Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Saturday, May 16
K - Cycle
2000m row
8 running laps (7.5 = 1 mile)
Biceps and Triceps

Work around the house

C - work around the house 

Sunday, May 17
Walked down to and from the Grandin Food Truck Rodeo with Piggy.

Monday, May 18
K - Push Press, Good Mornings, Bent Over Row w/ Barbell and weights
2000m row
Biked 3 miles
8 running laps (7.5 = mile)
Additional shoulder and back lifts (workout in the notes)

C- RAC Xpress - 25 minutes elliptical, 15 bike, 20 biceps and chest lifts

Tuesday, May 19
K - XTreme (workout in the notes)
Swam 10 laps, biked 8 miles, rowed 2000m

Wednesday, May 20
Red Dawn OG Parking Lot WODIt was good for my soul. Good luck to Peter,  but hoping to see him, everyone (and those who couldn't be there) at least one more time before he moves and definitely more than that before we move!

Thursday, May 21
C - mowed lawn

Friday, May 22
2000m row

50 singles with bead rope
40 sit-ups
30 35# KB swings 

Multiple Farmers Carry w/ 30# KB (only multiple they have)
25# Weight plate "sled" push

3 miles on the bike

Came home and Ran around the block with Piggy (~1mi)

C - RAC Xpress
A lot or lifting 
8 minutes of Cindy (subbed ring rows)

Walk around the block with Piggy

Saturday, May 23
C - Walked Piggy on the Greenway (little running, too)

Walk into the Grill and back w/Piggy

Sunday, May 24
Walk into the Grill and back w/Piggy

Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day
K - 1000m row
Lifted Biceps and Triceps

"Mini Murph"
Ran 8 laps (7.5 laps = 1 mile)
25 ring rows
50 push ups (knees)
100 air squats
1000m row (instead of another 1 mile run)

C - 1000m row
Lifted biceps, chest, triceps
1000m row
Push Presses
1000m row

Tuesday, May 26
K - Nada
C - Mowed Lawn

Wednesday, May 27
K - RPM (toughest and best one ever!)
      2000m row
      Core Work
C - 10 mi on bike
      1000m row
      Back and Shoulders
      Core Work

Off to Atlanta, so we'll have to get our sweat on there other than the sweat from the heat!!! They don't call it "Hotlanta" for nothing! ;)

Friday, May 15, 2015

My My May

Thursday, May 14
K - Pure Barre
C - Stepper for 20 minutes
Elliptical for 20 minutes
Bike for 20 minutes 

Friday, May 15
K - GRIT Cardio
1000m row
8 running laps (7.5 = 1 mile)
1000m row
Stretch and Roll

C - Biked 8 miles
3 Miles Elliptical
Core work

I've got to say, we have been going at it for a good while and have improved our eating, yet we are struggling (especially me) to lose much weight. I'm worried that due to getting the Skyla 5 months ago, that it could be a contributor. I'll keep pushing forward and hope for better results, but i've never not seen results after this long and I'm growing increasingly frustrated that my efforts, while not necessarily wasted or in vein, are not yielding the results I'm used to or expected.

We'll keep going as we took quite a veer off the healthy and very active path after the Half, and I'm hoping all of this hard work will finally pay off not only in our overall health, but in our appearance as well.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

More of the Merry, Merry Month of May (and Another Birthday)!

May 10th - Mother's Day
K - Spin Class
Rope Slams
3 RDS - 10x10# wall balls, 10 sit-ups

Back strengthening floor exercises
Core Exercises

1000m row

C - Started Spin, back bothering him so...
...instead he did 1000m row, bike, lifting, core. Doesn't remember specifics.

Monday, May 11th
K - 500m Row, GRIT Strength, 500m Row
C - 30 minutes Elliptical and 30 minutes Stepper

Tuesday, May 12th
K - XTreme
C - 10 laps swim, 6 miles bike, 3 miles elliptical
      Mowed the lawn

Wednesday, May 13th - Happy 33rd Chad!
K - 4 RFT
500m row
Run 4 laps (7.5 laps = 1 mile)
29:05 *including transitions

Bike 4.1 miles

As he stated to me, he had a little trouble with his 33 year old math so instead of breaking it into three activities of 11, he broke it into three activities of 13.

C- Swam 13 Laps
Biked 13 Miles
Walked 1.3 Miles on the Treadmill

Welcome to 33 Club, Chad!

Friday, May 8, 2015


Friday, May 1
K - Lift 'n Run (after each set of bi and tri reps, I would run a lap). Ran 2+ miles of 7.5 laps = 1 mile.
Followed this up with some abs.

C - Doesn't remember.

Saturday, May 2
K - Slow 4 mile run followed by a walk with Piggy.
C - Mowed the lawn and golfed 18. Also walked to our friends'.

Sunday, May 3
Bad sleep, woke up late. Walked Piggy and onto Charlottesville for the Ryan Adams concert!!!

Monday, May 4 - May the 4th Be With You
K - GRIT Strength. New release. LOTS of legs. 10 minutes ARC Trainer.
C - Chad did not do anything as he was tending to house stuff.

Tuesday, May 5
K - Pure Barre
C - RAC Xpress - elliptical and stepper.

Wednesday, May 6
Nada. Wanted to, but didn't. Crap.

Thursday, May 7
K - Pure Barre
C - RAC Xpress - shoulders, back, elliptical.

Friday, May 8 - 33 - it's my Rolling Rock Birthday!
K - Run 'n Lift 12 laps 25-33 minutes?! (7.5 laps = 1 mile)
DB snatches  10 ea arm x 3 @22.5#
DB bent over row 10 x 3@22.5#
DB presses 10 x 3 @ 22.5#
Lat pulldown 10 x 3 @ 67.5#

Rolling Rocked
33 burpees - 2:00
33 KBS 44# - 0:54
33 25# slam balls - 1:55
33 sit-ups - 1:09 ( yoga mat on inside outside carpet, no abmat)
0:33 plank
33 Superman Flutters
Miscellaneous Back/Shoulder exercises/mobility
Foam Roll

C - Biked 7 miles
tricep pulldowns
abs/core work
pullups/dips on Gravitron.

RAC Started a new Challenge - the IronMan Fitness Challenge. We signed up. Should be a good one to keep us on it.