Warm Up
We warmed up by foam rolling and doing some dynamic movements. Nothing fancy.
snatch (snch) 5. Sports A lift in weightlifting in which the weight is raised in one uninterrupted motion from the floor to a position over the lifter's head.
This is a movement I didn't do very much of while at our box. Chad, on the other hand, can lift a ton and dons a WOD Addiction shirt that reads, "Give Me Snatch or Give Me Death."
K 35#/45#
C 135#/155#
Neither of us kept track of how many we did, but this is obviously something I need to work on. Chad did take some videos, so I may ask for feedback at some point.
(this is the one I was going to do solo on Saturday)
15 thrusters (60#/90#) straight bar
250m Row
15 push ups
K 13:38 *straight bar sucked!!
C 14:25
There was an older gent who resembled the old, gruff judge groveling "I object" as he cleared his throat in that old man way incessantly while rowing on the second rower we would have used, so Chad adjusted by starting with thrusters, going to push ups, then to rowing.
We may try and do the first Pub Run since before the Half tonight...didn't make it last week. My damn foot is still giving me grief. We'll see how it feels later!
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