Saturday, August 3, 2013

WOD Up with That?!

Met up with our Mud Freaks this morning for an 8am wake up call! Matt, Colleen, Wensday, Shannon, Chad, and Kent.

Like any other time with these folks and with Matt as the ringleader, we did multiple WODs. 

Here's WOD what we did:

"Thrust 'til You're Dead"
*Disclaimer: I make up these WOD names, so laugh all you want.

Thrusters (50#/95)
Burpee Dumbbell Dead Lifts (40#/65# ea arm)
K 12:11
C 12:25

"WOD Up 50?!"
50 DUs
50 clean & press 45#
1 lap, 25 DUs
50 pull ups on Gravitron (110# assist)
2 laps
50 Dumbbell snatches (25# ea arm)
2 laps
50 Dead lifts 65#
2 laps
50 abs (40 wheel rolls, 10 sit ups)

2 laps
Pull Ups on Gravitron (?# assistance)
2 laps
50 Clean & Press 115#
2 laps
50 bicep curls 70#
2 laps
50 bench presses 185#
2 laps
50 sit ups

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