Friday, August 30, 2013


Via Chevy Malibu.

8.30.13 DAY 1
First Stop - Ass Clown Brewery.Ended up heading to Triple C and our friends' as well. Then we headed back to Fort Mill.

8.31.13 DAY 2
Maxed and Relaxed for quite sometime. Then we decided to get moving and go for a run at the Riverwalk (Fort Mill/Rock Hill). Then we visited the Lululemon store in South Park Mall and off to Downtown CLT. Enjoyed a burger at Cowbell, a quick beverage at Connolly's on Fifth, and then joined what seemed like hundreds of PSU fans at Fitzgerald's for the PSU v. Syracuse game! We then hit up RC Grill and Sandbar, which is walking distance to Chad's sister, Amber's place.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

100 Burpees

So we worked out Monday AM, had company coming Tuesday so we woke up early and finished whatever cleaning and tidying we hadn't accomplished previously, and were here to greet them upon their arrival Tuesday evening. Didn't sleep well or enough on Tuesday night, so Wednesday AM was out of the question, and after a day of work, the exhaustion had its grip on us. Thursday AM it is...or it was. Chad was up working on work 'til 11:30 last night and had been gung ho on going to the gym, but when I came down to get him, he was too tired. So, I took matters into my own hands without going to the gym: I did 100 Burpees for Time in our kitchen. I threw on my Pandora and used my Pocket WOD App Timer.

Here's the breakdown:

31 2:17 *Did these on May 8 and May 13 for our Birthday Burpees and I beat both times 2:30/2:32! I did both of those sets after a workout vs. this being the only workout.
50 3:57 Halfway there!

100 8:29 DONE!

Tomorrow is a must. Also hoping to get my run on in the KEYS!!!! Did I mention we leave for KW in 3 days!? Probably should have been better with workouts and diets, but we have had A LOT going on that proved to make it difficult. And really, this isn't just a lame excuse, either. However, I'm sure working out would have helped curb the stress and emotions, but it is what it is. We can only go up. We haven't given up. We won't give up. This is our life.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Thanks, Jim!

A new day, another Monday. Had to hit up the gym. Thanks to Coach Jim Fischer of CrossFit Big Fish for the WOD idea; see "The College Kids WOD" from 8/24/13. #besomebody today!

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches


Push Press
K 45/65/75/85/90/90# PR
C 155/165/175/180#


"Noke University"
500 M Row
Run 200 M
30 Air Squats
Run 200 M
20 Burpees
Run 200 M
20 4 ct Bicycle
Run 200 M
30 Dumbbell Swings (65/35#
Run 200 M
30 Hang Power Clean (45/135#)
Run 200 M
K 20 Front Squats (65#)
C 20 Push Press (95#)
Run 200 M
Row 500 M
C 23:02
K 23:12 *Chad beats me on the row every time!!

Cheers from VA!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Had a slow moving morning, but finally got ourselves dressed to go for a run on the greenway. Once we got there, however, we ended up talking and walking while having one of the best conversations we have had in a long time. The only bad thing about it was the awkward sunburn since I didn't put sunscreen on because we left around 10am and I figured I'd only be exposed for 30 minutes, not 2+ hours.

We did end up walking nearly 7 miles, so we certainly got our sweat on. We then rewarded ourselves with Smoothie King.

Not the most strenuous of workouts, but we got out there and enjoyed the beautiful day!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bring 'Em Out

Got a bit of a late start this AM and didn't have much of a plan, so we went with back exercises. For some reason, I had TI's  "Bring 'Em Out" in my head, but I can't say we total brought it out.


Iso-Lateral Front Lat Pulldown
K 4 x 10
35/40/45/50 (# ea arm)
C 3 x 10, 1 x  8
70/85/90/95 (# ea arm)

Dual Pulley Lat Pulldown
K 3 x 10
C 3 x 10

Dual Pulley Row
K 3 x 10
C 3 x 10


EMOM 2 minutes
3 Bench (65/135#)
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Push Press

This was supposed to be for 10 minutes, but it really was an awkward WOD and our hands were killing us. It was also pretty late and we had to get going in order to get home and shower and be ready for work when we should be. Excuses? Yes. Are we done? No. I didn't feel like we did enough, so hoping we'll come up with a WOD to do after work today. We did take Piggy for a little spin around the complex when we got home, too.

Should be back later with more...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Put It Down

So we haven't really done anything active since Friday other than walk our dog, so we absolutely had to make it to the gym this morning.

At any rate, we could have gotten our booties in gear to keep some of the stress and anxiety at bay, but we chose to eat and drink instead. Hence, we had to turn it up today. Jeremih's "Down On Me" was playing when we started in our our warm ups.

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretching
C Row


K Back Squat
45/65/75/95/115/135/145/155 PR!
*need to work on form - shift weight on way up and stay on heels more

C Inverted Leg Press
4 X 8 @ 600#
4 x 10 @ 400# calf raises


Row 1000m (10 blotter)
50 AS
30 Push Ups
C 8:18
K 8:31 *including 10 sec to get phone for time

"It Takes Two"
2 laps (2 laps = approx 1/4 mi)
20 DB snatches
2 laps
20 bicep curls
2 laps
20 dips
2 laps
K 14:03
C 14:32

Definitely got our sweat on!


Lefty Williams 8/16/13


Story coming soon.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Phew, we finally made it to Friday once again. I was feeling pretty weak this morning, at the gym, but we got it done. I will admit I am not being smart about my vitamins, fish oil, or protein. Gotta get back on that; it might help!! More house hunting tonight after work, so glad we went this AM.

Warm Up

Dynamic stretches
250 m row
Tramp ball throw


K 10/10/5/2/3

C 10/5/10/5

2 laps


"It's Friday"
10 power cleans
2 laps
10 push press
2 laps
10 front squats
2 laps
10 thrusters
2 laps
K 13:05
C 14:39

K "Quick Capper"
Bent over KB Row (20# ea arm)
4 ct mountain climbers
Russian twists

:30 plank

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Would have loved to have slept in, however, took yesterday AM off and had yet another unsuccessful house search after work last night, so a good workout was in order.

Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches
K Row 250m
K 2 Turkish Getups
C 2 x Row 250m


K Squat Cleans
1 Bear Complex @ 50#
50/70/80/90/95/100# *PR!!
Failed at 105 - got in my head

C Back Squats

(During which we rocked out to a Rick Ross station courtesy of Pandora on my iPhone)

5 Burpees
10 4ct Mountain climbers
150m row
K 9:14
C 10:01

5 Push-Ups
10 Russian KB Swings
15 Sit-Ups
K 6:47
C 6:56

The A-Holes in the Outfield won their first Playoff Game on Monday, so tonight is their next, and quite possibly last, kickball game of the season. I'll probably take Piggy to the Greenway since it's supposed to be a beautiful day/evening and perhaps even get in a little run with her during part of the game. Also considering another RUNCH. We shall see.


Set out to do 4 miles in the beautiful weather, but me, my body, and my sports bra just weren't feeling it. I ran two. At least I did a little extra in the evening and took advantage of some fresh air.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Seriously, Monday?

Blink and the weekend is gone. Mondays seriously come way too quickly. But alas, it was time to get our act together this AM, especially after this past weekend of libations and food. Hell, especially after the past few months of Summer, really. Really time to kick it up in high gear and try and shave off some of these LBs we've gained (especially me) as of late. I want to get back down to where I was 10 lbs ago!!

At any rate, we only have 19 days to really get our act together before we head of to KEY WEST!! 

Here's what we did this AM...

Warm up

Dynamic Stretches
Foam Rolling


K Front Squat Form Focus (lighter)

C Bench

K Gravitron Pull Ups
10 @ 90# assistance
10 @ 80# assistance

C Cable Crossovers


"Grrr, It's Monday"
10 min AMRAP
20 Ring Rows
20 Push Ups
20 Air Squats
K 3 + 20 RR
C 3 + ?

K 20 sit-ups
K Plank


Chad had a playoff kickball game, so I decided to tag along and go running on the greenway in the heat and humidity! I ran 3 at a slower pace.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

WOD Before Beer; In the Clear

Since Chad has a hell of a strawberry on his leg from kickball, we did our own thing this morning. Most definitely had to get our sweat on before Microfestivus!!

2 laps ~ 1/4 mile
2 laps
20 burpees
2 laps
20 push ups
2 laps
20 4 ct mountain climbers
2 laps
20 air squats
2 laps
20 sit-ups 
2 laps

"Fest Yet?"
Row 250
25 KBSDHP 30#
25 slam balls 15#

2 rounds
5 push press 135#
5 front squats 135#
5 bicep curls 95#

2 rounds
5 push press 155#
5 front squats 155#
5 bicep curls 95#

Ran 2 laps
2 rounds
Row 250 
20 rope slams
Random dips, pull ups, ball slams (12#)

Now let's go drink some beer!!

Cheers :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Guess What Day It Is?

Warm Up

K 250m Row
K Punching Bag
K Tramp Ball Throws
K Push Ups
C 500m Row
C Band Stretches


Incline Bench
3 x 8 @ 155#
Military Press Machine
3 x 8 @ 80# ea arm

Practice on Snatches
55/75/80/85/95# *assist on 95


"Gerard Butler's Warm Up"
300m row (K 6/C 10 blotter)
30 American KB swings (K 30/C 40#)
30 sit-ups
30 rope slams
K 15:40
C 16:06

Monday, August 5, 2013

Motivation is Key (West)

Well, after a fun weekend of a lot of "living," I was tipping the scales this AM.

If this isn't motivation enough to get our butts in gear, I don't know what is!!!


Chad has a kickball game tonight and I'm going to run during lunch since the weather will be relatively cooler and because I have some girl time scheduled to hang with my cute prego friend, Sarah tonight!

We'll be eating a spaghetti squash alfredo meal and it sounds quite delicious. Looking forward to it!

I'll post the results of my run later...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

WOD Up with That?!

Met up with our Mud Freaks this morning for an 8am wake up call! Matt, Colleen, Wensday, Shannon, Chad, and Kent.

Like any other time with these folks and with Matt as the ringleader, we did multiple WODs. 

Here's WOD what we did:

"Thrust 'til You're Dead"
*Disclaimer: I make up these WOD names, so laugh all you want.

Thrusters (50#/95)
Burpee Dumbbell Dead Lifts (40#/65# ea arm)
K 12:11
C 12:25

"WOD Up 50?!"
50 DUs
50 clean & press 45#
1 lap, 25 DUs
50 pull ups on Gravitron (110# assist)
2 laps
50 Dumbbell snatches (25# ea arm)
2 laps
50 Dead lifts 65#
2 laps
50 abs (40 wheel rolls, 10 sit ups)

2 laps
Pull Ups on Gravitron (?# assistance)
2 laps
50 Clean & Press 115#
2 laps
50 bicep curls 70#
2 laps
50 bench presses 185#
2 laps
50 sit ups

Friday, August 2, 2013

Down By the River

Met up with some of our Red Dawn pals this AM at Salem Park for a great warm up, some skill work, and a 25 minute AMRAP WOD.

We started out with some lunges and quick jogs back into line to get the heart rate up and muscles warmed up. Then we did some work with front squats and recognizing areas of improvement or hindrance. Biggest thing to remember - tight butt, tight gut - something I have not kept in mind for awhile. Your muscles are the cast of your body and protect us from injury. The WOD consisted of the following, keeping conscious of a tight core all the while:

  • 8 PVC front squats
  • Weight Plate Carry across the lot
  • 5 Burpees
  • Run from the lot up to the top of the hill near the lot on Apperson/Electric and back ~ 0.45mi
  • (Repeat)

Wish I could remember how many rounds I got through, but I know I ended on 5/8 front squats.

It was great to see some of the faces we were so used to seeing many 5:30ams of the past to bring some things we tend forget back to light for our minds and bodies.

Takeaway of the day: invest in PVC pipes, reallllly pay attention to your body and work on trouble areas before they become worse or permanent injuries, and as always: TIGHT BUTT, TIGHT GUT!

Looking forward to the next time!