Saturday, April 25 - Happy 8th Birthday, Piggy!
Spin/RPM aka sweatfest
K - More work (bis, tris, abs in the Functional Training Room)
C - Can't remember?
Sunday, April 26
Walked Piggy in the evening once the sun finally came out!
Monday, April 27
K - Runch. I felt really sluggish the first two miles and finally picked up in the final mile, despite have to stop to pull a rock out of my shoe.
C - RAC Xpress: Elliptical, Back, Shoulders
Tuesday, April 28 - The Day We Met (9 years ago!)
K - Pure Barre
C - RAC Xpress: Elliptical and Stepper
Walk Piggy
Wednesday, April 29 - Date Night
Walked to and from Grandin for dinner and a movie.
Thursday, April 30
GRIT Strength in the PM is the plan.
I'd like to get another run in, but we have a busy evening ahead of us and I didn't bring proper stuff to run at lunch. Hoping to get some running in this weekend!
GRIT calendar wrong. So...
500m row 2:06
Tuck jumps, push ups, dynamic stretches
15 KBS #35
15 Burpees
4 Rounds (no clue on time)
4 Rounds (no clue on time)
:30 war ropes
15 sit-ups
Core work
Barbell stuff
3 Rounds
10 thrusters (55#)
10 2ct mountain climbers
10 min orbital elliptical
1 sprint lap around track
C - Stuff at the RAC. Didn't get details. Most likely cardio and some lifting.
Here's to MAY and kicking our tails even more!
BDay countdown to 33:
K - 8
C - 13
BDay countdown to 33:
K - 8
C - 13