Friday, May 8, 2015


Friday, May 1
K - Lift 'n Run (after each set of bi and tri reps, I would run a lap). Ran 2+ miles of 7.5 laps = 1 mile.
Followed this up with some abs.

C - Doesn't remember.

Saturday, May 2
K - Slow 4 mile run followed by a walk with Piggy.
C - Mowed the lawn and golfed 18. Also walked to our friends'.

Sunday, May 3
Bad sleep, woke up late. Walked Piggy and onto Charlottesville for the Ryan Adams concert!!!

Monday, May 4 - May the 4th Be With You
K - GRIT Strength. New release. LOTS of legs. 10 minutes ARC Trainer.
C - Chad did not do anything as he was tending to house stuff.

Tuesday, May 5
K - Pure Barre
C - RAC Xpress - elliptical and stepper.

Wednesday, May 6
Nada. Wanted to, but didn't. Crap.

Thursday, May 7
K - Pure Barre
C - RAC Xpress - shoulders, back, elliptical.

Friday, May 8 - 33 - it's my Rolling Rock Birthday!
K - Run 'n Lift 12 laps 25-33 minutes?! (7.5 laps = 1 mile)
DB snatches  10 ea arm x 3 @22.5#
DB bent over row 10 x 3@22.5#
DB presses 10 x 3 @ 22.5#
Lat pulldown 10 x 3 @ 67.5#

Rolling Rocked
33 burpees - 2:00
33 KBS 44# - 0:54
33 25# slam balls - 1:55
33 sit-ups - 1:09 ( yoga mat on inside outside carpet, no abmat)
0:33 plank
33 Superman Flutters
Miscellaneous Back/Shoulder exercises/mobility
Foam Roll

C - Biked 7 miles
tricep pulldowns
abs/core work
pullups/dips on Gravitron.

RAC Started a new Challenge - the IronMan Fitness Challenge. We signed up. Should be a good one to keep us on it.

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