Thursday, October 20, 2016

Here We Go, Now

Several things have transpired since my last post:

We have attended 4 more 101 Classes - it's so great to get back into it!

Gotten our sweet new kicks (see right) for being Founding Members and for me "referring" Chad

Gone to the Chiropractor twice - Dr. Sebastien is awesome!

Traveled to SC for our friends' beautiful wedding        
Run at Berkeley Hall - said wedding site and where we stayed

Seen a few more concerts - Brett Dennen and The Hip Abduction

Witnessed the Indians clinch the American League Pennant - WORLD SERIES BOUND!

Finished reading The Girl on the Train (I've got to see the movie!) and started reading How to Get Run Over by a Truck, a fantastic memoir by my fellow DU Alumna

Continued with our Fresh 'N Fit meals, but had a few CHEATS during wedding weekend and concerts. Could have been much worse, was definitely more mindful for the majority of them, but some of it was consistent with what has been our norm. However, sustainability, remember? It's a journey and there will be ups and downs - it's not all or nothing. 

Tomorrow marks halfway through 101 - 2 more weeks then we are official graduates and can enter the normal Tribe classes! Soup Nazi Saturday afternoon and Allen Stone Saturday evening (early show, thank goodness). Then it's 10 miler time early Sunday AM hopefully followed by some Atlanta Streets Alive!

Ciao for Now!

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