Monday, June 24, 2013

Guess Who's Back, Back Again?

So...we've taken a bit of a hiatus from the RAC - 11 days to be exact - but about 7 days of a break from activity due to the ups and downs of life, lack of sleep, being busy, and well, excuses.

At any rate - we had every intention of going this morning, but the lack of sleep thing reared its ugly head again, so alas, we went this evening. It was the most packed we have ever seen it - all of those damn college kids!!

We didn't do a whole lot of lifting; we tooled around on some of the weight machines as the free weights and barbell areas was jam-packed and it was already after 6, so after a little light lifting and a few laps around the track, we headed to the Synergy room to face our fate.


10 TRX ring rows
20 burpees
20 sit-ups
K: 17:10
C: 18:42

Let me just say, after little sleep and even less water, and a week off, this wasn't exactly pretty or fun, but by God, we did it. We even had a visitor, a one Dr. Will Moore, and we breathlessly chatted while amidst this workout. He expressed that he was not envious and that we were the "workiest outest people he's met" to which Chad replied in jest, "Then you must not know many people who work out."

All in all a good WOD and we got our sweat on, but most importantly, we are getting back in the groove.

I'll leave you with this image as it speaks volumes and will serve as continued motivation for us:

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