Monday, August 12, 2013

Seriously, Monday?

Blink and the weekend is gone. Mondays seriously come way too quickly. But alas, it was time to get our act together this AM, especially after this past weekend of libations and food. Hell, especially after the past few months of Summer, really. Really time to kick it up in high gear and try and shave off some of these LBs we've gained (especially me) as of late. I want to get back down to where I was 10 lbs ago!!

At any rate, we only have 19 days to really get our act together before we head of to KEY WEST!! 

Here's what we did this AM...

Warm up

Dynamic Stretches
Foam Rolling


K Front Squat Form Focus (lighter)

C Bench

K Gravitron Pull Ups
10 @ 90# assistance
10 @ 80# assistance

C Cable Crossovers


"Grrr, It's Monday"
10 min AMRAP
20 Ring Rows
20 Push Ups
20 Air Squats
K 3 + 20 RR
C 3 + ?

K 20 sit-ups
K Plank


Chad had a playoff kickball game, so I decided to tag along and go running on the greenway in the heat and humidity! I ran 3 at a slower pace.

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