Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Last of April

Friday, April 24

Saturday, April 25 - Happy 8th Birthday, Piggy!
Spin/RPM aka sweatfest
K - More work (bis, tris, abs in the Functional Training Room)
C - Can't remember?

Sunday, April 26
Walked Piggy in the evening once the sun finally came out!

Monday, April 27
K - Runch. I felt really sluggish the first two miles and finally picked up in the final mile, despite have to stop to pull a rock out of my shoe.
C - RAC Xpress: Elliptical, Back, Shoulders

Tuesday, April 28 - The Day We Met (9 years ago!)
K - Pure Barre
C - RAC Xpress: Elliptical and Stepper
      Walk Piggy

Wednesday, April 29 - Date Night
Walked to and from Grandin for dinner and a movie.

Thursday, April 30
GRIT Strength in the PM is the plan.
I'd like to get another run in, but we have a busy evening ahead of us and I didn't bring proper stuff to run at lunch. Hoping to get some running in this weekend!

GRIT calendar wrong. So...
500m row 2:06
Tuck jumps, push ups, dynamic stretches

15 KBS #35
15 Burpees

4 Rounds (no clue on time)
:30 war ropes
15 sit-ups

Core work

Barbell stuff

3 Rounds
10 thrusters (55#)
10 2ct mountain climbers

10 min orbital elliptical
1 sprint lap around track 

C - Stuff at the RAC. Didn't get details. Most likely cardio and some lifting.

Here's to MAY and kicking our tails even more!

BDay countdown to 33:
K - 8
C - 13

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Even Some More April

Saturday, April 18
Mowed Lawn
Danced at Big Head Todd & The Monsters
C - Bike Ride
Mowed Lawn

Sunday, April 19
Nada. Rest Day.

Monday, April 20
K - Precor AMT Elliptical - 10 min
Back Squat 5/5/5/5 @ 35/85/105/125#
Cleans (some power) @ 55/65/75/80
Push Press 3 x 5 @ 55#
Snatch Practice 22#
OHS Practice 22#

Untimed "WODs"
3 Rounds
10 wall balls 10#
5 Burpees

3 Rounds
10 AKBS 30#
10 sit-ups

2 Rounds
10 TRX Ring Rows
10 2 ct mountain climbers


Steam Room!

C - Arc for 15 minutes
Hang cleans, push presses, rowed 500m
Bicep curls, skullcrushers, rowed 500m
Ran 3 laps (7.5 laps = 1 mile)

Steam Room!

Tuesday, April 21
K - Pure Barre at Lunch
C - Nada

Wednesday, April 22
Mama's Birthday!!!
Did nothing, I felt sick/allergies. AWFUL.

Thursday, April 23
K - Rowed 1000m
Deadlifted 5/5/5/5/5/1 @ 85/105/125/145/155/175#
RDLs 5/5/5 @ 105#
Rowed 1000m
Slam balls 20@25# (highest they have)

Ran 1 lap (7.5 laps = 1 mile)
20 AS
Ran 1 lap
20 lunges
Ran 1 lap
20 sit-ups
Ran 1 lap
20 2ct mountain climbers

Steam Room!

C - 10 min Stepper
30 min Elliptical
Bench Press
Cable Crossovers
Pull-ups (Gravitron)

Friday, April 17, 2015

More April

Tuesday, April 14
K - GRIT Strength
Random exercises
C - 30 min elliptical
10 min stepper

Wednesday, April 15
K - Complete and utter exhaustion after awful sleep
C - nada

Thursday, April 16
K - Pure Barre
C - nada

Friday, April 17
K - GRIT Cardio
Little bit of biceps, triceps, abs
C - 15 min stepper
30 min elliptical
10 min AMT stride
Post-Gym. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

First Full Week of April Part II and then some...

Thursday, April 9
Walked around Midtown ATL once we got in. Saw film crews and extras.

Friday, April 10
Hit up the hotel gym for cardio, lifting, core and walked around ATL.

Saturday, April 11
Walked around ATL after getting a nice driving tour from our friends.

Sunday, April 12
Walked to our friends' 2 streets up after a super long drive back from ATL.

Monday, April 13
C - Mowed lawn
K - Ran and did various squats, burps, cleans, sit-ups, KBS, planks, etc.

I really cannot wait to get a Jawbone UP3, but I'm holding out for the silver, so it's going to be awhile. It was nice that my phone keeps track of my steps, but the Apple Health app isn't the most user-friendly or informative.

I also cannot wait to build back up on my running, it's been slow-going since the Half in November. Need to slim down like woah.

Here's to keeping after it...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First Full Week of April Part 1

Monday, April 6

Rowed 3 min

3 Rounds
10 25# slam balls
Rope Slams

5 min stepper

Tuesday, April 7
Slow Jogged back home

Wednesday, April 8 - Happy Rex Manning Day!
10 Min AMRAP
10 box jumps 20"
10 AKBS 44#
10 wall balls 10#
1 farmer's carry 35# kbs
3+ 26

1 Bear Complex @35#
Cleans (Power and Hang Power)
55/75# (no count)

Back Squat Light

AMT Open Stride
15 minutes

00:00:56 running lap (7.5 laps = 1 Mile)

Elliptical 30 min
Hang Cleans 3x10 @115#
Push Press 3x10 @115#

Crossover Cables 3x10 @50#
50 sit-ups

What is it about gyms with old men who clear their throats like old judges? They are inundated with them! So annoying!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Weekend

It was a beautiful weekend to be outside here in The Star City.

Saturday, April 4
K - Pure Barre
C - Bike Ride and Piggy Walk

Sunday, April 5
K - Run and Piggy walk back from Grill
C - Piggy walk to and from Grill

Birthday Countdown
Kate - 32
Chad - 37

Friday, April 3, 2015

And...We're Baaaaack!

A lot has transpired since we've last posted: we bought a house, ran the Richmond Half Marathon, celebrated holidays, and found out Norfolk Southern is relocating us to Atlanta by August. We've also purchased a grill and we have thoroughly enjoyed it since we bought it later last month. It's grillin' season!

We have been very unmotivated and stressed and it was time to shake things up and get back to it. Unfortunately, we had to make a tough decision and leave our beloved XF Box this past week. We also dropped our Planet Fitness membership since that was a backup gym anyway. Lastly, we rejoined the artist formally known as The RAC, Carilion Wellness. It's saving us money and providing us with a great facility we can use at all hours, including pools! They have done extensive renovations and offer new classes and a bigger functional training room, which was where we did much of our BollardWODSquad thing to begin with. It would appear after many unanswered requests, they finally caught on.

And in light of our coming 33rd Birthdays and extreme need for motivation, we decided to take on what I deemed as the "33 Challenge." We have to get our move on for at least 33 minutes everyday for 33 days starting March 29th, but really for more than 33 since we will do so up to (and plan to continue well past) our birthdays. It was a way to surge us back into the lifestyle we have lived and loved but have let excuses, stress, and lack of motivation get in the way.

So here we are - 6 days in *really more like 5* and we have done well.

March 29
Eased into it by walking to and from Grandin on our Sunday Funday.

March 30
K - Ran with Piggy around the block
Both - Bike Ride

March 31
Walk to and from our friends' for an impromptu dinner. We were. Little shy of 33.

April 1
K - Spin Class (they have new bikes!)
C - Lifting

April 2
K - Run 3.88 (slow going) and 2 Rounds of modified KB Gladiator Complexes in the yard
Round 1: 10 KBS @35#
Round 2: 8 KBS + 2 DB Power Cleans @ 15# ea arm
Round 3: 6 KBS + 2 DBPC + 2 Squats @ 15# ea arm
Round 4: 4 KBS + 2 DBPC + 2 Squats + 2 Presses @ 15# ea arm
Round 5: 2 KBS + 2 DBPC + 2 Squats + 2 Presses + 2 Squats
C - Bike Ride

April 3
K - Les Mills GRIT Cardio and 3 min rowing
C - 25 min on the Exercise Bike and Lifting

Here's to feeling healthier and stronger each day.

Birthday Countdown
Kate: 34 Days
Chad: 39 Days