Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week 2 in the Bo(x)oks

Aug 16 - 23

I ran 4 miles early in the AM on Saturday, August 16th. Emmy did some run and walking while Chad and Piggy walked.

Em, Charlie, Lottie, and I hiked on Murray Run on Sunday while Chad was still recovering and resting on Sunday.

18 -21
Monday - back to it!! The whole first part of the week was full of great, kick-ass WODs! Chad was still recovering but finally made it back to the Box on Wednesday (he did mobility while we did the WOD, but nonetheless, he was there)!

Unfortunately, after the Wednesday WOD, my left shoulder started to bother me - different than the right shoulder that had been injured in my previous bout at the old box. So, I iced and stretched and rolled, etc. I didn't go to the Open Gym mobility on Thursday AM due to being a bit concerned, but I did end up taking clothes to change into and went during lunch and it seemed to help me out a bit as we did some light rowing, bulletproof shoulders, some hip flexor work, and some stretching. I iced throughout the day as well.

Chad went Friday AM and did well. I wanted to sleep in but couldn't as my internal clock is starting to really fall back into the early morning rising. However, the first official RRCF Ladies Night was at 7:30pm, so I knew I wouldn't be going in the AM. It was a great event! We all sweated our rears off during the planned partner WOD and then we ate, drank, and socialized. A good night, indeed.

Saturday AM, I ran 5 miles and Chad walked with Piggy on the greenway.


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