Thursday, June 26, 2014


Sunday, June 22nd
So began the LONG DRIVE from hell back whilst extremely sleep deprived and exhausted after albeit, a fun, but short weekend with family in Indiana.
We got home just in time to catch most of the 2nd half of USA vs. Portugal at Village Grill!
Needless to say, we did not do any sort of working out unless you include sitting in a car, bending elbow, or jumping up and down and shouting for a scored GOAAAAAAAAAAAAL.

Monday, June 23rd
Run with Piggy. It was VERY brief, but hilly. And hot. Oh, it was hot. My bronchials are not treating me well as of late so I am struggling more than usual. I've also lost all of that mileage at which I was becoming somewhat comfortable in preparation of starting to increase. Half Marathon is Nov 15. EEK!
8 min Tabata WOD
Push Ups, Plank, Situps, Air Squats, Lunges, Flutter Kicks.

Tuesday, June 24th
Run in the heat at the Salem Greenway. Was dying and I felt like I was exerting a lot more effort than normal to yield the speed that I was. The heat didn't help, nor did my respiratory issues. Holy hell. I just want to get back to my running happy place.
Walk with Piggy along the same Greenway. Gout toe wasn't helping his case. I took Piggy towards the end as he was hobbling and we did one last quick little sprint up a little hill (not recorded).

Wednesday, June 25th
Nothing. Was too exhausted to wake up early as usual and by the time we both got home we were too exhausted to work out. Yes, working out can help wake you up and reinvigorate and re-energize, but just couldn't muster up that fortitude.

Thursday, June 26th
Same. Even though I woke up to my early alarm, I couldn't pry myself out of bed fast enough to fool myself into going to the gym. Shame. And working late yet again (at least 3rd day this week) and my chest/cough/bronchial condition bothering me, just not feeling it even though I really want to. It's summer, it's nice out. I'm tired, but I'm also losing muscle and gaining weight. Boo.

Really needing some motivation and namely more recovery; Chad's foot/sciatica and my respiratory and solid sleep.

Need to get to the RAC tomorrow. No more excuses. We were in a good swing of things and just need to get back in the groove. Gotta get swole, so back to the iron tomorrow. Morning workouts really do suit me (and us) much better than post-work ones. Too many things can change between the time you are feeling ready to work out and the moment you walk through that door to return home.

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