Sunday, August 10, 2014

Last Week Outside of the Box

Monday, August 4th
Pure Barre PM*last class as my 1 month is up on the 7th

Tuesday, August 5th
Nada, although I had planned on doing the Pub Run and even possibly going to the RAC in the AM. Waking up proved to be too difficult and work kept me late. Boo.

Wednesday, August 6th
AM Greenway Run
Walk with Piggy

Thursday, August 7th
Nada, although there was good intention to do something at one point.

Friday, August 8th-6 Year Engagement Anniversary
Met with some of our Red Dawn Rogues for a run. I ran more slowly than normal and it felt good!! I was accompanied by Janet and Alicia while Chad walked with Piggy.

Saturday, August 9th-Microfestivus
Fully intended to do a 3 - 4 mile run, but this stupid rain was a bit much. I could've gone to the RAC and done the elliptical or even run on a treadmill, but alas, I did not.

Sunday, August 10th-Day After Microfestivus
Sleep was very interesting, but hopefully it was a good collective effort from the different pieced-together times.

I ended up doing a makeshift Pure Barre class in our living room sans bar or ball while watching Bar Rescue - Oh, John Taffer! I definitely worked up a sweat and would like to try and maintain some of the moves to help with core, seat, thigh, and overall toning. Eventually, I'd like to get a bar (Lowes!) and a ball (Amazon!) and continue to try and work that in as a supplemental workout to...

CROSSFIT. Yep. We are going to be CrossFitters again starting tomorrow, August 11th at 0530. We will be joined by many good friends and are excited to be back in the grind. I have to say, though, that the following best sums up my feelings about it:

MUST get this t-shirt.

Posts will be Back in the Box after today! Craycray. Here it comes...

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