21 *Rx


1 min each:
Plank hold
Russian Twists w/ med ball (10/12#)
R side KB bend
L side KB bend

We most certainly felt it after being somewhat inconsistent for the past week and a half. It was certainly a good workout. Until next time...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pub Run 'n Fun

Again with the trouble waking up in the early morn - we used to be pros and lately it's been quite daunting and seemingly impossible due to complete exhaustion and I'm thinking the heat may play a part in this as well. As do excuses, of course. But, we did have a plan to go to the Pub Run in addition to the gym, so at least we did have another backup activity.

So, we did partake in the Pub Run and boy was it HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT. I mean devilishly hot. Excruciatingly hot. Couldn't-Stop-Sweating-Hot! Yet there were a record amount of participants. Just goes to show a good thing is a good thing. Probably should have taken water with us on the run despite the short distance due to the extreme fluid loss; lesson learned. We did drink water when we got back and continued to drink some later (along with some adult beverages) at Village Grill with some fine folks.

Here's my run click on "View Details" for splits, elevation, and detailed speed (if you feel like it!):

Monday, June 24, 2013

Guess Who's Back, Back Again?

So...we've taken a bit of a hiatus from the RAC - 11 days to be exact - but about 7 days of a break from activity due to the ups and downs of life, lack of sleep, being busy, and well, excuses.

At any rate - we had every intention of going this morning, but the lack of sleep thing reared its ugly head again, so alas, we went this evening. It was the most packed we have ever seen it - all of those damn college kids!!

We didn't do a whole lot of lifting; we tooled around on some of the weight machines as the free weights and barbell areas was jam-packed and it was already after 6, so after a little light lifting and a few laps around the track, we headed to the Synergy room to face our fate.


10 TRX ring rows
20 burpees
20 sit-ups
K: 17:10
C: 18:42

Let me just say, after little sleep and even less water, and a week off, this wasn't exactly pretty or fun, but by God, we did it. We even had a visitor, a one Dr. Will Moore, and we breathlessly chatted while amidst this workout. He expressed that he was not envious and that we were the "workiest outest people he's met" to which Chad replied in jest, "Then you must not know many people who work out."

All in all a good WOD and we got our sweat on, but most importantly, we are getting back in the groove.

I'll leave you with this image as it speaks volumes and will serve as continued motivation for us:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summertime and the Livin's LAZY

So...haven't done anything since Monday (and haven't lifted since last week!!) other than walk Piggy and walk to Kroger and back. Not good, but can't beat ourselves up about it. Had a rough week and I'm sure working out would have helped, but lack of sleep, motivation, and energy just wasn't there. Had plans to wake up and do the Park2Park thing at 6AM this morning, but we stayed out very late - about 1AM, which is very much out of character for us these days. We did get some dancing in, so perhaps that helped to burn a few calories.

At any rate, really trying to muster up some motivation today to get some sort of workout in and get back in the groove. If we don't, tomorrow is the start of a new day and a new week and we can get back to it!

Here's to shaping back up so we feel better when sporting those swimsuits and skimpier clothing when the heat rises!

Operation RESET.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Keith Sweat(in')

We didn't hit up the RAC this morning, and because it was a such a nice day, we decided to take it outside to Garst Mill!

"Park Sweats"
400m run
16 burpees
16 walking lunges
K 17:58
C 19:15

Here's a link to my Garmin workout - I left it running the whole time to get my time and until a few seconds after Chad was done, so my real activity really ended at the 17:58 mark.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Color Run!

As they say, it truly was the Happiest 5k on the Planet!

The BollardWODSquad, along with some of our closest friends, ran this fun race! Here's a link to all of our photos:

The Color Run

Highly recommend this - and they are coming back to Roanoke next year!! Yayyy!!

Also, I have had this song in my head since then as it is so apropos!


Friday, June 14, 2013


Run during Lunch = Runch

Since we didn't hit up the RAC that AM, I decided to run the Hanging Rock Trail by work. Got my sweat on for sure - too bad we don't have showers. I had to cool off and do a quick clean up and back into my work clothes afterwards!

Here's my 3.94 run:

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day of Thurs

Warm Up

Foam Rolling
Dynamic Movements
K Ball back extensions


Dead lift
70/75/80/85/90% 1RM TRW

K 200# 1RM 180# TRW

C 485# 436.5# TRW 
*if it had been a straight bar; not sure the # with that contraption he swore he will never use again.


26 Dumbbell snatches (22.5/70#)
13 Pull ups (banded)
26 Rope slams
13 2ct Russian Twists w/ medball (12/15#) 
K 19:20
C 20:52

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Yoyoyo. Took a few days off due to exhaustion and excuses. Back at it today.

Warm Up

We warmed up by foam rolling and doing some dynamic movements. Nothing fancy.


snatch  (snch5. Sports A lift in weightlifting in which the weight is raised in one uninterrupted motion from the floor to a position over the lifter's head.

This is a movement I didn't do very much of while at our box. Chad, on the other hand, can lift a ton and dons a WOD Addiction shirt that reads, "Give Me Snatch or Give Me Death."

K 35#/45# 
C 135#/155#

Neither of us kept track of how many we did, but this is obviously something I need to work on. Chad did take some videos, so I may ask for feedback at some point.


Don't TRP
(this is the one I was going to do solo on Saturday)
15 thrusters (60#/90#) straight bar
250m Row
15 push ups
K 13:38 *straight bar sucked!!
C 14:25

There was an older gent who resembled the old, gruff judge groveling "I object" as he cleared his throat in that old man way incessantly while rowing on the second rower we would have used, so Chad adjusted by starting with thrusters, going to push ups, then to rowing. 

We may try and do the first Pub Run since before the Half tonight...didn't make it last week. My damn foot is still giving me grief. We'll see how it feels later!


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sorted Saturday

So this wasn't a typical Saturday - Chad went golfing, something he used to do a lot and hadn't in awhile, so it was good he did! Sounds like he had a good time. I, however, went to the RAC with our friend Jaime and did two classes - mixed it up.

We did BodyPump, something I hadn't done in at least 2 years, and to be honest, after throwing around a lot of heavy weights with CrossFit, it was just as trying doing more reps at lower weights (but heavier than when I used to take the class). We followed that up with CxWorks - a 30 minute class focused on the core, including glutes! It was definitely a good way to get the blood boiling on Saturday. Plus, I got to save the WOD I had planned for myself for BollardWODSquad next week!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thirsty for Thursday

We didn't go this morning. It was a torrential downpour and the bed was just too comfortable and we were just too tired to get up. So, alas, we made ourselves go this evening. Glad we did.


Foam Roal
Dynamic Stretches


Bent over row
K 5 x 10 @ 45/65/65/70/75#
C 3 x 7 @ 185#

K 2 bicep curls @ 45#

Iso-lateral Front Lat Pulldowns
3x10 @ 35/40/45# each side
C 3 x 10 @ 80# each side

Pulley Row
K 3 x 8 @ 90#
C 3 x 10 @ 120#

Dumbbell Bicep Curls
K 4 x 7 @ 15/15/17.5/20
C  3 x 10 @ 40/45/45

Barbell Bicep Curl 
K 2 x 7 @ Unknown weight
C 7s (3 x 21) @ 75#

To preface, Chad hates KBs, so of course I needed to make up a WOD that consisted entirely of KB movements!

"You Can Swing My Bell"
KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (30#/40#)
KB Situps 
KB Swings 
KB Row 
(30#/40# each arm)
*40# was highest available in multiples
C 10:27, K 10:28

K :30 plank


500m row
C 1:50 
K 2:11

Have a good night, folks!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2fer Tuesday

We got going a bit late, but even after all of the excuses Chad threw out there, I said, "Who cares? We are going." Ran into our buddies Matt and Gary and I also ran into a former colleague who had just joined the RAC a week ago. All in all a good morning.


Smith Squats
3 x 5
K 95/105/125
C 185/195/215

Incline Squat
K 2 x 10 @ 160
C 2 x 10 @ 230


Pump It Up
10 bench presses (65#/135#)
20 dumbbell goblet squats (30#/55#)
:30 plank hold
10 bodybuilders
K 10:45
C 11:09

Planning on doing the Fleet Feet Pub Run tonight; it's been since before the Blue Ridge Half Marathon! We usually go quite regularly as they are certainly fun events. The ol' left foot/ankle/tendons/muscles are still giving me grief, but hoping to pound it out anyway.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday, Monday

Atop Read Mountain 6.1.13
Finally back to the gym after a bit of a hiatus. I worked out in a park last Monday, we both went to the RAC last Wednesday, and I worked out at home on Friday. We hiked Read Mountain with some friends and our dogs on Saturday and took it easy yesterday. Gotta get consistent again - with workouts and food!

Warm Up

Foam Rolling
Dynamic Stretches


Hang Power Clean
3 x 5
K 75/80/85#
C 165/150/155#
Tricep Superset
Tricep Pulldowns w/rope
K 3 x 10 @ 70
C 3 x 10 @ 180
Gravitron Dips
3 x 10 @ 100# assistance
K 10min on the Octane Lateral X
C 10min on the recumbent bike


10min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push ups
15 Sit-ups
K Lost track, but I think it was 6 + 5 pull-ups
C Lost track, but think it was 6


Row 500